5 coarse additives that you eat

Including a bagel made of human hair.

5. L. cysteine

Also known as: Human hair, duck feathers

Find in: Bagels, bread products

Here's what it takes to make an ordinary bagel: flour, water, salt, yeast. Unless you are a popular bagel chain. Then you throw hair and human duck feathers. Many bagels and processed bread products contain enzyme L. cysteine, a "pulp conditioner" of natural sources - namely the feathers of human hair and poultry. Einstein Bros. And Dunkin 'donuts have both confirmed with L. cysteine ​​in all their bagels. The hair and feathers also make an appearance in the pizza pizza garlic, in the tombstone pizza, and in the mickey d wheat rolls, cinnamon rolls and apple pies.

Eating Lender bagels

NOT THAT! Einstein Bros Bagels

4. Cellulose

Also known as: Wood chips

Find in: Grated cheese

If one of the ingredients of your cheese was crushed wood chips, do you consider "organic"? Serious people who work at Bio DO Horizon. On the label of their finely shredded cheddar cheese is the word "cellulose", which means processed wood chips. You will find cellulose in most ready-to-use cheeses because it stops the strands of glue together. It is often soaked with sodium hydroxide (chlorine) and classified as a synthetic ingredient, but the FDA, apparently by pinch for the wood industry, allows its use in "natural" and "biological" labeled foods. Bottom Line: The shredded cheese can be practical, but you do not need to eat wood pulp. Buy a block instead and scratch your own. (And make sure to stay away from these assiduous cheeses that boast of their own frightening additives.)

Eating Organic Valley Grassmilk Raw Sharp Cheddar

NOT THAT! Organic Cheddar Cheese Horizon, finely shredded

3. Propylene glycol

Also known as: Antifreeze

Find in: Mild ice cream

How do you make more scopable frozen ice? Right-up in the antifreeze! It looks like a suggestion bodle, but the people of lean cow, fatty bricks and smart carbs (among other brands) use antifreeze, otherwise called propylene glycol, in their "light" ice to make them easier to scooper. Back it! True ice is a high leniency in fat made from milk, sugar, cream and sometimes eggs. Your best bet is to keep it real; The more the list of ingredients simplifies, the better. In addition, the food you make at home is better tasted. Try our irresistible recipes for spicy buffalo wings, pancakes and more that help you lose weight without sacrificing the flavor.

Eating this! Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Ice Cream

NOT THAT! Caramel cut of the ice cream of lean cow

2. Tripolyphosphate sodium

We know it like: Pesticide

Find in: Frozen fish

Something Fishy goes down in the frozen alley to American supermarkets: spoiled and expired fish are made to look fresh with a chemical additive that allows them to maintain moisture. This is called sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) - a presumed neurotoxin, a registered pesticide and an air contaminant that the FDA considers "generally recognized as safe" to eat. Europe, Canada and other countries have total level limits of the NPP authorized in seafood (, 1% to 0.5%), but the United States does not have such regulations. Companies are not required to label this additive, but some packaged products do. If in doubt, stay dry. Seafood labeled as "dry" were not treated with STPP; Seafood marked as "wet" were soaked in.

Eating High quality cod fish sticks of the natural sea

NOT THAT! Gorton crunchy crispy fish fillets

1. Arsenic

Also known as: Arsenic

Find in: Grape juice, apple juice

You surely do not intentionally do children a fruit juice with Arsenic in?! Researchers have recently discovered that people who regularly drink apple juice have an average of 19% of 19% Arsenic in their urine than those who do not do it; Grape juice drinkers have 20% higher levels. The inorganic arsenic is a known carcinogen. The FDA has recently defined a standard of no more than 10 ppb (parts per billion) in the juice, but a study of consumption reports revealed that many commercial fruit juices have reached or exceeded this level, including samples. Apple & Eve, of great value, Mott, Walgreens and Welch's. It is likely that the inorganic arsenic is making a path in fruit juice via arserentic soil in US orchards (the pesticide result used decades) and juice concentrate from China. Limit your consumption from these two juices to no more than 8 to 12 ounces a day; No more than 4 to 6 ounces for children up to 6. or enjoy Olympics.

Drinking Uncle Matt orange juice with pulp

NOT THAT! 100% welch grape juice

Categories: Healthy Eating
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