The bad habit raising your risk of cancer

This is something that everyone is guilty of doing too often too often, and it's more dangerous than what you could have thought.

If there is something that everyone can agree is that there isa bad habit So many people have adopted in recent months.And that's how how long you go. Live through apandemic has led a lot to spend more time inside at home, but all these hours passing from your bed to your sofa and back to your bed might be againIncrease your risk of cancer. More specifically, dying of cancer.

How is your risk of dying from cancer?

According to a recent study published inJama Oncology, the researchers found that those who live an extremely sedentary life can be as much as80% more likely to die of cancer that those who are not sitting so much.

The study examined by almost 8 002 participants, a group composed of multiracial men and women, middle ages and women to health, because some were overweight, smokers, had high blood pressure,DiabetesAnd others were meager and exercised regularly. Of these participants,268 Dead Cancer, and they were also those who spent the most sitting.

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So for those who have spent more hours sit down, the likelihood that they would die from dying increased. But do not be too frightened because there is a silver lining here.Researchers also discovered that those who have made a kind of exercise every 30 minutes instead of continuing to sit downlowered their risk of dying of 31% cancer.

And you do not have to do an intense workout, either. Barely 10 minutes walk, cleaning or other low-impact physical activity instead of sitting for these a few minutes to have resulted at the risk of dying of cancer by about 8%.

Great take away from this study?

Make sure you find the time to get up and move! If you notice that you are sitting too, whether it's because you work on your computer all day, then decide to watch Netflix on your sofa you, you will want to find the time to move. Go for a walk in the block or even exercise while watching this TV show. If this helps to reduce your chances of dying of cancer, so it's worth it.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips
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