Survey reveals the real state of restaurants

Restaurant workers discover the dangers they face daily.

You could have probably guessed that being arestaurant During the pandemic is difficult. But a new report published by a fair wage, a non-profit organization working at the eradication of wages subject to workers tilted, shows how much the circumstances in the workplace have become millions of people who depend on the advice for win their life.

In addition to the creeping turning toCOVID-19 security protocols From customers, restaurant workers are also exposed to an increase in abusive behavior and sexual harassment. Not to mention, most of them report that their tricks are down more than half since the pandemic has begun. When you take into account that the average wage of rocked workers is US $ 2.3 at the federal level and $ 5 or less in nearly 40 states, it is clear that most of them do not make a living wage.

Here are some of the most shocking outcomes that emphasize the fate of service workers in restaurants.

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They face a significant risk of COVID-19

taking orders

Cases of coronaviruses are part of the country and service workers are one of the most vulnerable populations. A exhaler 44% of the surveyed revealed that at least one or more of their colleagues in their restaurant contracted Covid-19.

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Most employers do not systematically follow COVID-19 protocols

restaurant staff

What is worse, the workers say that restaurants often do not have adequate protective gear and protocols in place to prevent the spread of CVIV-19 among the staff. A shocking 89% of the restaurant workers said that their employer does not systematically follow the COVID security protocols, while 25% indicated that their employer provides no personal protective equipment (EPP) to wear that would keep them at the security.


They are frequently exposed to customers without massive


And even when the restaurant staff carries face masks, customers who ignore the security rule continue to pose the greatest risk for them. Up to 84% of workers reported being less than six feet of at least one person who does not wear mask at each shift and that 33% report being less than 30 feet 30 individuals without mask every quarter work.


Tips decreased during the pandemic

empty tip jar

During the pandemic, when the front-line restaurant workers sacrifice their own health and health of their families to do their job, their income has decreased considerably. Since most restaurant workers rely on advice to earn a minimum wage, it is a devastating shot that 83% of them say that their tips have declined during the pandemic, while 66% say that The amount of their incomes advice has decreased by more than half.


They are punished to apply security measures

dissatisfied with tip

The shock in the execution of the security protocol ends up falling on your servers and waitresses, who say they feel reluctant to fulfill these functions because of the concerns it will result in less advice. And they are not false-67% of respondents reported receiving smaller advice after applying such client protocols.


They are worried about abusive customers

upset customers

And not only their advice may suffer, but high instances of an abusive behavior against restaurant workers makes them reluctant to intervene when the safety guidelines are ignored. Nearly 80% of them reported having been hostile or attending customers in response to the application of security protocols, while 59% reported having experience of the hostility on a weekly basis.


They experienced an increase in sexual harassment

upset waitress

One of the most shocking discoveries is perhaps that restaurant workers are experiencing an increase in sexual harassment cases during the pandemic. Out of 1,675 workers surveyed, 41% reported having noticed an increase in the frequency of unwanted sexual remarks from customers. Two-thirds of rocked workers are women and dozens of them reported comments that have male feedback asked them to delete their masks. "Women are literally invited to expose yourself to illness and death for the pleasure of male customers - and all for a sub-minimum salary," said the report.

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Categories: Restaurants
Tags: News / Restaurants
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