8 ways your breakfast makes you weight, let's say experts

Prepare for success by avoiding these errors at the beginning of the day.

Many experts say that eating a good,balanced breakfast is one of the best ways to prepare for a successful day of consumption. Why? BecauseA good breakfast helps you feel full and satisfied,nourishes your body the appropriate nutrients he needs and can give youenergy all day. Yet breakfast is an important meal to eat - especially when you defineHealthy breakfast habits For yourself - it is also important to avoid ways of breakfast you weight. That's why we talked with some dietitians and registered health experts to learn the pitfalls when it comes to preparing yourselfto gain weightand the appropriate habits to follow instead.

Here are the ways of yourbreakfast Give you weight and how to repair them, and for healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Do not add protein to your breakfast.

butter toast

"Do not have enoughprotein In the morning can let you feel dissatisfied later. This can therefore lead to consuming excess calories later in the day, "said Mackenzie Burgess, registered dietary nutritionist and recipe developerCheerful choice. "Make sure to pair your favorite breakfast items with a lean protein to feel greater longer. For example, associate a banana with walnut butter bites or a cereal bowl with aHard egg. "

Or you can try one of them19 high protein breakfasts that hold you fully.


Eating high sugar foods.

apple cider donuts on cooling rack
Jennifer Tatum / Shutterstock

"When you wake up, try not to eat anything withhigh sugar Wheresaturated fat As can affect liver health, "says a certified personal trainer, ADDY O'Neal has co-writtenThe total body functional program. "You should also eat healthy and integers because it will help increase your metabolism throughout the day."

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Only eat carbohydrates.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

"A breakfast centered oncrabAnd only carbohydrates - can let us feel voracious in no time, "saysMolly kimball, R.D., CSSD. "Even seemingly" healthy "options. Think cereals, milk and fruits, or whole grain waffles with sugar-free syrup, fresh fruit smoothies and of course oh-many brands of yogurt and granola And cereals. These are carbohydrate, carbohydrates and more carbohydrates, with little or no protein or fat to stay power. "

"I'm not saying that the carbohydrates are" bad ", but certainly rounded them with protein and / or fats," says Kimball. "And we can often benefit from the composition of the amount of carbohydrates and add it in proteins and / or grease. An example would be as follows: instead of two waffles with sugar-free syrup, opt for a waffle with whole grains with nut butter. Or a slice of whole grain bread with a scheme of lawyer or hummous, garnished with an egg. Instead of cereals and milk, try dry fiber dry cereals a clear Greek yogurt (2% against fat). "

Or reinforce the protein in your favorite breakfast with ourTasty waffle recipe and subjected to protein!


Skip the breakfast entirely.

Woman with empty plate at wooden table, top view

"Skip breakfast However, it does not always lead to weight gain, however, if skipping breakfast leads you to eat too much at lunch or dinner, so that could result in weight gain, "saysSandy Younan Brikho, MDA, RDN and founder ofThe dish on nutrition. "There are few ways to avoid this: If you are not super hungry in the morning, eat at least one snack that you are satisfied to lunch and you are less likely to eat too much. If you rush in the morning and skip breakfast because of a lack of time, I would recommend you to prepare fast breakfast items that you can enter within 5 minutes before leaving the house. This will help you. Integrate breakfast more easily and reduce overparts later in the day. "


Do not eat a balanced meal.

Plate of pancakes

"If you do not have a balanced meal at breakfast, it could result in weight gain," says Younan Brikho. "For example, if you only eatCrepes, then you have no protein orfiber. Proteins and fibers help with fullness and prevent too much eating later in the day. One way to improve this meal is to add 2 protein sausage bonds and fiber-filled food such as a banana with pancakes and rising Manuka's delicious honey as a healthy alternative to syrup. How to avoid this: Includes 15 to 30 grams of protein at breakfast and include fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. "

here is9 warning signs that you do not eat enough fiber.


Only eat cereals.

eating cereal
Ryan Pouncy / Beldshshshshshsh

"[Cereals], for the most part, refined grains and artificial nutrients added," says Silvia Carli, R.D with1 and 1 life. "They are also generally high sugar that will provide an immediate burst of energy, but cause a crash very soon, unless combined with healthy protein and fat."

So be sure to avoid theseCereals for unhealthy children on grocery shelves.


Restricting too many calories.

whole almonds cutting board

"Starting your day with an extra breakfast can prepare you to feel hungry later, which takes you to too much eating during the evening hours," Rachel Fine MS, RD, CSSD, CDN and owner ofPeak nutrition. "This is a common problem, especially for those who tend not to be hungry in the morning or balancing a busy schedule and work work. To fight against that, think about the balance: a small -Draw a source of protein, carbohydrates and fat. For example, instead of simply eating egg whites, cook an entire egg and associate it with a sliced ​​lawyer and whole grain bread. Once paired with energizing carbohydrates of whole grain bread, healthy insaturated fats of lawyer and egg protein keep you feel more powerful and more satisfied until your next meal. "


Eat too fast.

man rushing through quick breakfast

"Eat quickly and random can lead to increased calorie consumption," says Shannon Henry, RD ofCare Clinic EZ. Henry recommends integrating proteins into your breakfast for you to feel full throughout the day and make sure you do not wait to eat too late in the day or that it will negatively affect your levels of energy.

Need easy breakfast ideas? Check out our list of91+ Best healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss.

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