The best and the worst coconut milk classified
If you are looking for a non-dairy drink for your smoothie, your pudding chia or oatmeal, you will start starting with the best coconut milk.

There are so many uses for a coconut milk drink:smoothies, coffee, cereals,night oats, or to drink as it is. Because there are tons of different types of coconut milk and drinks, it can be difficult to differentiate them from each other to find the best coconut milk of your needs.
"It's important to remember that there is a difference between coconut milk, coconut cream andCoconut water, "says Amber Pankonin, MS, RD, LMNT, Authorized Dietidian and owner ofTailist.
"You absolutely want to look for coconut milk and ideally, look for coconut milk that is either in the refrigerated section of box varieties available on the shelf. Canned coconut milk is preferable to cooking and not to drink because They are very high in bold and calories. "
Like mostHerbal alternative milk, Coconut beverage experiences a renaissance. On a2019 studyExperts felt that total sales of coconut milk in the United States were $ 880 million. And popularity comes more and more labels on the market, which can make it difficult to determine which one you should buy.
That's why we consulted with diet nutritionists to set up this guide to choose the best coconut milk.
What is coconut milk?
"Coconut milk is made from shredded coconuts that has been pure, thermal, then mixed with water and other additives, including some vitamins," says Pankonine.
While coconut milk is creamy in texture like dairy, it does not come with lactose (ideal for those withLactose sensitivities) In addition, it is herbal, so if you arevegan or trying to try aPlant-based dietThis can also be an excellent alternative.
The advantages of coconut milk to drink.
- It's free dairy. "An advantage is that it's non-dairy. It's beneficial for people looking to moisturize with non-dairy alternatives," says Pankonin.
- Many drinks are fortified by nutrients that many plant-based dianangers are missing."Another advantage is that most are strengthened from vitamin B12, which could be beneficial forpeople who do not consume meat or products of animal origin, says Pankonin.Sammi Haber Brondo, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietary nutritionist and author ofEssential Vegetable Recipes Book Adds that "coconut milk is also generally a good source of essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamins A, E and D."
- It contains healthy greases.The unique fat content and the type of coconut fat also make it a return drink to people on the Keto regime. "It is high in medium chain triglycerides (or MCT), which are often considered a beneficial source of saturated fat because they contain significant fatty acids and are converted into energy more efficiently than other sources of saturated fat" , says Haber Brondo. "Coconut milk is also higher in fats compared to other non-dairy alternatives, which could be more fulfilled or creating a greater sense of satiety," says Pankonin.
How to choose the best coconut milk?
We asked the dietitians to share the nutritional criteria they examine when choosing the healthy coconut duration.
- Added sugars Are a major thing to watch when it comes to choosing the healthiest coconut milk. "With regard to embedded and refrigerated varieties, I would encourage people to look for unsweetened varieties or those that have been sweet with Stevia, which are about 45 to 50 calories per serving," says Pankonin.
- Flavor improvements: Another thing to search is other flavor improvements. "Many coconut treatments will also contain" natural flavors ", which are extracts from animal plants and products that serve as flavor improvements," says Haber Brondo. "But they are also often combined with various other additives that can be natural or synthetic. While the FDA does not regulate the term" natural ", the expert expert group of manufacturers of flavors and extracts confirms that Natural flavors meet their safety standards. Overall, natural flavors on the list of ingredients are probably safe, but it boils down to personal preference. "
One thing to note is that these drinks usually contain "extra and thickening stabilizers for freshness and texture," says Haber Brondo. "You will see them on the label as gum or acids, but they have nothing to fear."
The best coconut treatments you can buy.
In any particular order, the dietitians share their first choices for healthy coconut brands.
Unsweetened silk coconut milk
"Silk Coconut MilkAlso has a list of ingredients similar to others: water, coconut cream, gums and added vitamins and minerals. I like it to have some different vitamins and minerals added, "says Haber Brondo." A Gobing One Cut A: 35% of the recommended daily quantity of calcium, 35% of the recommended amount of vitamin B12, 20% of the recommended amount of vitamin A and 20% of the recommended amount of vitamin E. It is so rich as different nutrients, this coconut milk is an excellent replacement of milk milk. It's just a good dense plant option and based on nutrients, you should include in your diet. "
So delicious organic coconut, unsweetened vanilla
"Vanilla just adds a hint of flavor," says Pankonin. "In terms of calories, this option is the lowest calorie at 45 calories by 8 ounces fluid. It also contains half of your percentage of daily value of vitamin B12, a daily daily value of vitamin D and a daily value. 10% calcium. "
Original Original Coconut Drink Trader Joe
"This coconut milk has neither curator norCarragenaenan In this drinking coconut milk (see the following section for more information on CarrageEnan), "says Charlotte Martin, MS, RDN, authorized diet nutritionist and owner ofFashioned by Charlotte. "In addition, it is fortified vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamins A, D and B12. Dairy products are one of theBest sources of calciumSo, if you avoid it, it may be more difficult to meet your calcium needs, which is where supplementation is useful. "
If delicious free coconut milk chocolate free coconut
"If you are looking for a soft option or maybe arecovery drinkIt would be a good option, "says Pankonin." These are about 90 calories by 8 oz serving and, in addition to containing vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium, it also contains about 200 milligrams of potassium and 160 milligrams of sodium that can be beneficial for Those seeking to replace electrolytes after a workout. "
365 Non-sweet coconut milk daily, vanilla
"Once again, vanilla just adds a hint of flavor," says Pankonin. "In terms of calories and grease, thiscoconut It is about 50 calories per 8 ounce portion, contains half of your daily value percentage of vitamin B12, a daily value of 25% of vitamin D and a daily value of 10% calcium. "
If delicious coconut milk released without dairy products
"This drink is low calorie at 45 calories and the lowest of saturated fat, "saysCatherine Perez, MS, RD, a dietitian registered withThe charge group. "It has the largest amount of B12 fortified in the lot, which is ideal for those who need the additional fortification of fortified foods and drinks. It also has some vitamin D and calcium also added. Bonus: If delicious adds some selenium and zinc too. These nutrients are great as an addition given many falls of these minerals. "
365 non-sugar coconut milk every day, original
"It's a great alcohol option for the same reasons as the Joe Trader Coconut Drink, they have an almost identical nutritional profile. The great differentiation is that the TJ is a stable shelf while the WF ONE is refrigerated, "said Martin. "In addition, this one is double the size (64 oz vs 32 oz), so you will last longer."
The worst coconut milk you can buy.
Dietitians shared that there are no coconut drinks that you should avoid completely. That being said, the best coconut trees are better than the following options. So, if an item in the list above is available with the following drinks, you must opt for the best option.
Pacific Foods Organic Coconut Milk, Original
"There is nothing wrong withPacific Food Coconut Milk. His list of ingredients is similar to the rest with water, coconut cream and gums. But this coconut milk has the least nutrients added to this one, "says Haber Brondo." It has only a small vitamin D added, as well as a trace of calcium. If you eat a rich diet In other nutritious dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you do not necessarily need additional vitamins and minerals added to your coconut milk. But, if you are looking for the brand that will give you The most bang for your money, other brands will be an excellent source of many essential nutrients. "
Coconut milk of coconut
"This coconut milk Contains a very controversial ingredient: Carraghenan. Manufacturers add from Carragenaenan to food products as thickener and emulsifier, "says Martin." Some evidence suggests carrageenantriggers inflammationand digestive problems; However, we have limited search on this subject. Fortunately, most other brands have removed this controversial ingredient of their products, so it is quite easy to avoid this brand in favor of another. "
Califia farms range from coconut coconut milk
"This coconut milk Is not it bad, it's just not as big as the others. It has the same list of ingredients, but lack of additional nutrients; It's a good source of calcium, and that's about everything, "says Haber Brondo." If we are not nitpicking, it's the only unsweetened version that has sugar. (To be fair, it's only one gram.) He has the highest amount of sodium of all coconut treatments, I compared: 180 milligrams in one cup, against about 50 milligrams in most other Brands. Once again, there is nothing very wrong with this coconut milk, but if you have to choose, the other options have some advantages. "
Add Perez ", while this milk has not added added sugar, it also seems to lack significant nutrients. The only nutrient added is the calcium (daily value of 35%), No B12 and vitamin D."
So delicious organic coconut, original
"This Sweet drinking sweet coconut milk has 7 grams of sugar per serving, which is more than what I saw in most other sweet versions, "says Martin." I personally think you do not need to Sugar added in your milk, especially if you are paid on the sweet cereal. Make sure you look for unsweetened oral varieties, which offers so delicious. "

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