20 harmful effects of alcohol on your brain

A too much shots can do a way more than speech and explosion failures.

Have a glass of red wine or two weekends, and studies suggest that you can improve yourcardiac health. But drinking too much on the daily can have absolutely deleterious effects.Food Guidelines for Americans Recommend that women enjoy a drink a day and men have up to two drinks a day. However, it does not mean you can refrain from fancy cocktails all week just to get seven or more from them on Saturday night. This is because alcohol dependence and the consumption of frenzy affect the brain in more harmful way than you think.

Alcohol consumption was responsible for almost3 million deaths Overall in 2016, and it was also the main risk factor for premature death and disability among people aged 15 to 49, according toThe lancet. You can crack that until the alcohol is a major catalyst at a series of different health ills, including a stroke,cardiopathy, pancreatitis, liver cancer and many disorders affecting the brain.

In order to better understand the understanding of how alcohol affects the brain, we have analyzed a multitude of studies examined by peers and spoke to the bankole neuroscientist Johnson, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the AdIial Pharmaceuticals, President of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Head of Cerebral Scientific Research Consortium Unit at the University of Maryland, to get the Scoop. Read it before your next time.


It's linked to depression.

man staring at table of beers - how does alcohol affect the brain

Despite the top, you could get up to throw a series of picksy, the exaltation does not last very long. In fact, a review in the journalAddiction Spare light on how consumption is actually related to depression. The analysis revealed that the presence of disorders of the use of alcohol or major depression has doubled the risks of the second disorder disturbance - while the use of alcohol increases the risk of major depression. Do not count on a glass to warn you.


Your brain contracts.

scientist measuring shrunk brain- how does alcohol affect the brain

The more you drink, the smaller your brain. TheFramingham's offspring study Examined MRI scans (which measure the volume of the brain) of 1,839 people aged 34 to 88 people abstract from alcohol, used to drink, are low drinkers (one to seven glasses per week), drinkers Moderate (eight to 14 glasses per week), or high drinkers (more than 14 glasses per week). The verdict: The more alcohol people drink regularly, the lower their volume of brain.

On average, for each increase in the drink category (for example, drinkers of moderate drinkers), the brain volume decreased by 0.25%. In addition, people who nurse over 14 drinks per week had an average reduction of 1.6% of the brain volume. However, there is hope that the damage is reversible: aGerman study found that only three weeks of abstention from alcohol have considerably helped participants to increase their density of brain tissue. Researchers note that reversibility has been mainly influenced by the age of the participants.


Your brain is getting older.

man staring with liquor bottle in hand - how does alcohol affect the brain

Come next birthday, your brain can blow fewer candles than it deserves. In theLarger cerebral imaging study To date, scientists have evaluated the SPE SPEC SPECT brain analyzes (calculated tomography on single photography shows) of more than 30,000 people from more than nine months to 105 years. The results revealed that alcohol abuse has aged the brain of 0.6 or 7.2 months. Other common habits and disorders that accelerate brain aging include schizophrenia, cannabis abuse, bipolar disorder and ADHD, respectively, was found. Ironically, you will discover below that many of these factors are also some of the effects induced by alcohol damaged on your brain.


You can black.

woman in bed holding head - how does alcohol affect the brain

This one is not a surprise - especially if you have already jumped dinner and then have some drinks at the bar. Study criticism inNational Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism(NIH), Have men consumed from 16 to 18 ounces of Bourbon at 86 - the equivalent of 11 to 12 shots - in about four hours. The memory of the subjects has been tested with different stimuli, after which they were invited to recall details. While most men recalled the stimuli after two minutes, the more they passed, the less they remembered. Half of men reported not remember the stimuli presented for 30 minutes and 24 hours after events.

In otherto study, seven hospitalized alcoholics received access to Booze. The cancellation of a participant was so severe that a participant could not remember hitting a man on his head with a chair. The study found that electricity failures occur at bac (alcohol concentration) as low as 0.14% and often start at about 0.20%. The electricity failures lasted anywhere from nine o'clock to three days. "It is important to note that all periods of power failure have occurred after a rapid increase in the blood alcohol level," the author of the study said. You can take steps to avoid power outages by drinking a glass of water after each alcoholic beverage andMake sure you eat before heading for the bar.


This can cause Korsakoff syndrome.

woman with a headache - how does alcohol affect the brain

As you are probably more in knowing the immediate effects of sipping too many cocktails (hello, hangover and failures), the consumption of drinking too much can also cause more serious medical conditions. Korsakoff syndrome occurs when your body lacks vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine), common deficiency in people with alcohol use disorder. The newspaperReview of Neuropsychology Defines this syndrome as a serious disorder characterized by cognitive and emotional permanent deficits. And according to theAlzheimer's associationThe thiamine deficiency can destroy brain cells and cause generalized microscopic bleeding and cicatric tissues that disrupts the brain signals with signals from the cells associated with storing and recovering memories.


It alters the word.

man dizzy drinking beer - how does alcohol affect the brain

Whereas oneto study I found that alcohol can actually help you speak a second language better, the same positive effects do not sound true for your mother tongue. A study inAlcoholism: Clinical and experimental research Slight on how alcohol causes one of the most recognized effects. The study revealed that even moderate alcohol levels significantly increased the difficulty of semantic access.


It slows down the coordination of the eyes of the hand.

man drinking from liquor bottle - how does alcohol affect the brain

Maintaining your coordination after a few drinks is not easy to exploit, which is exactly why operating heavy machines while the intoxication state is illegal and why cops use sobriety tests. In order to highlight the coordination capacity of your brain intoxicated, a study in the newspaperAlcohol Study the brain scans of healthy social drinkers when they were sober and still when they were drunk. The researchers concluded that brain connections between vision areas and planning important movements for manual coordination are weakened even after a bin as low as 0.08%. MRI analyzes have revealed that imbecification has resulted in a decrease in connectivity between the additional brain motor area (which is involved in the planning and execution of controlled movements) as well as visual and primary motor areas.


It can trigger an early dementia in series.

man looking at picture with shot of liquor - how does alcohol affect the brain

Contrary to popular belief, dementia is not a disease that affects only grandparents. While dementia affects five to seven percent of people aged 60 and over, early dementia can target seniors under 65 and a study inThe lancet found that the alcohol use disorder is a major risk factor. Of the 31,624 156 adults unloaded from French hospitals between 2008 and 2013, 57,353 (or 5.2%) of those diagnosed with dementia had early dementia, and most of these cases were linked to alcohol or additional diagnosis. Disorders of use of alcohol.


You can develop a Marchiafava-Bignami disease.

man holding forehead with tall beer glass - how does alcohol affect the brain

Marchiafava-Bignami's disease is a cerebral disorder associated with alcohol abuse, Dr. Johnson told us exclusively. "The disease leads to cell death and the destruction of the associative zones of the brain such as corpus calloses. The theory is that the consumption of chronic alcohol leads to vitamin B deficiency. Thus, people with severe malnutrition can Also having a MB disease, "he tells us, adding that the disease is quite rare and that, currently, there is no specific treatment for that.


This can increase anxiety.

woman panicking in chair - how does alcohol affect the brain

"Alcohol is sometimes used to reduce stress. With chronic use, there is a desensitization of GABA neurons associated with its anxiolytic properties, with greater excitement of glutaminergic neurons that increase anxiety," says Dr. Johnson. . "Over time and with prolonged withdrawals from alcohol, cerebral excitement becomes the larger neurological manifestation and leads to greater stress and risk of relapse."

In addition, researchers atUniversity of Illinois in the center of Chicago for research on alcohol in epigeneticsDiscovered that alcoholism modifies the expression of a crucial protein for the training and maintenance of neural connections in the amygdala, which is the brain region associated with emotion, fear and anxiety.


It can aggravate bipolar disorder.

man sitting on bed with alcohol glass - how does alcohol affect the brain

If you suffer from a mood disorder, chances are that drinking, even some drinks, can aggravate. A study in theClinical Psychiatry Journal I studied 148 patients with bipolar disorder I or II over two years and five months. The researchers found that about 1.2 glass for women and 3.8 men's drinks aggravated the symptoms of bipolarism. For women, the frequency of alcohol consumption was associated with episodes of life of depression and hypomania for life.wine Consumption was specifically linked to hypomanic episodes for life and current manic symptoms. For men, the total consumption of alcohol was associated with manic episodes for life and emergency department visits, while the consumption of spirits was strongly associated with manic episodes for life, as well as department visits. emergency.

Anotherto study Discovered that bipolar disorder I (also called Mania) and that alcohol use disorders are 6.2 times more likely to occur together. The researchers believe that the withdrawal of alcohol in a dependent person can lead to the appearance of the symptoms of bipolar disorder.


It increases stress.

woman holding head from alcohol - how does alcohol affect the brain

It's time to store thatBloody Mary Mix and relax of tequila. A study in the newspaperAlcoholism: Clinical and experimental research Discovered that the chronic drink leads to the production of cortisol, the hormone responsible for the triggering of stress. "Extended and high levels of glucocorticoid hormones can damage or destroy neurons and lead to increased vulnerability to other situations that may affect neurons, such as high excitatory amino acid activity," AK Rose, speaker In psychology at the University of Liverpool and author corresponding to the exam, explains. "One of the most important questions for research and treatment is why alcoholics can relapse after many months of abstinence," observed Littleton. "In part, this can be attributed to the effects of the packaging in which the" indices "cause an envy of alcohol, as well as a" prolonged weaning syndrome "which includes anxiety,Disturbances of sleepand general feelings to be sick.

Prolonged use of alcohol may even be the reason why the relapses after months of abstinence: "This can be attributed to the effects of the packaging in which the" indices "cause an envy of alcohol, as well as a "Extended withdrawal syndrome", which includes anxiety the disturbances of sleep and the general feelings of being sick, "said John Littleton, professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Kentucky. "Extended high levels of cerebral cortisol after the withdrawal of alcohol can explain the strength of these signals and many of the symptoms of prolonged withdrawal."


It alters the judgment.

drinking vision driving - how does alcohol affect the brain

People usually associate university days with late evenings and frenzy consumption. And although you may have regretted some decisions that you have done while being intoxicated, these behaviors have led science to make a little more sense of them. A study inAlcoholism: Clinical and experimental research Follow-up of university students' beverage habits and found that frenzy drinking at a younger age and that prolonged consumption is associated with disadvantageous decision-making. To reach this discovery, researchers ranked 200 students in four different groups: drinkers of the bass frenzy, stable moderate frenzy drinkers, drinkers of the growing frenzy and drinkers of the stable frenzy who all took a stab in the IOWA GAME TASK (IGT). The results showed that the binge-drinking group made less favorable choices on the IGT as the low group of drinking the bibs and that sex did not play a role in decision-making.


It alters the formation of long-term souvenirs.

man holding head

According to a report in theNih, Excessively drink can affect the formation of new "explicit" events and facts (such as names and phone numbers). The researchers concluded that the reduced capacity of people to transfer long-term short-term storage information can begin one or two glasses.

"The effect of alcohol is more important than long-term memory, but both can be affected," says Dr. Johnson. "With short-term memory, there may be specific damage to a structure called a mammill body. With chronic heavy alcohol consumption, neuronal transmission is particularly in the pre-frontal cortex (associated with the executive function and Taking decision). And alcohol induced dementia can develop. "However, the effect of alcohol on memory takes years of heavy drinks to develop, he tells us.


This can cause brain damage.

sick brain - how does alcohol affect the brain

In a small study in the newspaper ofBrain flow and metabolismSeven women and eight men have drunk alcohol until their bin reached 0.05 to 0.06%, and then suffered MRI. Creatine, which supports the metabolism of energy and protects the brain cells and choline, which is present in cell membranes, both diminished in the presence of alcohol. The researchers mortgage that alcohol thus triggers changes in the makeup of cell membranes. "Our follow-ups below have shown that changes in brain metabolites after moderate alcohol consumption by healthy people are completely reversible," said "Research Armin Biller in Heidelberg University Hospital. "However, we assume that the ability of the brain to recover from the effect of alcohol decreases or is eliminated as the consumption of alcohol increases. The treble effects demonstrated in our study could possibly constitute the basis of the permanent brain damage. Who are known to happen in alcoholics, "he says, adding that additional studies should still investigate that.


This causes an increase in aggression.

alcoholic drinks

Most of the oddities of people's personality are exaggerated after a couple of cosmos and aggression is no exception. Although everyone is not a victim of aggression under influence, research inNih Suggests that people with antisocial personality (ASPD) disorder may be more prone to alcohol-related aggression than people without disorder. Researchers blame them on alcohol beverage modifying several brain chemicals, including g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin neurotransmitters, which are both associated with aggressive behavior.


You become easily distracting.

woman drinking wine by window - how does alcohol affect the brain

No surprises here: Alcohol increases your vulnerability to distraction. The next time your pal decides to throw a heavy story on some beers, just blame your lack of concentration on science. A study inOrganic psychiatryI found that alcoholics suffered from the lower P3a, an index of attention and that alcohol has depreciated the ability to focus on one thing while simultaneously ignoring foreign information to distract them from the focus. Another study inPsychopharmacology Discovered that P3A was removed by alcohol, even with the lowest 0.3 gram alcohol dose. These results show that even a small amount of alcohol can lead to a change in involuntary attention.


This leads to a lack of problem-solving skills.

brain with beer and liquor - how does alcohol affect the brain

Researchers have explored how the brain front lobe operates in people with chronic alcohol via Wisconsin's sorting test and their notable results have been published inPsychiatry search. The conclusion of the study reveals that alcoholics had the most important ineffective sort scores - which means that alcoholics often fail to find a theme when solving a problem.


This can lead to alcohol dependence.

man holding head at bar with beers - how does alcohol affect the brain

Children who start drinking at the age of 13 have a higher risk of developing alcohol dependence later in life, theAmerican Association of Psychology reports. How? 'Or' What? The brains of adolescents are different: they are more action-oriented and emotional, because planning and inhibition centers take longer to develop, Sandra A. Brown, PhD, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at The University of California, San Diego, explains.

A study inAlcoholism: Clinical and experimental researchfound that about 33% of those who reported having started imaging at the age of 17 or more that young people also reported alcohol (AD) dependence at some point in their lives. "Individuals who start drinking at 17 people or younger are more than three times more likely to develop advertising than those who start at 21 years of age or older", Richard A. Grucza, epidemiologist at the school of medicine The University of Washington and the corresponding author of the study, explains. "A convincing perspective is that people at high genetic risks for ads are starting to drink earlier for the same reasons they develop an ad. For example, they can be more impulsive, subject to greater risk taking, have a more difficult time to control their behavior., And so on. Since the delay of the AOD (age at the beginning of alcohol consumption) would not change these other factors, it would not necessarily lead to a reduced ad " , says Grucza.


You will have slower movements.

slow walking - how does alcohol affect the brain

According to a study in theBritish Newspaper of AnesthesiaIngest alcohol leads to slowing down thinking and physical movements, also called psychomotor deficiency. The results revealed that the general vigilance and the speed of the motor (called the choice reaction time) and the second-task secondary reaction time (such as in the multitasking) the two deteriorated with the increase of the tray.

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