30 words of unuse of health health and what they mean

Do not write these sentences like Gimmicks (it would be even more imprudent!), But will understand what terms will be the best guides in the formation of your health career.

Make your choice of a supermarket alley and you will see them in fashion: organic food health, no GMOs, antioxidants, multigrains, gluten-free, without high-fructose corn syrup, and more. These sentences are cladded on products at all levels of the food health spectrum, ranging from food bars toa soda.

The problem is that many of us are more and more concerned about their health without knowing the meaning behind this jargon nutrition. Therefore, we often buyapparently good for you foods that are actually just as bad as "unhealthy" stereotyped foods.

In other words, these misleading words often market tools designed to highlight the property while distracting from food wrong. We do not say that these words areonly Fashionable words; We say they are often on packaging to encourage you to buy the product of this company. We do not want you to write these sentences simply like Gimmicks (it would be even more reckless!), But we want to help you understand what terms will be the best guides in pursuit of your weight loss trip.

So we discovered the facts and definitions (or not) of the most common health foods.



Woman holding csa box of organic fresh vegetables

Certified organic cows must spend at least four months per year of grazing in pastures, their diet is grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides or genetically modified seeds, and cows are not treated with hormones or antibiotics. With regard to the products, the plants are treated with fungicides, pesticides or herbicides that the USDA considers sure (yes, organic foods can often be treated withpesticides), And do not use synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or radiation.

It may be expensive, but it's worth money? A 2016 study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal have found that dairy products and organic meat contain about 50 percent of more immunological, cardio- and neuroprotectors of omega-3 fatty acids than animals fed classical grains. A separate 2014 study published in the same magazine found that biological crops have substantially higher concentrations of antioxidants and other potentially beneficial compounds. Does not confer any nutritional advantage or consumer health? aAnnals of internal medicine Study says yes-researchers found that the consumption of organic products and meat reduces the ingestion of pesticides and reduces your exposure toAntibiotic resistant bacteria.



Almond butter jar knife

A product does not deserve an automatic place in your basket just to boast this label. The term "natural" is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, probably because demand is not really regulated by the FDA. "That said, the FDA seems to agree with the help of this term if foods do not contain added color, artificial flavors or synthetic substances," explainsMaria-Paula Carrillo, MS, RDN, LD. So, basically, simply nothing you would not bewait to find in the food. All you need to know is this: natural does not necessarily mean healthy. Take a look at the list of ingredients if you really want to know if what you put in your mouth has come in fact of nature.



Food coloring

When you see products that say something along the lines of "without artificial additives", it means that there are really no "artificial" ingredients included in your food-Hurray Health! According toFDAThe artificial ingredients are those that are "not in nature and must therefore be produced synthetically as artificial ingredients. They also explain that some of these ingredients are "found in nature", but they can be "more economical" products when they are artificially produced. The FDA has resisted that these additives are not harmful to your health, but they recently approvedremoval of seven artificial aromas of food supply in October 2.02 thousand after oneenvironmental group pursued them, Citing links to causing cancer in animals.


Sugar free

White sugar in wooden spoon resting on brown sugar

The only thing that means without sugar is that a product does not refine cane sugar. This does not mean food has no other "natural" sweeteners, such as brown or agave rice syrup, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols. While some of these sweeteners are okay (we'll tell you which ones in our exclusive report,sweeteners classified by health), It is certainly misleading to find a "sugar-free" product has 15 grams of sugar.



Probiotic foods

Probiotics are live bacterial cultures in which we naturally consume unpasteurized fermented foods. They thought they were beneficial for our overall health thanks to their alleged capacity to restore a good balance to our guts. Although science behind it has not proved how or even if they are effective; Live probiotics will often not survive the hard stomach environment. In fact, the FDA has not yet approved to use probiotic supplements to treat health problems, which means that marketing specialists can be unleashed with their probiotic claims, especially when they add a "probiotic strain. "Not naturally found in food (like," probiotic "prunes," "probiotic granola" and "probiotic cooking mix".) Not pasteurizedfermented foods- Sauercraut, yogurt, miso and kefir - that say "live active cultures" are probably the best source of probiotics rather than a section dotted with gut bugs.



Prebiotic foods for gut health - asparagus leeks onion garlic strawberries bananas

Now that you know of probiotics, it is time to learn aboutpreBiotic. It is a group of carbohydrates, specifically soluble fibers, which pass through your big undigested intestinence, which go to your intestine. Here they are digested by the bacteria living in your intestine (probiotics). Prebiotics promote the health of engineers by supporting the health of probiotics, which can, in turn, help you absorb essential nutrients, to keep the appetite in the verification, to a lower inflammation and to adjust the body weight. While we recommend getting yourPrebiotics of whole dishesYou will also see listed on food labels as functional fibers such as isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO), fiber tapioca root fiber or chicory inulin.



Pour chia seeds on yogurt

Yet another specialist in unregulated marketers allows you to buy a product.Functional foods They are nicknamed "functional" by experts simply because they have health benefits beyond filling from calories. This is a good distinction if you compare to fast food, but otherwise almost all whole foods could be considered as "functional". However, marketers will affirm that these foods promote health or helping to reduce the risk of illness, digestion of aid, to improve the absorption of nutrients, strengthen your metabolism or lose weight. Many of them can, but make sure you do your own research before buying.



chickens roaming around in grass pasture raised

Although this statement certainly seems to sound like this is regulated, as you will see on everything, meat products with egg cards, the term has been technically constituted by a food brand. Grazing products do not require third-party check or farm inspection, depending on consumption reports "Green choice Manuel, an independent, non-profit organization bringing together a list of terms common label and what they mean. While "pasture raised" similar claims to the animal lived all his life in the pasture, this is not always the case. Many cows and chickens raised on pastures can still have an extra grain, both during the pasture season and the winter months. If you want to buy dairy or beef from cows that were 100% nourished with grass, consumption reports suggest that you are looking for aVerified complaint "of grass nourished". As for eggs, you will have to rely on the information that society gives you. If you see "high pastice" paired with "organic" and "certified human", at least you will know that the hens have been treated.


Certified transition

Man holding freshly harvested carrots by the stem with dirt on them

For now, you will probably only find this certification on Kashi products because the program is actually sponsored by the food brand of health. The goal is to support farmers who traveled to biological certification - a process that takes three years. Because less than 1% of all American agricultural land is organic, Kashi hopes to support farms that are struggling to achieve this biological certification, as much time, effort and money needed to acquire it. The "certified transition" badge will symbolize the goods produced by the highest standards during the transition from a farmer to organic farming while paying equitable wages. It seems good!



superfood powders

Conversion of blueberry images into small capes and pantyhose that combat dietary ills, the term "superfeument"East, at its root, especially a marketing term. Basically, the superfaides are nutritious dense foods that are often greeted as not only beneficial to your health, but also with the power to prevent or cure many diseases. According to research. on cancer. A work of cancer research and awareness, "the term" superfood "[a] little scientific base. It is certainly true that a healthy, balanced and varied diet can help reduce the risk of cancer, but it is unlikely that any food does not constitute a major difference at its own. But, hey, that does not mean "ll wounded to get them into your" healthy, balanced and variable "diet. Start with theseBest Chia Seed Recipes!



White bread on wooden cutting board

Gluten-free products are the flood alleys of supermarket aisles faster than the last iPhone sells. But do people really know what their food is free? Gluten is the general term for storage proteins present in some cereals. These proteins - especially glutenin and galiadin-help food keep their shape, and that's why your bread is filled with icy and soft air pockets. If you do not have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, you have no real reason to avoid gluten, except for those who go on a gluten-free diet have often cut a lot of white and refined breads ultra-transformed-which is ideal for weight loss andreduce inflammation.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Nourished with grass

Grass-fed cows

Although the books of your children suggest that all the pace cows on the grass, it is not always the case in animal agriculture. Usually, cows are kept in cages, nourished a non-natural diet based on corn grains and soybeans, become ill and are injected with growth hormones, steroids and antibiotics. The result is a cut of beef or milk rich in inflammatory saturated fats. But the cows of cows nourished with grass are naturally more meager (less fat per gram), have fewer calories than conventional meat and contain higher levels of omega-3 healthy fatty acids and two to five times more than CLA (conjugate acid). CLA, a type of fatty acid, has been connected to various health benefits, including support for immunity and inflammatory system, improved blood sugar regulation,body reduction, Reduced risk of heart attack and maintenance of lean body mass.


genetically modified organism

Pesticide spray

Although genetically modified organisms - has become a consumer term, most people still do not know exactly what it means. If you see a "non-GMO" or "non-GMO" product, this means that the ingredients used are not organisms that have had their genetic material manipulated or modified in a laboratory. The term is not regulated by the government, but by a non-profit organization called "non-GMO project". The National Academy of Sciences recently entered into a 400-page document that there is no evidence to support GMOs to pose a health risk; However, the report did not mention the fact that pesticide-resistant gmos-cornsoy-The varia to spray their crops without giving up. As a result, several studies have found that these carcinogen-containing pesticides are transmitted to consumers. Bottom Line: Non GMO foods are often better for you if they contain corn or soy, but it does not give you a free pass to glacked on the nutrition label. If you are looking to go more in depth in the GMO label, see what theThe difference is between non-GMO and organic.


Without cage or free range

cage free egg carton

He evokes images of chickens running, but it's not always the case. Usually, chickens are generally only chickens are locked in a barn without access to the outside. Free-range means that the barn has a door that allows the chickens to go out, but they rarely use it. If you are concerned about the treatment of high quality animals and eggs, look for grazing and biological eggs.


Made with real fruits

Fruit snacks

You will often see this on biological scrubs or even in fruit juices, but that should not make you think that the product is a picture of health. Often this translates into a concentrate of fruit juice, which does not have almost the same advantages as whole fruits. Fruit juice concentrates are high in fructose-a sugar molecule that our body is transformed into grease and inflammatory compounds more easily than there is glucose. You may be wondering: "Why is it so serious if it's naturally found in the fruits?" The answer is that fruits contain much less from this by serving (remember it's afocus) And some still contain less than others; to verifyHow much sugar is in fruits.


Omega 3

Salmon carrots zucchini parchment packet

You probably know the term in reference to fish and fish oil, but you have probably already seen it used with seeds and greens. Which give? Here are the basics: Omega-3s are a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which essentially means that they are liquid at room temperature. (Think of fish oil compared to a fat "saturated" like fat butter.) The famous omega-3 fatty acids are 11 different forms, but only three are essential for humans: ALA based on Plants and DHA based on fish, and EPA. . They have been proven to help reduce inflammation, cholesterol levels, body fat and hunger, can help mitigate the symptoms of arthritis and asthma, protect your brain from diet damage. high food and minimize your risk of alzheimer and depression. Where do we sign? Here:The best sources of omega-3s food.



Braggs apple cider vinegar bottles
Thamkc / Shutterstock

Or in terms of Layman,Apple cider vinegar. This pantry clip can not only be used to collect dressings and fatty fighter marinades, but it is also an invaluable tool in your weight loss arsenal. The ACV is filled with acetic acid, a compound that delays the gastric emptying to keep you further longer. Caught one with the "mother of vinegar" to get an extra shot of iron, energy blabs B vitamins B, detoxification of phenolic compounds, assisted enzymes and prebiotic pectin , a type of carbon that promotes healthy digestion by encouraging the growth of bacteria in your gut.


Whole grain and whole wheat

Whole grain bread

Here is your a minute's biology lesson for the day: cereal-shaped wheat, rye, oats and barley - are truly edible herbs seeds. Each whole seed is composed of several layers surrounding the germ / embryo (science lingo for a small baby plant), like endosperum, sound and envelope. When a grain is refined, as if it were for white flour and white rice, the envelope and the exterior layers of the grain are eliminated. The problem is that these protective layers are rich in nutrients, especially in vitamins B and slowing digestion. In addition to the hard outer envelope, whole grains are delivered with the first three layers. If a product says "made with whole grains", it can still contain a majority of white flour. Make sure that the specified label "100% whole grains" to harvest the benefits ofhigh fiber foods!



Whole wheat pasta

Unfortunately, see the "Multigrain" label on a product is about as credible as the campaign of your local congress campaign. The term simply means that there are different types of grains present, usually those of the junky and refined variety such as corn and wheat flour. In addition, many producers simply use dyes added to make their product more natural. Take Multigrain Cheerios, for example; The cereal has caramel color added to it to improve the differences in grains, which has almost won a place on ourworst "healthy" cereals " If there were no reasonable nutritional facts.


Fructose-rich corn syrup

Corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is asweetener This is created by adding enzymes to break down sugar corn. Because corn syrup is traditionally a higher percent grucose (the sugar molecule your body and your brain use mainly for fuel) than fructose (the sweet tasting sugar molecule), another enzyme is added to convert to convert to convert Part of this fructose glucose, so the syrup is sweeter.

The problem here is that your body breaks down the fructose differently from glucose, and it can not use more energy. The result of this difference, as stressed in an examination by theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutritionis that a high fructose contribution is associated with an increase in blood lipid levels (related to an increased risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease), foie gras disease, obesity, "good" cholesterol HDL, and training. advanced extremity glycation products (ages, which, coincidentsAccelerate aging) Bottom Line: Avoid high fructose sweeteners (not necessarily foods high in fructose, such as fruit) as often as possible: HFCS, agave syrup, fruit juice concentrated and fruit juice.


Collagen and gelatin

bones from bone broth

You have probably heard about "collagen" as a fashionable word generally associated with anti-aging face creams, but what you may not know, so it is coveted in the health community. The main protein found in your skin, collagen is responsible for keeping your brilliant and young complexion. But collagen is not just for your skin; It is also essential for the articular, bone and blood health, and has even been found to cure the mucous membrane of your gut, helping to prevent food toxins from fleeing in your system. One of the best dietary sources of collagen? Gelatin-which is found in animal bones and tendons. You will find it in anything from the bone broth to theseCollagen recipes.




This term shows cereals everywhere at energizing drinks. But do you really know what are the antioxidants and why are they good for you? Otherwise, we are here to explain. Antioxidants are compounds that act as the best defense of our body against free radicals of the disease. Free radicals are formed as a by-product of digestion (and other functions, including breathing!), As well as environmental toxins. When they are unregulated, these free radicals can damage your cells and DNA, accelerating everything that comes from cancer aging. The antioxidants, in general, are rather good for you, but we suggest aiming to make the most of full fruits and vegetables, green teas and even coffee and less hoaxes like "cereals rich in antioxidants".



Spiralizer with cucumber

No, this term does not just refer to the way you think after being walking in an amusement park. It is also a method of slicing vegetables with a specific cooking apparatus called Spiralizer. It turns almost any legume in false noodles with just the crank of a handle! We are fans of this trend because the vegetables of the spiral are one of theeasy ways to cut calories! A cup of spiralized zodles (zucchini noodles) has only 25 calories, while a cup of semina or spaghetti of wheat is 220.



Chef plating a dish

Is it fair that we are just us or read the word "artisanal" remind you of tinkering craftsmen with hammers to head a wooden chair? Or perhaps measuring leaders and finely pouring ingredients into a mixing bowl, thoroughly folding the mixture together, then manifest the bread? You also? That's exactly what they want you to think. What does the craftsman mean? By definition, a product manufactured in batches limited in a traditional or non-mechanized way. If you can not ask the person who made this product directly, it's not much more than a marketing tactic. We would not put much merit in the complaint on the packaging.



aquafaba from drained chickpeas

You already know that there are tons ofWays to eat chickpeas, but add one more to your list. More recently, you may have seen this word-vegan of Word-Aquafaba-on the new Vegan Mayo of Sir Kensington (called "Fabannaise creatively") and picked it up without a second thought. But do you know what it is? This new ingredient is simply the tense liquid of a bobbin of chickpeas. In fact, Sir Kensington even gets his aquafaba from Hope hummus from NY, who always uses canned chickpeas in their delicious hummus! Due to the flossing texture of the liquid, it is a perfect vegan egg substitute. Nutritionally, however, aquafaba is not all that is remarkable. Dietetician Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN recently declared that there were not many things that small amounts of protein, and said there was no real reason to replace it in whites that would have egg whites unless you are vegan.



Canned tomato paste

The "FREE BPA" complaint is often on your bottles of water and cans, but what exactly is it? BPA (bisphenol a) is a chemical used to prevent food from coming into direct contact with the metal cans in which they are stored; In this way, you do not get this metal taste hue with each bite of your beans. The disadvantage: it's bad for your health. Research shows that the consumption of BPA (a hormone-imitating chemical) can bring men to grow breasts and even increase your risk of diabetes, asthma, ADHD, certain cancers, infertility and obesity, even in those who ingest a small amount. The best way to stay without BPA? Whenever possible, buy products sold in glass jars or cardboard boxes, and stay away from theseBPA milky foods.



Fresh local produce

When you eat local and seasonal foods, they are often more affordable, cooler and packaged with the largest amount of flavor and nutritional value compared to the same products across the country that has been selected there are some month. You also make a solid for your community! You support local farms and the local economy, helping farmers make a living in order to continue buying their good food food! Beware of the term as a food label. "Local" is not necessarily regulated, but the Congress adopts a law in 2008 to define it as "the total distance that the product is transported is less than 400 miles from the origin of the product"Where "The state in which the product is produced." What are you waiting for? Head on your local market to catch theseFoods you should buy only on the farmer's market.



Bulletproof blender coffee

Bulletproof is a method of drinking coffee, popularized by Dave Asprey, the founder and CEO of bulletproof; But Carolyn Brown, Ms., Rd in Food Trainers, in New York, explains that he has a rich history rooted in African and Tibetan cultures. Adding herbal butter butter butter oil - at your coffee helps keep hungry at the bay, crashes desires, stabilizes blood glucose and even help slowing the release of caffeine in your body so that you get aDC current of energy. This mix is ​​perfect for treatment once in a while when you know you will sit through meetings all morning. However,Lisa Moskovitz, Rd, CDN warns, "while fat, in general, helps to satisfy the appetite because it has a more difficult structure to break down into the stomach, it is still not a trend that I would recommend for anyone to help them achieve their weight loss goals. " Each cup has nearly 400 calories!



Cold brew

Cold brewery is not any old iced coffee. Rather than crushing beans, pick them up in hot water and serve the ice drink, cold breweries are brewed in cold water for a long time, usually overnight. The theory behind it is that hot temperatures extract some undesirable flavor elements - especially oils and bitter acids. Illicance, two compounds very sought after in the cafecaffeine And antioxidants - also require high temperatures to extract, so your cold brewing cut will contain less health. A coffee expert solution? Hot break to completely extract nutrients and cool instantly to protect the flavor. It seems good!

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