10 drinks to fight your cold
Whether you feel a coming cold or you're right in the middle of the battle, these drinks are scientifically proven to help you heal.

We all told us to drink a lot of liquids when we are sick, but we need more details: what is the best to drink when it's sick?
What drinks help stop a right cold in his tracks? What drinks help you stay hydrated when your nose is constantly running? Which herbal stains are thebest for immunity?
To go to the bottom of which cold drinks will have the work, we enlisted the help of recorded dietitians. They shared the best drinks to sip while snorkeling that contain scientifically proven ingredients and nutrients to increase your immune system and get rid of a cold. The next time you go shopping groceries armed with a tissue package, make sure you take these 10 drinks approved by the dietitian when you are sick.
The water

The number one drink that everyone should pinch, whether you are sick or not, is good water.Up to 60% From the human body consists of water, so it is logical that we need many. Each body function rests on the water. It is even used forrinse toxins, which will come useful when you are sick.
"Stay hydrated is essential to keep your immune system at its best," saysWendy Bazilian, DRPH, RDN. "Water helps to transport nutrients on our cells for energy, growth and proper functioning - and it displaces metabolic waste and harmful substances."
You can aim8 cups of water a dayAlthough you need more or less. Spraged your water with slices of fruits or fresh herbs. Remember that foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables can also help you stay hydrated.
For comfort, try heating your water and add fresh lemon juice. According toDana Angelo White, Rd, "Hot water helps you to stay hydrated while lemon juice adds extra nutrients. An extra boost of vitamin C also serves potent antioxidant to fight against inflammation."
Orange juice

There is chances that you already have a glass of Jo with your morning breakfast. Otherwise, it's your friendly reminder to pick up a juice juice from Orange toStrengthen your immune system And keeps sick this winter.
Rumors are true about orange juice and there is science to save it. Orange juice is known for its high vitamin C content. In fact, a glass of orange juice contains138% of your daily vitamin C needs.
"Vitamin C of dietary sources As orange juice plays an important role in our immune system, "says Bazilian." Although vitamin C will reduce the likelihood of catching a cold as we believe, studies suggest that adequate vitamin C can reduce the duration and gravity of colds and Flus once they hit. "
Berry Mixed Smoothie

In addition to citrus fruits, bays are also an excellent source of vitamin C immunodeanant-booming to package in nutrition, tryThis recipe of Smoothie Berry which contains frambots, blueberries and blackberries.
"The berries are packed with vitamin C andCertain search shows This vitamin C, when consumed throughout the cold season, can help reduce the symptoms of colds and help us raise colds faster, "saysRachel Fine MS, RD, CSSD, CDN.
TheAntioxidants in bays Provide additional protection. They protect against various diseases and can even fight against oxidative stress.
Ginger tea

Tea is one of these recommended drinks when you are sick, but what tea should you go? If you feel a tickle in your throat or experiment with nausea, consider ginger tea. It will also help you keep you hydrated.
"When you are sick, it is very important to stay hydrated and sometimes a hot drink can be soothing," explainsLindsey Elizabeth, MS, RD, CSSD. "Ginger tea can help soothe sore throat or to clear thoracic congestion. Ginger tea also containsimmune agents. If you like sweet tea, stirred inlocal honey can even help you protect yourself from local allergens. "
Grape juice

In recent years, grape juice has been designated as the trick to prevent the influenza of stomach and other diseases. Whilewash one's hands And practicing good hygiene is more likely to avoid disease, grape juice consumption can also help.
"Concord grape juice is an effective drink to withstand winter disease," confirmsKristin Koskinen, RDN, LD, CD. "Grapes contain resveratrol, an antioxidant whose propertiesSupport immunological processes. The vitamin ratio to other nutrients can also play a similar role. "
Maple water

Before there is maple syrup, there is an aqueous sap of a maple. The sweet sap of the maple is not just good to turn into syrup for pancakes - it's alsoGood for your immune system.
"Maple water is loaded with natural antioxidants and also provides prebiotics," saysLauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD. "Prebiotics Help support live probiotics in the GUT. Since probiotics can helpSupport a healthy immune systemIn adequate prebiotics, it's a key to keep you healthy throughout the season. "
This tasty drink is also rich in nutrients essential to immunity. Maple water containsmanganese andselenium, all play essential roles in the immune response.
You can take the sap beneficial and mix it in water to make your own maple water. There are some brands selling maple water cartons.
Ginger juice

Like ginger tea, ginger juice is a TANGY source of nutrients and immune properties. It is also easy to do, although fresh ginger juice blows are available at most juice stores.
Ginger is among the plants with theHighest antioxidant levels. It is alsoanti-inflammatory and preventing diseases.
"Not only ginger is a natural digestive support, it also helps toLink viral pathogens before they can attach to the respiratory tract, "explainsGRANT TRACEY, RDN, CWHC. "It means you have a better shot do not catch the cold cold. Save 2-3 fresh ginger juice throughout the day as soon as you have been exposed to something."
RELATED:The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.
Tomato juice

The mixed tomato juices are refreshing all year round, but they are particularly useful during the cold and the flu season. In addition, it's a good way to get extra fruits and vegetables.
"We know that eating our fruits and its vegetables will help us stand well and that vegetable drinks made with tomato juice make it even easier in the context of our busy lives," said the grant. "Tomatoes, in particular, have been shownIncrease the immune function over time because of their lycopene content. "

The drops of Sunderberry and the Sunderberry syrup are worthy complements of Buzzes this period of the year. Did you know that they come from a fruit known for his manyHealth benefits? This includes a healthy immune system.
"The elderberry juice is loaded with antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and iron, a combination that transforms your immune system into a power against disease", explainsAllie Gregg, Rd. "Studies have shown This elderly person struggles not only to the disease, but it also shortens the duration of any disease as well as symptoms of relief much earlier than those who do not take the supplement. "
Curcuma tea

Often associated with Indian cuisine, curcuma is a spicy source of anti-inflammatory compounds, making it an excellent ingredient to add to the drinks when you are sick. One of these compounds is curcumin, aPolyphenol with powerful properties which reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Drag this spice into your diet when you fight a cold in the form of tea, juice or curry.
According toAmanda Sevilla, Rd, "Turmericis one of the strongest antioxidant herbs in the world and has proven to be very therapeutic for inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis. The addition of a pinch of black pepper substantially increases its absorption rate. "