I am a doctor and here's how you ruin your skin

You will never look again your phone in the same way.

Young people could be wasted on young people, but often he is wastedthrough The non-so-young. Chances are, you prematurely have the age of you and you irritate without ways of your skin in many ways without even achieving it. And dozens of these habits are easy, even effortless, to change. For example, did you know that you could prevent the crumpling by changing your pillowcase or skip a straw to Starbucks?

Eat this, not that! Health Asked some of the country's best experts to reveal what they consider with simple, fast and inexpensive itineraries to the youth fountain (which you should finally drink to use a drink; read it to learn why).Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You plif

woman with Afro haircut wearing black bandana, taking selfie, holding mobile phone or other device in right hand, smiling and squinting eyes in bright sun

"Quainting your eyes for long periods of time can lead to wrinkles around the eyes," says Anthony Kouri, MD, orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo University. "Do not use sunglasses or use obsolete glasses or contacts, we push more plaster and creates wrinkles."

RX: "It is better to use sunglasses with UV protection when you are outside and to make sure your eyeglasses are updated," says Kouri.


You use straws

girl drinking a cocktail from straw

"When we use straws repeatedly, we can create wrinkles around the lips," says Kouri. "The more frequent muscles around the mouth are pinched together, the more we need to develop wrinkles in this area."

RX: "Although sometimes using straws will not cause wrinkles, it is better to drink straight glass when possible," says Kouri.


You rub your face


"Rub your face breaks down the collagen and elastin connections into the dermal layers leading to less tight, more rigorous and crumpled skin, especially the delicate skin around your eyes," said David Barbour, co-founder of the company. well-beingLife sciences vivio. Just as coarse: "The oils and grime with your hands are massaged in your pores."

RX: Keep your hands where you can see them ", just not on your face. Touch it spreads coronavirus, too.


You shampoo too too much

Woman in shower washing hair with shampoo

"Shampoo and conditioning our hair on a regular frequency can lead to eliminating natural oils that keep the chandelier on our hair and offer the appearance of volume," says Richard Torbeck, MD, a dermatologist certified by the board withAdvanced dermatology PC At New York.

RX: "I recommend washing your hair a few times a week, or if it's physically stunned," he says.


You shower several times a day with fragrant soap

woman wrapped in towel and with soap in bathroom

There is a point when cleaning becomes counterproductive. When you bathe or bathe several times a day ", it eliminates natural moisturizing factors on the skin that help provide a skin barrier against a crowd of agents, such as bacteria and allergens," says TORBECK. "I also recommend that patients are discarded from any soap and scented cleaners."

RX: "If you have a shower or a bathing habit to several times a day, look for sensitive skin cleaners and brand soaps such as cetaphil, vanicream or dove, to name a few", He advises.

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You drink milk

woman drinking milk in garden

"Acne can worsen to drink large quantities of whole milk in men, especially or skim milk in younger women," says Torbeck. "Data in recent dermatological publications show an increase in acne with these two diet choices."

RX: Try Nut Dairy as almond or cashew nut. Choose unsweetened versions - Sweet tips contain a chemical that can lead bloating (in addition to the calories you do not need).


You stress

Late to work traffic rushed stressed

"Stress can make a number on your skin. Acne, dermatitis and psoriasis are all guilty of stress," explainsJeanette Kimszal, RDN, NLC, a recorded diet nutritionist based in New Jersey. "When your body pump stress hormones, your skin cells will be affected, resulting in skin conditions." Torbeck Concuren: "Stress and anxiety greatly agrees acne, eczema and itching. There was an extended literature in search of this link and pathology behind it."

RX: "In patients, I see with these conditions, I recommend you seek ways to reduce stress and anxiety through ways such as meditation, mindfulness and yoga," Torbeck declares.


You smoke

A close up image of an open package of cigarettes.

You probably knew that smoking cigarettes can age your skin, but blowing can cause even more serious damage to your dermis. "Cigarette smoke has been linked to poor wound healing, accelerating skin aging as wrinkles and skin elasticity and skin cancer, particularly squamous cell carcinoma on the skin", explains Torbeck.

RX: Cote the habit now! The hundreds of toxins that hide in cigarette smoke have no place near your face.


You use razors longer than you should

Woman shaving legs in bath

"These can shelter bacteria and lead to inflamed hair follicles," said Raman Madan, MD, director of cosmetic dermatology in Northwell Health and Clinic Professor at Zucker School of Medicine of Hofstra / Northwell.

RX: "I use a subscription razor service to avoid this," says Madan. Change your razor all multiple uses, or whenever it starts to become boring.


You use the vinegar of the witch selector and apple cider on your skin

apple pulp mixed with honey to normalize skin which becomes dry in winter on wooden surface

These astringents can give you the dried air because they sear you. "They reminded the skin of natural oils, leading to dry skin and irritation," says Madan.

RX: Madan rather recommends soft moisturizing products like Aquaphor or Vaseline.


You use scrubs to treat your acne

woman cleaning face skin enjoy herself with bubble cleansing foam

Remember that acne is skin disease, not a dirt disease - and you have to treat it gently; You can not move it away. The use of abrasive products and cleansers causes greater inflammation, "says Madan.

RX: "Use a soft face of the face such as cetaphil or cerae," says Madan. If you are disturbed by recurring acne, make an appointment with a dermatologist, who can recommend products adapted to your skin or prescribe medications if necessary.

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You do not sleep enough

man sleeping well

"Stay late, awakening in the middle of the night and do not have a relaxing sleep can seriously have a serious impact on the health of the skin," said Sherwin Parikh, MD, a dermatologist certified by the board withTribeca skin center At New York. "Collagen synthesis occurs during rest. Cortisol levels diminish during the last part of the sleep cycle, reducing the hard effects of adrenal on skin and hair. Levels of moisture reset during the night. Tired eyes. And tired becomes obvious for some people in some bad nights. "

RX: The National Sleep Foundation says that adults should have seven to nine hours of sleep every night for optimal health - no more, no less. "A calm and uninterrupted sleep is the key to resetting the ravages of the day, both environmental and stressful," says Parikh. "The health of the skin is growing on a healthy sleep."


You take tower showers

Man warming up in the shower

"A hot steam shower can be the only way you feel really clean, but it could make your skin more harm than good," says Caleb Ranger, a new certified personal trainer and a new wellness expert withMaple holistic. "The hot water removes the outer layer from the epidermis, which can leave your skin irritated and sensitive to external elements."

RX: "Warm water may not be your first option, but it ensures that your complexion is clean and protected," says Rocke.


You have eczema but has not been tested with allergy

Skin prick allergy to find out kind of allergy

Eczema is a squamous eruption that is sadly stubborn, but in some cases a simple test can cool it. "For many people, eczema is the only indication that they can be allergic to certain foods, and even at that time, the reaction is not immediate," said Larissa Cosgrove, author ofEczema newspapers. "Depending on your metabolism, a light rocket may not happen for a few days, making it extremely difficult to follow what causes it. The most common culprits are wheat, dairy, sugar, eggs and alcohol."

RX: If you have a rash like an eczema, consult an allergist. "The tested allergy can be important to exclude sensitivities," says Cosgrove. And eating soothing foods is good for you inside and out. "As eczema is an inflammatory condition, incorporating foods that natural inflammation is useful for keeping rockets in the bay, such as turmeric, berries, lawyers and green tea."


You drink too much

Relaxing with a glass of wine

Sorry, it's not a myth; Too many trays can plant your face. "Excessive use of alcohol is very desiccant - another source of aging skin", declaresDean C. Mitchell, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in New York.

RX: For the health of skin and cardiovascular, and to reduce the risk of cancer, experts say that men should be limited to two alcoholic beverages per day and women should say "when" to one.


You do not wash your face at night

Woman splashing face with water above bathroom sink

"During the day, various air pollutants accumulate on the skin causing damage caused by the skin. These pollutants must be washed," saysVISESLAV TONKOVIC-CAPIN, MD, a certified board dermatologist in Kansas City. He says he is particularly important to wash the makeup every night: "Makeup is not regulated by the FDA, and it is a chemical and pharmacological mystery. It is therefore better to wash it as soon as it is socially acceptable to do it. "

RX: Wash your face morning and evening with a mild cleanser. If you wear makeup, Tonkovic-Capin notes that liquid, pasty or pressed cosmetics can connect pores and cause acne. It rather recommends mineral makeup.


You eat too much carbohydrates

girl in yellow sweater eating pizza at restaurant

"High glycemic indexes, a.k.a. carbohydrates, causes the degradation of collagen and elastin by the glycation process, when carbohydrates attach to collagen and elastin," says Tonkovic-Capin.

RX: For all your body's systems to be healthy, focus your diet on lean protein, good fats and a variety of colored fruits and vegetables. Opt for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and limit processed foods and simple carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, chips and bakery products.


You do not listen to your intestine

n suffering from stomach ache

"The poor health of the skin can be a by-product of the health of poor incidents," said Kimszal. "If anyone has acne, rashes or eczema, it could be related to the way their intestine works. Sensitivities to certain foods can manifest themselves on the face or in other parts of their body. " She points toresearch on people diagnosed with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS); They had itchy the skin that looked like eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis that improved after starting to eat a gluten-free diet.

RX: If your skin looks less like Stellar, talk to your doctor to know if you should consult an allergist or nutritionist with a dermatologist.

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You sleep on your stomach or your side

sleepy woman lying on stomach wearing pants

"Your pillow could make you look older," says Anthony Yououl, MD, a plastic surgeon based in Detroit and the author ofPlaying God: the evolution of a modern surgeon. "Sleeping on your face creates folds in your cheeks that can progress towards permanent" sleep "wrinkles. It also applies to sleeping on your side, and particularly worse with more rough pillowcases, such as polyester."

RX:"Sleep on your back, or if you can not, then change your silk pillowcase or a satin pillowcase," says Youn.


You drink bottles of water

Woman drinking water

"We have all heard the term" smoking lines ", referring for the purposes of the mouth that smokers get so much from their lips," says Youn. "Fewer people who smoke nowadays, but something else will cause us more and more to pursue: drinking bottles of water. This makes us give birth to our lips. Even if the water moisturizes our skin Some doctors believe that repeated lip makes our lips rub more. "

RX: "Drink large bottles, or if you have to use a small mouth bottle, then squirting the water in your open mouth," he recommends. (Just do not stop hydration.)


You do not clean your phone

Cleaning mobile phone to eliminate germs

About 40% of women and 10% of men over 20 are suffering from adult acne. "Often, acne is grouped on the chin, which often poses our phones and our mobile phones," says Youn. "A main acne cause is the bacterium, and this bacterium can easily spread from one person to another by putting your chin on the phone."

RX: "Use an alcohol buffer to clean your mobile phone and all phones at work," says Youn. "It can kill all bacteria causing acne and improve your complexion."


You do not eat enough omega-3

raw salmon on cutting board

"One of the best macronutrients for healthy and flexible skin is quality fatty acids, preferably omega-3 fish or algae oil," says Stella Metsovas, author ofWild Mediterranean: the secular scientific plan for a healthy intestine, with food that you can trust. "Try extra blank olive oil cold pressed because it contains a powerful source of phytonutrient hydroxytyrosol oleate, which is known to provide a strong line of defense from free radicals."

RX: Omega-3 have a multitude of benefits - they stimulate cardiac health and reduce your risk of conditions of diabetes to depression. Eat whole sources of omega-3s like lean fish (aim twice a week), olive oil, beef with grass, nuts and omega-3 eggs. National health institutes recommend that women get 1,100 mg and men have 1,600 mg of omega-3 a day.

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You chronically use corticosteroids

Prescription pill bottle medicine

"Another very bad behavior is to ingest corticosteroids in the form of a pill or chronic use of inhalers containing corticosteroids," saysJanet H. Prystowsky, MD, Ph.D., a certified board dermatologist in New York. "After years of use of these prescription products for disorders such as asthma, emphysema or conjunctive tissue diseases such as lupus or chronic fatigue syndrome, the damage accumulates and I do not have not seen being reversible. Topical steroids used for chronic conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can also slim skin, but it can be reversed more easily unless you really have not gone too far and that you have obtained permanent stretch marks. "

RX: Ask your doctor if your corticosteroid prescription is still needed, or if there are alternative drugs that could be easier on your skin.


You do not use antioxidants

Health food for fitness concept with fruit, vegetables, pulses, herbs, spices, nuts, grains and pulses. High in anthocyanins, antioxidants, smart carbohydrates, omega 3, minerals and vitamins

"Most people understand the impact of stress on their mental health, but there is another type of stress that can affect your skin oxidizing stress," says Fred Pescatore, MD, an internist and an author of New YorkTHE HAMPTONS PLAN. It is when free radicals and antioxidants cause cell damage. "This can accelerate the natural skin aging process, which is when we can see fine lines and premature lines. Adding antioxidants to your daily skin care diet can make a big difference in the appearance of your skin."

RX: Pescatore recommends adding the "super-antioxidant" pycnogenol or Bark Maritime Pine, to your routine. "Research shows that it is 50 times more powerful than vitamin E, making it very effective to reduce oxidative stress levels," he says.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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