Kellogg's has launched pop-pies flavored in Pretzel in the new year

We eat this treatment for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Is there a good time of the day to eat a pop-pie? Kellogg's people do not think so. As friend O'Keefe, the head of the senior business strategy for convenience, explained toFood News News, research has shown that approximately half of the millennia that consume pop-pies consider the iconic trick pulp as an afternoon snack, not exclusively abreakfast Object. Apply this insight to their research and development, Kellogg decided to add a convivial snack in the afternoon to its list of pop-pies pies: the pretzelle pop-pie. Confection presents in two varieties, chocolate sugar and cinnamon, and will be available in the country's grocery stores from $ 202020 for $ 3.49.

RELATED: More than 100 healthy breakfast ideas that help you lose weight and stay slim.

Pop-Parts made its debut the innovation last month at the National Association of Convenienceers Trade Fair in Atlanta. Free samples have been distributed to the event and have received generally positive criticism on social media. Instagram personality@CandyHunting reported From the front lines: "From what I could say to small pieces of samples, I tried, they have the same texture as normal pop pies, but have a distinct pretzel flavor and adding salinity."

As confirmed in aRecent press releaseThe pretzel pop-piets consists of a flaking salt crust and inspired by pretzels, as well as the links mentioned above. While this salty pastry will be unique in the pop-pie range for its one-day snack potential, brand fans will remember that pop-pied pies have a history of tilting old snacks favorable to new exciting concoctions. : Slip, pumpkin pie and cinnamon rollers have all harvested pop-tart treatment over the years. Andin 2017, the indomitable pastry toaster came for Jolly Rancher! Compared to these variations in treatment, a pop-pie pitch was definitely due.

"Pop-pied pies always create new ways to enjoy familiar and loved foods," said Joe Beauprez, Marketing Manager at Pop-Tarts. "With the beginnings of Bretzel pop-tarts, we set a snacking staple." And while we may not all agree not to accept that the pretzel needed fixation, the pretzel pop-pies is a snack that we can all look impatiently - for every hour of the day. Hey, you could even try it for breakfast.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: breakfast / News / Snacks
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