Never eating food with these words on the label, says Expert

These are the fashion words that deceive you to think that a food is healthy, when it is not the case.

Do not feel stupid forTo be wrong in the thought "health" food Like yogurt and granola are good for you.Food labels have misleaded you, alluding to a food with redeeming benefits, even if they are packaged with too much sugar. These labels "Halo Halo" are tactics designed to bring you to buy junk food without feeling bad about it.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is constantly looking for ways to regulate the complaints of food manufacturers for their packaging, but it is not always easy. You can see labels on food packages that say "natural", "light", "diet", "healthy" or even "sugar without". These claims can mean something positive, but they are also distracing negative aspects from any eating point.

For example, one of the most common "health" package labels you will see is "low fat" or "boldless". Although it may be true,It is important to keep in mind that absence or reduction of fats generally means the presence of too muchadded sugar. Manufacturers know they have to make low-fat foods, in one way or another, they add tons of unhealthy sugar to make you enjoy the product (and want more than that). What is worse, many products claim to be "sugar-free" and have just replaced sugar with artificial sweeteners.

To help you better navigateThe aisles of the grocery storeHere are the most common health halo food terms that deceive you, according toFree Sugar 3 Author, Michele Promaralayko. And while you keep an eye on them, be sure to try these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.



woman looking at labels

During this writing, the FDA did not formally define the term "natural", but many consider as a food without artificial flavors, adding colors or synthetic ingredients. It's great, but it's also incredibly easy to secondary steps. As a consumer, you can think that "natural" food sounds healthy and free from transformed ingredients, so you take a good decision. In reality, it can always contain added sugars and unhealthy ingredients.



organic orange and yellow bell peppers in grocery store
Michael Warwick / Shutterstock

With a"biological" Label, the devil is in the details. A food that claims to be "100% organic" is manufactured with all the biological ingredients or foods that were not cultured or manufactured using bioingenated genes (GMOs), synthetic pesticides or mud-based fertilizers. 'sewer or oil based. However, if a label simply indicates "organic", it means that the food is made only with 95% organic ingredients.

If the food is labeled as "made with organic ingredients", it is 70% of organic products and 30% of the ingredients are defined by other regulations, but are not necessarily biological. Organic foods can reduce or eliminate the chemicals you ingest. But these foods can always contain added and refined sugars, which does not always make them the healthiest choices. I could make an organic chocolate cake with organic sugar, refined organic flour, organic butter, organic chocolate and biological eggs. I could even write the word "organic" on the top of it in organic icing. Would that make my cake good for you? Absolutely not.

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Gluten free

Reading grocery store label

Gluten is a protein that occurs naturally in grains, such as wheat, rye and barley. The FDA defines aProduct "Gluten free" Like the one that limits the presence of gluten at less than 20 parts per million. This label is useful for people with celiac disease or other consumers who need to avoid ingesting gluten. However, even foods that do not naturally contain gluten can use this to deceive consumers thinking they have health benefits. In addition, many people mistakenly believe that gluten is automatically equal to its health. This allows added sugars or other unhealthy ingredients to slip into these products without the knowledge of consumers.


Wheat or multigrain


This is one of the largest health halos of all. Unless a product is labeled "whole wheat" or "whole grain", it can always be refined flour, which makes it as bad as simple sugar. When shopping for breads and grain products, always check the label of nutritional facts and aim to choose whole wheat varieties or whole grains without added sugars, and also few ingredients as possible.



looking at label

"Enriched" foods seem to have added vitamins or minerals. It's not wrong, exactly. What labels will not tell you is that these vitamins and minerals were probably stripped during the transformation and then became in. (I remember the white bread "enriched" of my childhood; escapes the nutrients were lost to whiten the flour, then thrown into.) In addition, while healthy foods can be enriched, enriched foods are not necessarily healthy.


High energy


And wait for sugar itself has been crowned with the health halo to be an "energy food". This is not a completely erroneous marketing scheme. Your body needs sugar (glucose alias) to provide you with energy. When you consume sugar, it is digested and enters the blood, where it is delivered to the cells of your body. It provides your energy cells and helps your body work. If it is not necessary, your body stores it.

However, food manufacturers are known to abuse Sprharase. And they were not very quick to warn consumers of the harmful effects of eating too much added sugar, which is almost everyone. Energy drinks,sports drinksand fruit flavored waters are some of the most empty braggarts on the energy and nutritional benefits of sugar. Think of how many times you see famous athletes marketing sports drinks filled with sugar. The manufacturer wants the consumer to assign these sugary buildings, performance and muscular endurance.

Do not trick me. There are times when these drinkscan to be beneficial. If you are a quarter of a quarter of a game from the NCAA or competition in an Ironman, then you will need all the sugar and electrolytes you can get. But sofa surfers and weekend gymnasiums should not be resolved themselves. For your body, it is essentially colored sugar water.

Meanwhile, you do not see advertisements on the dynamisation of a few glasses of water and portion or two of natural sugar fruit, saiatrating fibers and phytochimical health - can be. In other words, the transformed food industry perverts these claims inFashionable words to draw your attention and increase their prices.

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