The most toxic vinaigrette on grocery shelves
That's the way you might not realize that you add tons of calories and sugar.

If you incorporate moresalads In your diet, you obviously focus ontry to make healthier choices. And we congratulate you for taking this step towards a better diet! While you charge on fresh vegetables to mix with these green leafy, there is a way to be a way to unconsciously transform your healthy salad, well, toxic. And that goes back to theVinaigrette.
Yes, what you put above your salad business!Unless you do that dress you, you may not really know exactly what is in these salad vinaigrette bottlesWhile grocery store shelves. There are currently tons of options that are only adding tons of calories, sugar and inflammatory vegetable oils.
So, what seemingly harmless dressing is it to avoid at all costs? (Instead, make sure you try these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time!)
Creamy César Vinaigrette of Wish-Os
It's not a secret that the main component of theBeloved Caesar Salad is the Caesar Vinaigrette. And here you will broadcast a dressing done with parmesan cheese and a mixture of black pepper, parsley and other seasonings. Although it can taste greatly and that the rescue is a classic brand, it does not mean that you should nowhere near this vinaigrette.
See, in one servition, only 2 tablespoons, keep in mind - you get nearly 200 calories and 20 grams of fat. And 370 milligrams of sodium, too? It's more sodium than you get if you've eaten two bags ofClassic laity potato chips. Yikes!
The bad news does not stop either. Take a look at the list of ingredients and you will see that the main ingredient is inflammatory soybean oil. The sugar and corn syrup are also listed. Moreover, it is important to remember that with the salad of Caesar, it is often soaked in the vinaigrette. If you are trying to reproduce the flavors you get from a restaurant salad, you will probably have to double the amount of the vinaigrette that is suggested. So, you increase more than 400 calories to your salad. Big Yikes.
You do not want to add unnecessary calories, fat, sodium and sugar to your salad, is not it? Pass the vinaigrette of Caesar, especially this one of Wish-Bone.

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