Incredible weight loss for a better sex

These foods are not just good for you, they can also make the lives of your sex life.

There is nothing more sexy than feeling healthy and being at a happy weight, except, well, sex itself. Hormones and cardiac health (yes, really) are the two primary actors of desire, sexual performance, satisfaction and fertility. Of course, you could blow up a pill to stimulate your testosterone or libido, but these types of drugs can have rather frightening side effects, ranging from drowsiness, nausea and dizziness tocardiopathy and even deadso NOT worth the risk.

The good news is that you can increase your testosterone, improve blood flow to your regions in areas or in the natural atmosphere, simply by changing your diet with these weight promotional foods promoting weight loss. So, catch a pen, including a grocery list of testosterone and traffic-booming foods below, and get ready to have the best sex in your life. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.



apple slices

An apple a day can help keep the doctor away, but a recent Italian study suggests that it can do a lot more than that!Researchers Divided more than 700 women subjects into two groups: those who have eaten apples daily and those who did not do it. They found that those who regularly consumed fruit - rich in sex phytoestrogenes, polyphenols and antioxidants, had a more pleasant and nicer sex than those who did not do it.

Apples can do more than improving your sex life, they can also help you improve in your lingerie! So, in fact, that they made our list of theBest fruits for a better body.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


Brazil nut

Brazil nuts

Bikinis, models, walnuts ... Is there something Brazilian who is not sexy? Selenium is a mineral trace found in Brazil's nuts that play an important role in hormonal health. You only need a little bit for healthy sperm, but a small deficiency can be catastrophic for reproductive health. Into study, men who had a drop in testosterone and were infertile also had selenium levels significantly as the fertile group. Complete with the improved mineral chances of successful design of 56%!



Peeling ginger using a spoon

Ginger-one of our tastesSpices for fat loss-Can Improve your sex life with its antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The spice wasshown to increase testosterone levels and viability of spermatozoa in men.


Dark chocolate

woman eating bite of chocolate bar

A study on Italian women and their chocolate eating habits revealed that women who regularly nibbled on cocoa wanted and appreciated sex more than women who have barely touched things. This can be because chocolate increases both serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, which makes us happy and lowering our level of stress - both "Mood" boosters if you know what we mean. Another theory of the study, published inThe Journal of Sexual Medicine,Does cocoa increase blood flow in arteries and relaxes blood vessels - send blood to all appropriate regions. Whatever reason, chocolate is never a bad thing, simply make sure you do not get on one of our tastesBurning fat chocolates.


Pomegranate juice

pomegranate juice

Revount your sex life with a spritzer of refreshing pomegranate juice. Studies have found that the juices of Granada, as a wonderful and exhausted pom.have positive effects on erectile dysfunction and testosterone. Grenades are also loaded with antioxidants that support blood flow, which can help increase sensitivity and pleasure. Simply make sure to water your juice a bit: a cup of the substance has 31 grams of sugar, which will not do your favorite stores.



eating oysters

Oysters are full of zinc and women with higher zinc levels in their system have been demonstrated to have higher sex conduct than those with lower levels. And guys can also reap the benefits. Ato study showed that six months of zinc supplementation between men slightly deficientdouble Serum levels of testosterone. Research has also shown that zinc deficiencies are a risk factor for infertility caused by low levels of testosterone. Get your knight at Happy Hour (and stick to one of these low calorie cocktails to maintain your flat belly). Just half a dozen oysters on the half-shell will provide you with 33 milligrams of zinc, nearly three times the 12 milligram GDR for adult men.



Watermelon cubes

The watermelon has even more lycopene than tomatoes and lycopens viagra in its ability to relax the blood vessels and improve traffic to some, Ahem, areas of the body.

Related:This is what happens to your body when you eat watermelon every day



cup of coffee

It turns out that all these Starbucks files can be on something - coffee can be the best booster of libido. It contains a stimulant that has been shown (in animal studies) to put women of the atmosphere. Take a cappuccino and rush for a long night's long night.

Whether you are a simple coffee drip or order something a little more favorable, make sure your coffee order is healthy while avoiding the7 things you should never add to your coffee.



make spinach smoothie with avocado and grapefruit in blender

Eating spinach, a rich green inCompounds of suppression of the appetite, I can not only give you a figure ready to lingerie, but also put the atmosphere by increasing the blood flow under the belt. "Spinach are rich in magnesium, a mineral that decreases inflammation in blood vessels, increased blood circulation," registered dietitianCassie Bjork, Rd, LD tell us. Although it does not sound sexy, you are sure to take advantage of the effects. "The increase in blood flow causes blood to the extremities which, like Viagra, can increase the excitement and make sex more pleasant," says the psychotherapist and the expert sexTammy Nelson, Ph.D. "The women will find it easier to have an orgasm and men will find that erections will come more naturally. Have good sexual relations is the best aphrodisiac. It makes you want to have more sex."


Red wine

Pour glass red wine

Looking for a tasty way to boost your libido? Pour a glass or two ofRed wine-But be sure to cut there. Women who drank one to two glasses of the substance had a sexual desire and a higher sexual function than those who did not come down from Vino, aSexual medicine newspaper study found. Unfortunately for you wine lovers, there was no added benefit to drink more than two glasses, which is the most health experts suggesting that we drink daily anyway. What makes the elixir so beneficial? It contains flavonoids that increase blood flow to key areas (you know those).


Fourte-fed oxen

steak and potatoes on a plate

If your busy schedule is to blame for your lack of libido, you are not alone. "One of the main reasons Couples cease to have sex is because they are tired, tired and stressed. But sometimes there is a biological component at stake," Nelson said. One of the causes of fatigue in women is iron deficiency. The condition can zaple energy, which can lead to a low sex drive, explains Nelson. Bjork accumulates, adding ", iron deficiency is common and can lead to feelings of exhaustion, weakness and irritability, which makes no one wants to become intimate." Bjork says that remedying the situation requires a two-part approach: "If you think your diet lacks iron, focus on the consumption of spinach, red meat fueled with grass and liver, all Foods rich in nutrients. Then make sure your body is capable. Use the iron, "she says." Consume yogurt rich in probiotic (pick up one of theBest Greek yogurts for weight loss), Foil and a Glutamine supplement can improve the health of incidents and help your body more efficiently absorb the iron, "said Bjork.



Fried egg sunny side up egg yolk

Eggs often went up in discussions on reproductive health. This time we are talking about food eggs, as in omelettes and the role they play in the stimulation of testosterone. This comes mainly yellows, which are rich in dietary cholesterol, as well as mono-and saturated fats - nutrients, once dismissed by health experts who have been positively demonstrated to influence size and hormonal health. . In fact, studies on vegetarian and low fat schemes show the two levels of testosterone by about 12%. The higher fat schemes - in which fat represent at least 40% of calorie consumption, with increased consumption of saturated fat, an increase in testosterone levels. Why? This is not the science of the rocket. Cholesterol constitutes the building blocks from which testosterone is formed; Without this, the hormone can not synthesize. Organic eggs are one of the best food sources. In addition to the essential fatty acids, an entire egg is rich in aspartic acid, an amino acid that triggers the production of testosterone. For more, do not miss the20 things that everyone should know about eggs.



Roasted potatoes

Whether they are white or sweet variety, potatoes are an excellent source ofpotassium. This nutriment counteracts the bloating effects of salt and stimulates traffic, which can help you feel better in bed and also increases the pleasure of your bedroom. It's a winning victory!



grilled seared salmon

It's not a secret that oily cold water fish like wild salmon, sardines and tuna are overflowing withOMEGA-3 fatty acidsBut here is something that you may not know: nutrient benefits not only to your heart, but also increases the levels of dopamine in the brain. This dopamine tip improves circulation and blood flow, triggering the excitement, the Bjork and the Nelson explain. There are more: "Dopamine will make you feel more relaxed and connected to your partner, which makes sex more fun," says Nelson.


Green tea

green tea

Green tea is rich in compounds called catechins, which have been demonstrated to remove belly fat and accelerate liver capacity to transform fat into energy. But that's not all: catechins also stimulate desire by promoting blood flow in your white room areas. "The catechins kill free radicals that damage and inflammate blood vessels, which increases their ability to transport blood," said Bjork. "The catechins also cause blood vessel cells to release nitric oxide, which increases the size of the blood vessels, resulting in an improvement in blood flow," she says. Blood flows to the genitals = feeling of sexual excitement, if you sip the thing, well, you will want to get it. Bjork suggests drinking four cups a day to feel complete effects. For more information on the green beverage, check7 Extraordinary benefits of drinking green tea consumption.

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