The toxic ingredient of chocolate you need to know about

All this has to do with the cocoa floor is grown, and here is what is done about it.

Cocoa + sugar + some other things = a food we all know and love: chocolate. It is commonly known that a rich chocolate diet can beBad for your healthDue to the large amount of sugar. But this is not the only thing that makes chocolate potentially harmful to your health. Although cocoa is a natural ingredient derived from seeds, it can also transport toxic properties.

It is because of the ground the potentially toxic ingredient of chocolate is grown.

Much of the world's cocaro trees are located in Latin America. Here, there are more traces of cadmium, a metal that can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even an renal disease, according toThe CDC. A team of equator researchers and Belgium is now seeking ways to reduce the amount of cadmium that ultimately ends in cocoa beans, according to a new report of the Environmental Quality Review.

"The issue of cadmium threatens farmers' livelihoods because their products can not be suitable for trade and some buyers would prefer not buying polluted cocoa beans," said David Argüello, a member of the research team. "In order to find an effective mitigation strategy, we need to understand how cocoa plants take the element." (For the means to eat cleaner, here is the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.)

They discovered that typical methods of elimination of soil cadmium do not work on cocoa. This is because their roots are deep. Other plants, such as corn, sunflowers, etc., live closer to the surface. Between harvesting and planting, mixing the ground still digs the deepest layers. A current way to eliminate the cadmium of the ground is to add in an element found in the limestone, simply called lime. This lime (not citrus fruit) helps prevent plants from absorbing cadmium. The ground mixture allows lime to reach all the floor layers it needs.

The ground around cocoa tree rootscan not be mixed and treated with lime because they are not replanted each year. In an experiment, lime has been added to both upper and deep layers of soil containing cocoa seeds in a greenhouse. The team of researchers found fewer amounts of harmful metal in the leaves. Although successful, the process can not be done on cocoa trees on the ground. But it opens doors to find a permanent solution in the future.

In the meantime, the limitation of your candy consumption is the best way to avoid the toxic ingredient of chocolate. AThe lover of chocolate abandoned him completelyAnd found this helped this thing significantly.

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