F-Factor Diet causes alleged health problems

Several women made complaints to undergo unwanted side effects by following the F-Factor regime.

UPDATE: August 27, 2020,The New York Times reported that the claims that F-Factor products caused false layers are false. Nothing has been confirmed yet on the diet leading to unwanted symptoms now. F-Factor tooPosted on its most recent coa to the public on August 31st.

This week, the legitimacy of the F-Factor popular regime, which is known for its good taste protein powders and bars, has been implicated by an Instagram influencer.

Emily Gellis started sharing anonymous testimonials with his disciple near-170000Fan base on Instagram Earlier this week after reading a woman who thought consuming the products is what made her lose her period. GELLIS continued the post accounts post on its Instagram stories, with a majority saying that they have experienced unbearable bloating, urinary tract infections, rashes and even more serious side effects, such as poisoning by Heavy metals by following the diet.

All these symptoms have led the consumers concerned to believe that high fiberprotein powders and the bars have high concentrations of lead. The request can not be far-fetched, given the products have aProp 65 warning label About them, indicating that they contain traces of metal. Past in California in 1986, the proposal 65 law "obliges companies to provide warnings to Californians on important exhibitions to chemicals that cause cancer, congenital malformations or other reproductive disorders", as declared theCalifornia Bureau of Risk Assessment Environmental Health.

Believe it or not,Heavy metals are often found in protein powders-The not unique to F-Factor products. However, vegetable protein powders made from soy and hemp are often more likely to have traces of heavy metals due to contaminated soils and pollution. F-Factor protein powders are made with whey.

TheWebsite f-factor promises that people can, "eat carbohydrates. Dinez. to drink alcohol. Work out less "by following the diet, which is strongly composed of fiber-rich protein bars and powders you make with Shakes. The feeding approach is centered around the consumption of fiber increases, which seems harmless, especially in the way thesite explains:

"Fiber is calorie zero, a non-digestible carbohydrate portion that adds to the supply. When you follow a rich fiber diet feeling satiated after eating, if you usually eat less throughout the day. Also, the fiber inflates in the stomach, absorbs and eliminates fat and calories, and stimulates the metabolism ".

However, as a negatively affected person by the plan notedRefinery29The site was not (at the time) transparent on one thing: proof of a certificate of analysis (COA). The International Alliance of Food Supplements / Food Services Associationssays that this document Details "Specifications on features such as purity, strength, composition and limitations for the ingredients in which there is a known reasonable expectation or an adulterous or adulterant waiting. »

It is important to note that these types of companies are not required by law to reveal the level of toxins and chemicals that hide in their products. Yet F-Factor posted its most recent CoA on August 31 in response to a public review.

Creator of the F-Factor diet, Tanya Zuckerbrot, who is also a dietitian, saysPage SIX"What I can categorically confirm is that rumors of dangerous leads of lead in the product is false. She also added that, in the two years and the more she sells her products, she has received less than 50 complaints and reimbursement requests.

"This rumor that a certain way, I created a product that hurts people is so malicious and frankly without foundation," she says.

To be transparent, vanilla shake powder F-Factor was the winner of ourPowder protein taste test Last year. We can only deny that the flavor and the texture of the powder are quasi-perfect when mixed with othersSmoothie Ingredients . However, this test was done only on taste.

For more, discover 5 Dangerous errors Do you make a low carbohydrate diet .

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