8 Best Fruits for a Best Body

Protect everything from your liver to your silhouette with these essential and slimming selections.

When it comes to eating well, most of us have a huge blind spot. We cut calories wherever we can, try to refuse the donuts in the break room, but forget to charge you with fruits and vegetables. We are here to guide you in the Products section of your grocery store - and not just because it's the most fatal section of the store. Of course, fruits and vegetables help youlose weight fastBut they do something so important for daily operation: they give you the vitamins and minerals you need to make your body work effectively and efficiently. If you forget these foods, you also miss antioxidants and phytochemicals that your body needs optimal health - and no, canned fruits and fruit juices do not count.

Come back into the game with these picks of better body. These are sweet additions to your diet that will keep your body buzzing and, yes, even help you lose some books.




If you or your partner have already suffered from an erectile dysfunction, try adding this "natural viagra" to your shopping list. The powerful antioxidant agents of the browse of arres and juice can help reverse oxidative damage to the vascular system, according to researchers. This condition-which nutritionist oz Garcia, Ph.D., calls "natural rust" - plays a major role in the ability to reach and maintain erections. That may be the reason why some theologians believe the grenade - not the apple - was the fruit for defended in the Garden of Eden.




There are not many things that make up a better choice for the collalation on apples. A medium-sized apple is packaged with four grams of soluble fibers-17% of the daily value (DV). "This is important for the health of the Colon and the control of blood glucose", "Elson Haas said, Mr.D., author ofStay healthy with nutrition. "It's also a good source of vitamin C immune." Apples also contain a compound called quercetin, which has antihistamine and antiallergic properties. If possible, check your local farmers market; There you will find varieties far beyond the base gala and the Smith grandmother.



green grapes

Eating glycemic high carbohydrates Once the workouts produce a greater amount of glycogen-reconstituted what you have exhausted after a difficult session, to choose lower blood glucose glycemic. "The grapes are a very high glycemic fruit," says Nutritionist and Physical Specialist John Kiefer, who makes it an ideal post-training snack. "They are also responsible for vitamins A, C and B6, various essential minerals and folate.



bing cherries

Most diseases and malaise in the body can be found in inflammation according to Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., author ofThe 150 healthiest foods on the earth. "Chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your vascular system," he says, "but a lot of guys also suffer from acute inflammation caused by sports injuries". Avid Gym-Goers can relieve evils and pain by eating tart cherries, depending on the search. These have the highest concentration of anthocyanas that help block the enzymes associated with inflammation.



fresh blackberries

Garcia recommends the blackberries of their vitamin K content (36% of the DV) and exceptional phytonutimental power. "This is important for men because it has been shown that it has been demonstrated to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer," he said. "It is also raised in mineral manganese, which helps support optimal testosterone production." The blackberries, as well as other pre-tiny bays, are also rich in antioxidant lutein, which helps promote eye health by helping to prevent macular degeneration.




Participants who have eaten half-grapefruit before each meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks in the famous Scripps Clinic "Grapefruit Plan". "It's a big appetite," says Bowden. "It also contains pectin, a soluble fiber that has been demonstrated to slow the progression of atherosclerosis." If you take prescription drugs (or counter), however, avoid eating this fruit. "It interacts with hepatic enzymes in a way that can keep the drug in your system longer than expected."



sliced lemon

"Citric acid in lemons helps to break down lipids and stimulates digestive juices," says Haas, who makes a 10-day lemonade every year to reduce body fat and cholesterol. "Adding a half-lemon juice to a glass of water every morning supports the function of the bladder of the liver and gallbladder." Before your next meeting, drink fresh lemon juice. The energizing scent has been demonstrated to fight against fatigue, anxiety and nervousness, and can improve concentration and vigilance.




An enzyme in papaya, papain, has been demonstrated to relieve indigestion gas. Chymopapain, another of its enzymes, was used to relieve inflammation. A cup of fresh and mature papaya has only 60 calories, but brings a height of 144% of the Vitamin C dv (88 mg). "When buying papayas," said Garcia, "looking for those who are mainly yellow and give up slightly to pressure.

Courtesy of Men's Fitness

Categories: Healthy Eating
By: bianca
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