This coffee habit could prolong your life

Japanese researchers have erupted on the surprising benefits of drinking coffee and tea every morning.

If you are like most people, you start your day either like aCoffee persontea anybody. But according to a study published in the newspaperBMJ Open Diabetes Research & CareThis could benefit your health - and potentially prolong your life - to become both. After analyzing the effects of green tea and coffee consumption among a large sample size of nearly 5,000 diabetic adults, a team of researchers in Japan observed that the risks of premature death were the lowest participants. The study that drankthe two Four cups of tea and two cups of coffee every day. Learn more about this study and for some important tips, you need to know about your daily pickup, make sure you are aware ofThe most dangerous way to drink your coffee, according to science.

The health benefits ofdrink tea anddaily coffee And with moderation are well known. Both drinks can help you regulate yourweight, Optimize your metabolism, keep your alert and stimulate your brain health. But this new study is one of the first to examine the health effects on diabetics to combine drinks into a single diet.

Over five years, researchers in Japan provided questionnaires to nearly 5,000 study participants in the Fukuoka Diabetics Register. The issues related to diet and lifestyle subjects, probing how participants were exercised, smoked, slept and consumed coffee and green tea everyday. At the end of the study, 309 people were dead.

The study concluded that those who drank a cup of green tea every day had a chance of 15% of anticipated death, those who drink two to three cups had a chance of 27%, and that the four cups were drinking A chance of 40% lower death. In the case of coffee, the consumption of a cup a day was observed to have a 19% death chance of death, and those who drink two cups of coffee a day were associated with a lower probability of death. early 41%.In the end, people with the lowest chance of early death were those who drank four cups of green teaand Two cups of coffee every day.

The researchers concluded: "We found that the green tea and coffee consumption was considerably associated with a decrease in mortality for all causes in patients with type 2." diabetes "" They also noted that the conclusions represent other lifestyle factors, including the diet, exercise and other life choices. "This association has remained important after adjustment of the potential confabilities: the impact of each drink on mortality was independent." And for some of the health risks to drinktoo much coffee, make sure you are aware ofThe dangerous side effects of drinking too much coffee, according to scientists.

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