Dangerous side effects of eating fast food restoration, according to experts

Do not confuse fast food salads for healthy foods.

It's January and most of us announced to our friends and family a kind of new year resolution on our health.Belly fat andexercise Can be raised on the list, but eating better food should be too. If you are a frequent customer in fast food chains, this may seem simply opt for "healthier" menu items could be enough to get better health results, but the truth is even lighter menu options in places likeChick-a,McDonalds, WhereWendy's is always considered a fast food - and they are even worse than a mere homemade factmeal at the front of vegetables With whole grains, healthy greases and lean proteins.

Think of it this way: to provide the same satisfaction you get to eat a hamburger with fries, fast food restore options must have a way to get away and return to your return. After all, this is the fast business model and often includes dietary guideline recommendations for the flavor and the ability of the crave. Although major food chain marketing strategies have taken the fact that most people are looking for healthier options on their menus, their food production methods are still not yet.

The biggest danger of fast food "healthy" is that you have been fooled by leaving your guard and thinking that consuming this food regularly is not a big deal. Of course, calories can end up being lighter and you would surely consume less fat, but call everything you can order at a fast food chain "healthy" is a major stretch.

Take the recent example ofInternal business community Journalist Kevin Reilly, whoLed an experience In which he had nothing but "healthy" fast food for a whole week. Yes, he lost 7 pounds in 7 days, but at what cost? According to his testimony, he often felt slowly, consumedwaaay Too much sodium and ends with the suffering of a terrible migraine after a few days on this "healthy" regime. It's just the tip of Iceberg.

Here are some of the potentially dangerous side effects consisting of regularly eating "healthy" fast food. Do not confuse them for actually healthy foods. And for more, do not missVitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.


Weight gain, bad sleep and other serious health conditions

carls jr beyond burger
Carl's, Jr./facebook

An inevitable fact of the rapid restoration rate is that it is mass produced and what it usually means to be transformed.Processed food Are foods that have been chemically modified and manufactured from only refined ingredients and artificial substances (as opposed to whole foods). Let's say you ordered aHerbal burger Or sandwich - it's great that you choose to eat less red meat, but the cake, bun and sauces you get with this order are always very transformed. Order a salad where you can actually identify vegetables with a naked eye? Until now, so good, but we bet, there are other things out there as deliciously flavored croutons or a creamy vinaigrette, which are full of simple carbohydrates, added sugars and contain nothing of the nutritional value of the all.

Based on most processed foods for your nutrition can result in weight gain, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances, poor sleep and plethora of othersNegative consequences You can not even think about assigning your diet, such as mood swings, the decline in dental health, acne, hair loss, etc. here are21 things happening to your body when you stop eating processing.

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An increase in blood pressure

Wendy's spicy chicken ceasar salad
Yelp / Steve D.

Sodium is one of the most consumed nutrients in the United States. In fact, about 90% of Americans consume more than the recommended daily sodium quantities, says Nutritionist Toby Afby. There are few things for your cardiovascular health than large amounts of sodium, considering that it increases your blood pressure and puts you considerablyhigher risk of a stroke, a heart attack, heart failure and kidney disease.

Fast restoration is notorious to be charged with sodium. For example, many salads, as well as sandwiches and soups, major fast food chains contain more than 50% of your recommended daily consumption.

"Many fast food chains add flavor to their food by stacking salt, even on so-called so-called men," says Amidor. "As such, you could take 75% or more of the recommended daily sodium in a meal." So, yes, you will go to light on the calories and eat lean meat like grilled chicken, but you are ravaging your body with sodium levels with fouling of the artery.


Overconsumption of added sugar

Mcdonalds oatmeal
McDonaldsus / Facebook

The added sugar is a silent killer, and it finds its way into many different components of fast food, including "healthy" menu items. For example, you may think you are doing a service yourself by opting for a perfect yogurt or oatmeal on an egg sandwich and bacon, and you are ... to some extent. But these articles often have sweeteners in a very added way, such as fructose corn syrup, what is recommended by meal. "Channels often use more than what is considered a reasonable amount of sugars added to make their food more attractive and addictive," says Amidor.

The worst part is that added sugars are not always obvious - in addition to breakfast items in a traditional way, you will also find them in salad dressings, smoothies and evenGrilled grain bowls and chicken sandwiches. here are the35 most sweet food meals on the planet.


Eat too much

chick fil a grilled nuggets
Courtesy of chick-a-a

It's a warning that consummated lighter meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner will let you hungry during the day and many more inclined to nibble. Reilly pointed out in his video that when he filmed seven pounds in one week by opting for lighter menu items in restaurants at the Fast Food, he was constantly hungry and had the impression of not having enough food at the time of meals. So, unless you are ready to hung up as it between meals, your fast food loss plan "healthy" can finish backfiring in many ways: you can finish faster, which can tell Additional calories quickly, or you could end up with a cycle to deprive - then the frenzy where you are more likely to succumb to your presses too much to eat later in the day.

For more, be sure to read on theUnhealthy snacks, according to science.

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