The worst time of the day to drink a soda, according to a dietician

There is never a better time to drink a soda, but there is certainly a worst time.

That you start your day with a "South coffee" (that is a coke) or that you go out Netflix late at night, next to a bottle of your favorite sweet beverage, there is no neverWell Time of the day to drink a soda. Every time you deliver, you goinstantly send sugar Floods in your blood, your pancreas will need a kick at high gear to push this sugar in your muscles to try to convert what it can in energy, and any excess sugar will probably be stored in the liver and will turn into fat. (Oh, and you will probably live a tied sugar accident.) Drink too much, too often, and you examine serious damage to your body. "The more regular soda cans, we drink, the more we will die of dying of heart disease," Integrative medicine doctor Irina Todorov, MD,notes on behalf From the Clinic of Cleveland.

According to at least one nutrition expert, we talked to,There is really aworse Time of the day drinking a soda - and it's just before taking you.

"You should not drink soda before exercise," saysLeslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN, a sports dietitian who works with NFL Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City leaders. "Carbonation can slow down" intestinal emptying ", so you do not hydrate as effectively. Drinking soda before the exercise negatively affects hydration because it can take longer for the fluid to make a path through the digestive tract to exercise muscles. "

In other words, drinking a soda before working will probably cause bloating, gas, discomfort and perhaps even nausea, which will hinder your sweat session. (Doing things, the sodas are generally high in sodium, which can also accelerate dehydration.) Do not think that diet sodas will be better. Many brands of diet sodas containaspartame, an artificial sweetener with side effects comprising vertigo, mood swings and migraines. So, if you fueled a workout at home or if you are heading on a jog, you would be wise not to "hydrate" cooking a peps.

That said, if you do not necessarily try to maximize your workouts, is there any other terrible period of the day so that you drink soda? According to Bonci, it's early in the morning before eating breakfast - and for the same reasons it is bad to drink before a workout.

"In general, drinking a soda in the morning can mean that youFeel full Before having filled your fluid needs, "she says". Because the soda can take longer to empty the stomach, you can feel full, and if it is the first drink you drink when you wake up, there is a chance that you can find it. More difficult to consume other liquids right away and hydrates properly, and in some cases you can avoid eating food. "

As we have noted countless times toEating this!, eat a big and nutritious breakfast is essential forgood health And to help you reach yourweightloss Goals. While research has provided conflicting information on the link between breakfast and weight loss, a 2020 study published in theJournal of endocrinology and clinical metabolism of endocrine society I revealed that people who eat a big breakfast (and a small dinner) can burn twice as many calories than those who eat a small breakfast and a bigger dinner. The researchers concluded that people who fill up with breakfast can not only reduce their overall weight, but also metabolic diseases.

You should consider leaving a lot of space in your morning stomach for proteins. "The only thing I notice in 90% of my customers who can not lose weight is that they jump heavy protein at the first meal of their day," says Anthony Coffey, owner and lead coach at Bloom Training . "Have a higher protein diet, especially the beginning of the high day, does not only lead to a higher thermal effect (burning more calories throughout the day), but a preservation of lean body mass, which Protects more metabolism and AIDS more and a defined look. This also extinguished fringes, mood disturbances, irritability, stress and fatigue levels throughout the day - all Things leading to weight gain, or lose weight. "

If you replace your breakfast with a soda, it's time to stop you. And for more risks to drink soda, read it because we have provided some of them here. And for some of the sodas, you should definitely avoid, do not miss our list of the108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


You will gain weight

Woman with measuring tape using scale surrounded by food and alcohol after party on floor

According to a study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Consume drinks filled with high fructose corn syrup (that is, many sodas) is bound to obesity. Fructose is absorbed by the body differently from other sugars, indicates the study, which will affect your insulin levels and finally discard a key in your metabolic machines.


Your risk of diabetes rises


A study published in the Journal American Heart AssociationTraffic I found that the consumption of sweet sweet drinks, such as soda, was linked at the beginning of type 2 diabetes.


Your body will age faster

woman aging

People who drink more sweet-sugary drinks had shorter extremes of their chromosomes, called telomeres, according to a team of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco. When this happens, scientists say that your cells can not regenerate as quickly, resulting in a faster aging process.


Your kidneys will be affected

Woman suffering from pain kidney disease while sitting on bed at home.

On aStudy carried out by the graduate school of the University of Osaka In Japan, the soda has been linked to a mediocre renal function.

For more information on the insidious effects of soda, do not miss theDangerous side effects of soda drinking every day.

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