5 shocking sources of trans fat
The dangerous fat that has been prohibited by the FDA is always hidden in some supermarket staples. And you probably do not realize it.

Even ifSaturated grease had most of the hatred In recent decades, it turns out that there is another type of fat of bad fat that we should be worried for - Trans fats. While recent research had proved that saturated fat does not negatively affect blood cholesterol in the way we thought once we thought that transforming fats from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are shown to lift LDL. Fouling of the artery or "bad" cholesterol, as well as the lower HDL or "good" cholesterol.
This disaster of spells for yourcardiac health. In fact, the FDA is so concerned about Trans Fats, it has banned the food industry to use them in their products starting in 2018. Good news? Leaving trans fats out of your diet seems to be considerably improving cardiac health: aJOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS The study discovered a 4.5% decrease in cardiovascular disease deaths over 10 years in New York Counties which have applied a prohibition of trans grease compared to these counties without prohibition.
The USDADietary guidelines for Americans Recommends that people keep their consumption of trans fat as low as possible with 0 grams being the ideal goal. And while many food companies have tried the FDA warning and deleted trans fat from their products, some brands still use partially hydrogenated oils - the higher source of the man's fabricated trans fat. Worse still: you will need to interfere with the ingredients to see if you consume the grease to crowd from the artery because the manufacturers are not required to declare its nutritional prevalence when there are less than 0.5 grams per serving.
That's why we scanned labels and dig these products that still live in the dark ages of trans grease. Find out if you have these trans-fat foods in your pantry by examining our list below, then double on your cardio-protective protection efforts by avoiding these30 foods that can cause heart disease.
Duncan Hines Classic Yellow Gake Mix
1/10 package (43 g): 180 calories, 4 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 350 mg sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 19 g sugar), 1 g protein
Bakery products are a common culprit of trans fat, and this mix of yellow cakes from Duncan Hines is not an exception. The mixture is made with a shortening of the vegetable oil, which is always a red flag. In fact, the shortening is made with palm oil or partially hydrogenated soy oil; Whenever you see partially hydrogenated soy oil in a list of ingredients, you should allow you. Even if the nutritional information has 0 grams of trans fat, the FDA can allow companies to list 0 grams if the portion really has less than 0.5 grams, which can add up.
Apple Jacks
Per 1 cup: 110 calories, 1 g of grease (0.5 g saturated grease), 150 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 10 g of sugar), 2 g protein
People usually think that cereals are a healthy way to start the day. But apart from all the added sugars, you must also worry about trans greases. Kellogg's made of their beloved apple flavored cereals with soybean oil and / or partially hydrogenated seed seed, a major component of trans greases. Although the missing trans greases of the nutrition panel, they hide in hydrogenated vegetable oils and add up to serve after serving.
Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Original chocolate chip cookies
For 3 cookies (33 g): 160 calories, 8 g of grease (2.5 g saturated), 110 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 11 g of sugar), 1 g protein protein
This chip chip cookie bought in classic store is like a field of mines of harmful ingredients. (Therefore, why did it win a place on ourThe 30 worst supermarket cookies in America.) In addition to the high and inflammatory fructose corn syrup, which can result in weight gain, these cookies also contain trans fat in the form of partially hydrogenated seed oil. Since bakery products are a common source of trans fat, it is better to double and triple check your list of ingredients on any packaged bakery product.
Quaker Instant Oatmeal Peaches and Cream
By packet (35 g): 130 calories, 2 g of grease (0.5 g saturated grease), 180 mg of sodium, 27 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 12 g of sugar), 3 g protein
Oats by itself is good for you; The whole grain can help reduce cholesterol andNight oats There are a big breakfast prepared to help you lose weight. The problem concerns flavored oat packets, which read as a treasure of bad ingredients for you. In addition to the lifetime of the list of ingredients, which is sufficiently shocking, the fisheries and the Quaker Cream flavor use a "clearer agent" that is made with (you guessed), soy oil partially Hydrogenated. With other raw additives such as corn syrup solids and the artificial flavor of fishing, you will better create your own oatmeal and adding milk and peaches.
Skinny comfort, tensioners from Turkey glazed
By container: 270 calories, 5 g of grease (1 g saturated grease), 530 mg of sodium, 41 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fibers, 19 g sugar), 14 g protein
The name "Lean" is deceive when it comes to this frozen dinner. Although there are only 270 calories and 5 grams of fat, the ingredients include a partially hydrogenated soybean oil, a trans form of trans grease. Although the packaging asserts that it contains less than 2% of hydrogenated oil, trans fat completes and it is better to orient them entirely. This is worth repeating: for packaged foods, double and triple check your ingredients.

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