30 best proteins for your penis

These muscular foods are rich in nutrients that can make you a superstar in the bedroom.

Science has identified a number of essential nutrients for the penis and all it can do. Four of these seem to be more useful than others:

Zinc Increases testosterone levels and helps to allow healthy erections and spermatozoa.

• A gap ofVitamin B12 Has been linked to erectile dysfunction, Harvard researchers have been found. Vitamin is crucial for cellular metabolism and blood production.

Arginine Is the gay marvin of amino acids relaxing blood vessels and allows the blood to flow, which helped you get an erection.

Magnesium Decreases inflammation in the blood vessels, increasing blood flow, which accelerates blood at the extremities, increasing excitement and ... Well, you get it.

Sure,protein Not only constructs the lean muscle that helps you find yourself in bed with a company in the first place, but it is also the most elemental building block of fabric, dense in amino acids that promote sexual health. (Men should have at least 56 grams a day; women, 46.)

We therefore consulted the USDA database to identify the main sources of zinc, B12, magnesium and arginine dietary proteins. Some of these foods that increase the libido showed near the top of several lists; We put them in the temple of fame. Read on to know who has nabbed the crown.

Vitamin B12




Vitamin B12 Amount: 6.4 μg in 1/2 Filet (198 g) (106% DV)

Apart from having a full day of B12 in a portion, salmon filled withOMEGA-3 fatty acids, which encourage the creation of nitric oxide, which helped you stay hard. Fish is also incredibly high in 40-gram protein a portion and is rich in vitamin B-6, which facilitates healthy blood production - good for muscles above and below the belt. In addition, a study in theInternational Research Journal on Impotence I found that eating a mediterranean style diet rich in products, fish, whole grains and healthy greases (such as omega-3s) can improve erectile function in men with metabolic syndrome.


Blue mussels

Vitamin B12 Amount: 20 μg in 3 oz serving (333% DV)

These brilliant-probes molluscs can help heat things, with more than three times the recommended daily value of B12. A 3 ounce portion also has 20 grams of muscle-boosting protein, with only 4 grams of grease and 150 calories. Like clams, they are rich in iron, which helps to ensure that your blood flows everywhere, it needs. They are also high inmagnesium, a natural erection activator.




Vitamin B12 Amount: 25 μg in 1 net (417% DV)

This IKEA-Cafeteria clip will help you put things in the bedroom. In addition to packing four times your daily B12 requirement in a medium-sized net, herring is also a good source of magnesium (59 mg in 1 net), which stimulates testosterone and retains healthy and viable sperm. In addition to this, fatty fish like herring are high in vitamin D, which can help you get and maintain it. In a recent study published in theSexual medicine newspaperItalian researchers examined 143 men with Ed; 80% had suboptimal levels of nutrients and men with severe ED had a lower level of 24% of d than those with a light form of the disease. The theory is that low levels of D promote dysfunctional blood vessels and a shortage of nitric oxide.



Vitamin B12 Amount: 8 μg in a cup (333% DV)

Fat, subject to proteinFish is good for weight lossIn addition, it is one of the best sources of vitamin B12 and calcium without dairy products. Look for canned varieties of bones, which are sweet and completely edible. Although the idea of ​​eating fish bones can be a bit difficult to swallow, they are part of the fish that contains all the calcium. The slaughtered is not negotiable if you want to harvest the benefits. Bonus: Sardines are more moisturizing than Gatorade. More than half of its body weight is water.
In case you need to take a break to moisturize or something.



Vitamin B12 Amount: 15 μg in 3 Oz Serving (625% DV)

OFT-neglected for more glamorous fish such as salmon and tuna, the mackerel twice has the amount of healthy fatty acids and inflammation reducers to cardiac health, as salmon, making it one of the healthiest fish at the restaurant. Which is good for your heart is good for you.




Vitamin B12 Amount: 84 μg in 3 oz serving (1 400% DV)

Sea pistachios are one of the richest food sources of B12 you can find. Booster bioeur bivalves are also high in L-arginine, which facilitates nitric oxide formation. (No is so powerful that it is used medically to treat erectile dysfunction.) In addition, clams are high in muscle proteins and grease, which will help you be better bare.



Brazil nut


Magnesium amount: 500 mg per cup (119% DV)

Brazil's nuts are one of the highest sources of magnesium per serving, and they also offer a good amount of selenium, a mineral that is important for healthy hormones. You only need a little bit for healthy sperm, but a small deficiency can be catastrophic for reproductive health. Into study, men who had a drop in testosterone and were infertile also had selenium levels significantly as the fertile group. Complete with the improved mineral chances of successful design of 56%!




Magnesium amount: 479 mg per cup (114% DV)

quinoa Is not it the only old grain that is charged with health benefits. Amaranth, a natural gluten-free seed, is a good source of digestion aid fiber, as well as iron and protein of the calcium building and biceps (he has 4.6 grams of the latter per cup). Sub iT for quinoa or brown rice as a dish of accompaniment before sexy times.




Magnesium amount: 355 mg per cup (85% DV)

With 26 g of cup protein (which counts two portions), TEFF is also charged with fibers, essential amino acids, calcium and vitamin C - a nutrient not found in the grains. As Amaranth, it constitutes a large pinch batter for your usual favorite grains.


Cashew nut


Magnesium amount: 356 mg per cup (85% DV)

The high magnesium content of the cashew nut gives them a myriad of health benefits, helping your body to relieve constipation, insomnia, headaches and muscle cramps, as well as the regulation of the immune system and The brain support function - all net positives in bed.


(Note: The USDA does not attribute a recommended daily value to arginine.)


Chicken breast


Amount of arginine: 4.1 g in one piece

The health benefits of the classic food staple continue to pile up. In addition to a high amount of arginine - only Turkey has more than the 3 ounce cooked chicken breast contains only 142 calories and 3 grams of fat, but an impressive 26 grams ofprotein. It's more than half of the provision recommended by the day. In addition, it has less than half a gram of saturated fat in a portion and rich in vitamins B to reveal your metabolism and energy levels. (And if you are looking for more difficult erections, these B vitamins certainly do not hurt.)


Lean pork lanyard


Amount of arginine: 14.3 g in 100 g serving

Despite the criticism of bacon of the world of health, pork can now offer a healthy image. In fact, it gains a more frequent place on dinner plates with its size of inflation of the size. Scientists have asked 144 overweight people to eat a diet rich in fresh skinny pork in a study published in the newspaperNutrients. After three months, the group saw a significant reduction in size size, BMI fat and belly, without reduction of muscle mass! The researchers believe that the belly cut effect is due to the profile of pork amino acids, including arginine, which can contribute to faster engraving.




Amount of arginine: 4.5 g in 1 cup

The nuts offer a one-two punch in the fight against heart disease: one is arginine and the other is its omega-3 anti-inflammatory fatty acid content. In fact, it is one of the best food sources. Ato studyshowed that the consumption of 2 ounces daily has significantly improved the blood flow towards and from the heart. People who eat an ounce of nuts five times or more per week had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a risk of coronary illness by 20% of 20% compared to those who barely noshed, aHarvard's study find. As if it were not enough reasons to store, a third study revealed that a walnut handle contains almost twice as many body repair products than any other nut.




Amount of arginine: 4 g 1 cup

Should humble chick peas really be the viagra of nature? Not only do they have 39 g of protein per cup (78% of your GDR!) And 57% of your daily magnesium value and 4 full grams of arginine. Order the hummus on your next date night.




Amount of arginine: 3.7 g 1 cup

Like other fatty beans and legumes, lentils are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are a "slow carbohydrate" which gradually digests and triggers the release of acetate - a chemical in the belly that tells the brain to stop eating. Aexamination of studies on diet pulses published inObesity found that people who ate an ¾-cup of lentil portion every day felt on average 31% more complete than those who do not. And lentils contain another magic ingredient: Genistein, a compound that acts directly on genes for obesity, thus helping to turn them off and reduce your body's ability to store fat!




Amount of arginine: 5 g per cup

Not only do peanuts contain an arginine kit, but they also help reduce cholesterol levels. The least cholesterol you have in your system, the easier it is for the blood to circulate throughout your body and your penis, keep you ... Well, yes.





Amount of zinc: 11 mg per piece (242 g) (100% DV)

With 60 g of protein per piece defined by the USDA, with a full day zinc allowance, the lamb is one of the most powerful proteins. Bonus: It also offers a full-day niacin allowance, which supports erectile function.


Sailor beans


Amount of zinc: 8 mg per cup (80% DV)

These white legumes containresistant starch, a type of fiber that both contributes to feel full and control blood glucose. (Translation: You will not be able to reach the snacks.) The resistant starch actually most of your intact system and makes your body harder to digest. In fact, topics that have eaten five starch grams resistant in a single meal (equivalent to about half a cup of navy beans) by report to various other quantities burned 23% more fat, aStudy at the University of Colorado find. Use them in just about any recipe that calls beans.



Zinc amount: 10 mg per leg (91% DV)
Vitamin B12 Amount: 9 μg in 3 oz serving (375% DV)

What is the sexiest as food that needs to be eaten with a super-dimensioned bib and snack? To quoteVegetalize, change the visual and a seafood dinner could pay dividends in bed.


Pine nuts

Zinc amount: 9 mg per cup (82% DV)
Magnesium amount: 4 mg per cup (84% DV)

These underestimated nuclei are rich in zinc and people with higher levels in their system have been demonstrated to have higher sex conduct than those with lower levels. They are also a good source of magnesium, which stimulates testosterone and retains healthy and viable satechnice. The pine springs are the main ingredient of the pesto, then go to the Italian in your next night, or sprinkle them on a salad with a libido-boomal lawyer, tomatoes and salmon.





The boneur booster ingredient in the eggs is choline, a powerful natural chemical that burns not only fat, but can help define your pants. The cholin triggers the production of nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes the arteries in the penis and allows to make its blood flow to do its thing. Choline is a precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that controls sexual behavior through its business in the brain; Having a higher level of Ach has been associated with more frequent and more intense and intense sex. Bonus: Eggs are bred in vitamins B5 and B6, which balance hormone levels and stress control, two factors without a doubt useful in the bedroom.


Peanut Butter

Proves that good OL 'p.b. is an aphrodisiac in disguise. It is rich in niacine (with a quarter of your recommended daily value in two tablespoons), which can lead to good performance in the bedroom. In a study printed in theSexual medicine newspaperMen with impotence that took a niacin supplement reported a significant improvement in their bedroom feat compared to men who took a placebo. The peanut butter is also a good source of folate, which improves the quality of sperm.


Almond butter


Almonds are rich in arginine, so if you are looking to heat things in the bedroom, almond butter should be yoursmoothie Complement and sandwich gap of choice. Many studies have indicated that almonds can help you lose weight despite their high fat content. How is it possible? Almonds contain compounds that limit the amount of fat absorbed by the body, so that some pass through undigested.



Sesame seeds


Amount of arginine: 5 g per cup
Amount of zinc: 11 mg per cup (100% DV)
Magnesium amount: 443 mg per cup (105% DV)

The best pre-drive supplement in whole food (whatever your workout) could be a sesame bagel. This is because sesame seeds are rich in L-arginine, an essential amino acid shown to improve carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. The amino acid is also a precursor of nitric oxide - a compound that dilates the blood vessels and improves the coveted "pump" of coveted "a thrust of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the muscles which amplifies growth. The seeds. Seeds. Also have a very concentrated amount of zinc and magnesium.




Magnesium amount: 386 mg per cup (92% DV)
Amount of arginine: 3.6 g in one cup

The rich Almonds Arginine Stores can actually help you burn more fat and carbohydrate during workouts, a printed study inThe Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutritionfind. The type of workout is yours. Shoot (Ahem) 30 minutes a day. Combine with the fact that almonds are a dense source of magnesium and you have one of the best snacks that can help you in the bag.


Pumpkin seeds


Zinc amount: 10 mg per cup (91% DV)
Amount of arginine: 6.9 g in 1 cup
Magnesium amount: 764 mg in 1 cup (182%)

The pumpkin seeds can dissociate the detritus of unprecedictable halloween gloppie, but they are nutritional superstars. Pumpkin seeds are one of the best food sources of zinc and magnesium minerals shown atBoost boost testosterone levels and growth factor hormone, especially when combined. In fact, university football players who took a zinc-magnesium nocturnal supplement showed a 30% increase in testosterone levels and an increase of 13 to 16% of the leg strength, an eight-week event found. The seeds are also a rich polyunsaturated fatty acid source illustrated to stimulate prostaglandins - substances similar to a hormone playing a key role in libido. Seeds, usually are an excellent source of arginine and pumpkin seeds n ° 1.




Amount of zinc: 20 mg in one piece (182% DV)
Vitamin B12 Amount: 5 μg in 3 oz serving (83% DV)

In addition to being leaner and lower in calories than conventional cups, grass-based beef offers a host of benefits from the muscle building to fat burning with cardiac protection. You can add assistance in the room to the list of good qualities; It is an excellent source of vitamin B12 and one of the highest sources of zinc. Then ignite the grill. If you are carnivorous, you have no excuse for not: beef is one of the healthy fats that makes you skinny.


Turkey breast


Amount of arginine: 16.2 g in a chest
Amount of zinc: 13 mg in a breast (118% DV)
Amount of magnesium: 242 mg in a chest (65% DV)

Ironically, the most associated hen with belt loosening holidays is lean, high protein and the only source of food the best of arginine. The lean and protein, Turkey is no longer an automatic replacement of red meat: this bird deserves accessories alone. Burger Turkey Burger Patty contains 140 calories, 16 grams of protein and eight grams of fat. It is also rich in DHA omega-3 acids, which have been demonstrated to strengthen cerebral function, improve your mood and disable grease genes.




Vitamin B12 Amount: 71 μg in 3 oz serving (1 178% DV)
Amount of zinc: 9 mg per tranche (82% DV)

You would have trouble finding a less sexy-surveying food, but the liver is the richest food source of vitamin B12, a gap is related to erectile dysfunction. It is also loaded with zinc, which is essential to keep testosterone levels up and prevents your body from converting T to estrogen.




Vitamin B12 Amount: 21 μg in 3 oz serving (875% DV)
Amount of zinc: 77 mg in 3 oz serving (700% DV)

According to legend, Casanova has regularly eaten a 50 oyster breakfast. It turns out that he could double as nutritionist if he had been able to get out of the bag. In addition to being high in B12, oysters contain more zinc than any other source of food. This nutrient is essential for testosterone production and when your levels fall, your business too. Like other bivalves, oysters are high in aspartic acid, an amino acid that has been demonstrated to temporarily increase the low level of testosterone and improve the quality of sperm in sterile men. On a purely aesthetic level, the zinc also helps the body synthesize the protein into the muscles, which will pump you so in more ways.

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