This supplement can avoid you from Covid-19

New study connects the levels of this particular vitamin with coronavirus mortality rates.

Recently publishedmedical study Shows a strong correlation between this key supplement and mortality rates with coronavirus:Vitamin D.

A research team led by the University of the Northwest watchedCOVID-19 [Feminine Cases of hospitals and clinics from China, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. They discovered a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and mortality rates of CVIV-19 mortal contagion. It's true, vitamin Dcould save your life.

Italy patients, Spain and the United Kingdom who had raisedCOVID-19 [Feminine Mortality rates have lower vitamin D levels compared to patients from countries that were not so severely affected. The study found a strong correlation between vitamin D levels and something called "cytokine storm".

What is a cytokine storm? It is a hyperinflammatory condition caused by a hyperactive immune system. According toSciencea cytokine storm is a driving force ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Mortality rates:

Some clinicians suspect that the driving force of the descent trajectories of severely diseased patients is a disastrous excessive reaction of the immune system called "cytokine storm", what other viral infections are known to trigger. Cytokines are chemical signaling molecules that guide a healthy immune response; But in a cytokine storm, the levels of certain cytokines fly far beyond what is needed, and the immune cells begin to attack healthy tissues. The blood vessel leakage, the drops of blood pressure, the shape of clots and a catastrophic organ failure can ensue.

Research notes that data on vitamin D levels were not readily available for CVIV-19 patients they envisaged, but that they "took advantage of established links between vitamin D and protein C -reactive (CRP) and between CRP and severe Covid-19, respectively, to estimate the potential impact of vitamin D on the severe Covid-19 reduction. "

"The cytokine storm can seriously damage the lungs and lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients"Ali Daneshkhah, a postdoctoral research associate at the McCormick Engineering School of Northwestern, said in adeclaration. "This seems to kill a majority of Covid-19 patients, and not the destruction of the lungs by the virus itself. These are the complications of poorly directed fire from the immune system."

While theto study It is not yet peer-examined, there is such a global eagerness for any relevant data on the global pandemic, these results are already considered to be another essential piece of the Covid-19 puzzle that has remained unresolved by experts in matters. medical and public health risk. look alike.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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