Laids' side effects of pizza, according to science

A slice or two is good, but what happens if you go to the sea?

WhilePizza presentmixed bag When it comes to providing nutrition (especially because there are so many ways to eatpizza andlosing weight), you certainly do not want to harm this treatment. The pizza may have some decent nutrition when served in the right form, but like most other foods, you can easily overcome this junk food.If you like pizza but eat too much, you can deal with laid side effects of pizza that can cause serious damage to your health.

When you want to easily take it on your body, avoid that the extra pizza slice avoids these terrible laid side effects of eating pizza. And for even healthier tips, make sure to check this list of7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Weight gain

Woman grabbing slice of cheese pizza with pepperoni meat lovers

Because the pizza is raised in carbohydrates and fat and does not include a ton offiber (Unless it is made with an entire grain crust and vegetable charged), you will probably feel hungry after eating a slice.A recent study I noticed that our bodies are surprisingly good at the end of the food, especially with something more tasty than pizza. Without anything on the pizza to keep youfeel full- Filling for high fiber purposes and lean protein - You probably do not savor because your body will not recognize that it is full, making pizza a food that can seriously pack on books. More, after having remembered how much ofempty calories Finding in a slice of pizza, everyone can withstand the urge to pick up a second tranche.

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Increased risk of cardiac disease

detroit style pizza

According toDomino's, You can easily specify any pizza size with enoughsaturated fat To make real damage on your arteries in the form of sausage, pepperoni, extra cheese and more. This comes a new unwanted to anyone with a family history of heart failure, or anyone just wants to avoid unnecessary plate accumulation around their arteries. According toAmerican Heart Associationyou can find a ton of saturatedfat In red meats and cheese. So, if you like these garnish, do not go out of heavy on meats (maybe simply choose one!) And add it in some vegetables as a garnish instead, so you can avoid ruining your heart health.

After discovering that side effects can get out of the pizza, check theLaid side effects of eating French fries, according to science Avoid even more important health consequences.


Possibility of worse the skin

greasy pizza

One of the ugly side effects of eating a pizza can actually appear on our faces. Even ifAtlantic Depending on the myth that the pizza gives you acne because of its fat, there are other elements at this tranche that do not make favors of your dermatological problems. High sugar-growing foods and high blood glucose clues can potentially cause severe acne cases.

In a study published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a correlation appeared betweencarbohydrate and develop a worse acne. These results complement aSimilar studyNoting that a low carbohydrate diet can help cleanse skin. So do not take the risk and accumulates someextra acne Just for the pleasure of overeating more pieces of pizza.


Cancer vulnerability

leftover pizza slices

A ton of food slide additional carcinogens in our lifestyle and the presence of pizza in our life can make real damage. A variety of studies presented inThe Guardian I found that the chemicals used to process pork (such as Pepperoni) may result in an untimely grave due to the increased risk of various cancers. Only red meat can make real cancer damage, even without the help of added chemicals. A study published in theNutritional diary and cancer Found a link between colon cancer and eat too much red meat, which should be extra caution when ordering a meat lover pizza.

When you want to avoid the risk of consuming carcinogens, prepare a healthy pie with the help of8 healthy homemade pizzas better than taking take away.


Increased chances of cerebral stroke

frozen pizza

Keepingsodium Down should be a major priority for anyone who seeks to say healthy and to overtake it on salt can lead to the consequences of terrible health. Unfortunately, the pizza is charged with sodium. According to a study published byActa Pharmacher SinicaIncreased salt consumption causes cerebral shots, making pizza a major risk. TheAmerican Heart Association Recommends that no one consume more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day to circumvent this risk. The average sodium number of a slice of pizza clocks everywhere600 milligrams at 1,500 milligrams of sodiumBy installment, instead of overcoming more slices, associate it with a large side salad instead to avoid this ugly side effect due to high sodium consumption.


High blood pressure

pizza box

To eat sodium does not only lead to features . According to Cleveland Clinic , salt levels can lead directly to hypertension and you really do not want to meet this dangerous side effect. According to American Heart Association This condition in its most extreme form can lead to early death. It is preferable to avoid this slice of extra and fill the other half of your plate with high fiber vegetables.

Help reduce your risk of high blood pressure and to check The healthiest foods that lower blood pressure.

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