Dinner habits that shorten your life

Apparently innocent acts can be added to serious health problems.

Researchers say thathabits account for about 40% of our daily behaviors. That the habits of means exert a good little influence on our lives, forWell WhereWrong. When he comes to eat, we are certainly creatures usually. So, let's look at our evening meal routine. Are you guilty of these unhealthy habits Dinner who can have an impact on your health? Continue reading, and for more health advice, make sure you check out our list of15 Weight Underrated Loss Tips that actually work.


You do not plan meals.

frozen pasta dinner

If you do not have ameal plan, You will probably end up ordering or counting onhighly transformed frozen orcanned foods. A 2016 Harvard study revealed that people who regularly cooked at home had a lower risk of diabetes than those who rarely cooked at home. The study conducted by researchersHarvard T.h. Chan Public Health School have reviewed food and health data of 100,000 health professionals, men and women and found that people who have eaten up to 14 homemade meals or dinners a week had a lower 14% risk of developingType 2 diabetes that those who ate six or less homecooked meals.

Do not have a meal plan? Start with one of theseThe best planning meal apps to lose weight.


You always have a cocktail before dinner.

frozen margarita

Take the habit of dinner every kickoff with a cocktail not only your meal with extra calories preload, but it also stimulates the appetite, say the researchers who call the phenomenon of "aperitif effect. Studies show that even moderatealcohol consumption Let's harm hunger and a specific desire for salty foods. In a study in the journalAppetite24 men were randomly received or a vodka and orange juice or orange juice alone before a meal. It is turned out that those given alcohol consumed 11% more total food than juice drinkers. In addition, the screwdrivers turned the volume of fatty food men eaten 24%. For more reasons to skip drinks before dinner, here is theLaid side effects of daily drinking alcohol, each according to the Mayo Clinic.


You do not drink the water before eating.

water glasses

Beingdehydrated Can lead to all kinds of negative results: headache to constipation, fatigue with kidney calculations, and more. More seriously, being dehydrated can make the result of a very worse stroke, according to a studyBMC cardiovascular disorders. Then there is a possible weight gain and bad digestion.

Put your own water consumption habits on the microscope. If you are not only drinking water during each meal, you should have a glass of water before taking your first bite, said Nutritionist Ilaana Muhlstein, Rd, author ofYou can fall! How I dropped 100 books enjoying carbohydrates, cocktails and chocolate and you can also! Drinking water Before eating is one of the first principles of its diet.

"The water is first of all to take advantage of the simplest, but perhaps the most powerful nutrition a form we have and the secret weapon to drop books," says Muhlstein.

here isWhat happens to your skin when you drink water every day.


You microwaves to plastic food.

person putting container of broccoli and grains into the microwave

If you are used to pack your foodPlastic Envelop or place it in plastic and microwave containers, then heat, you could end up ingesting unhealthy chemicals. Non-microwave plastic safety containers, including take-away containers, can leaps BPA and phthalates in food, especially if food is oily, such as meats and cheeses. BPA (bisphenol a) and phthalates are suspected "endocrine disruptors", which mimics hormones and can disturb healthy cells.

"Even if only one exposure to a specific chemical are small, if they occur several times over long periods of time, their effects can add, leading to a variety of negative health on the road," professor of Harvard of Reproductive Physiology Dr Russ Hauser ReconstatedPublication Harvard Health. "In addition, and most importantly, we are exposed to many chemicals simultaneously (namely, chemical mixtures) that may have harmful additive effects. »


You eat a lot of salted prepared foods.

Prepared foods at Walgreens in a refrigerated case

Maybe you ever reach the salt salt. But if you are used to eating out or have a lot ofprepared foods for dinner, you probably consume too much too muchsodium. More than 70% of food sodium comes from eating packaged and prepared foods, no salt added to the food when the house cook or eating, says theUS Food & Drug Administration. High sodium consumption can increase blood pressure, one of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke in the United States, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Preventionand the main risk factor for global disease, according to theWorld Health Organization.

Here is a habit of illness related to the promotion of heart shot: Fried Foods. To find out why, readDangerous side effects of eating fried foods, according to science.


Your dinner rarely includes vegetables.

pasta with meat sauce entree

Take a look at your plate tonight. What do you see? If you do not notice an abundance of vegetables and fruits, you might be seeing cardiovascular problems in your future, research suggests.

Consider ato study Presented to the US company for the annual nutrition conference in 2019, which analyzed the 113 country plan data alongside research on deaths. Researchers have found that every year, nearly 1 to 7 people in the world die of heart disease and strokes caused enough not to eat fruit and about 1 to 12 years old from cardiovascular diseases do not consume sufficient quantities of vegetables. When you fill your plate with fruits and vegetables, the good-for-you things tends to be less healthy like red meats and low fiber starches. TheAmerican Heart Association Recommends eating 4 servings of fruitsand 5 portions of vegetables a day.

You can make better dinner choices by followingThese simple guidelines.


Your dinner rarely includes protein.

rice and vegetables

Pasta every night maybe easy, but it does not provide you with the 50 to 175 grams ofprotein Most of us need daily to build and maintain the muscles and keep our appetites in check. Many studies have shown that the protein is more satisfied than carbohydrates or greases. AAnalysis of 10 studies By researchers from the Purdue University, for example, found that subjects whose meals includes insufficient amounts of protein has become more hungry and ended up eating more than when their meals included the recommended amount or more protein. The results suggest that dinners that lack protein can lead to an increase in hunger after dinner and eating late at night, which, in turn, could translate into importantweight gain.


You eat too fast.

pasta eating

Wölfing Your dinner can make you fat and even harm your heart, according to a study presented to aAmerican Heart Association Scientific Conference In 2017.

Japanese researchers evaluated 642 people by their speed of eating and found that fast eaters were 11.6% more than having metabolic syndrome, a group of disorders, including hyperglycemia, high blood pressure and high triglycerides, that normal and slow eaters. Fast eating has also been associated with more weight gain.

Eating fast and not chewing can also adequately affect the number of nutrients you get from even healthy food.

"When we eat too fast, we can not be able to absorb and assimilate nutrients," explains Nutritionist Cassidy Gunderson, PhD, Spiro Health & Wellness owner in Salt Lake City. "Our mouths are very intelligent, the masticatory process is extremely important a study revealed that almonds to chew 40 times compared to 10 times the absorption of the nutrients considerably increased. "


You finish dinner with a big dessert.

man and woman eating dessert

A little sweet something after dinner can provide enough of a psychological reward to keep you motivated to stick to a healthy diet. He has worked for many people in the diet because they do not feel like they are depriving. But he does not take a diploma in nutrition to know that it can be difficult for bit cake bounds or luscious ice cream balls. And many desserts are loaded with calories, sugar and saturated grease. Eating heavy, sweet desserts every night can pack on books, leading to obesity and diabetes. Saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol and lead to heart disease. In a 2014Jama Internal Medicine Studying the following persons for 15 years, Harvard researchers have discovered an association between a diet rich in sugar and risks more than 38% of dying of cardiovascular disease.

Instead, opt for healthier options like one of these76 Best Dessert Recipes for Weight Loss.


You stay sitting after dinner.

indoor dining

A study conducted by the American Cancer Society published in theAmerican Journal of Epidemiology In 2018 Linked sitting for long periods of free time and a risk of deaths more than 14 most frequent causes of death. The study, which followed 127,554 people who had no chronic diseases for 21 years, showed that those who reported the most recreational sitting had a higher risk of cancer death, heart disease, stroke. diabetes, renal diseases, suicide, pulmonary disease, liver disease, gastro-duodenal ulcer and other digestive diseases, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, nervous disorders and muscular disorders skeletal.

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