10 The worst McDonald menu items of 2020

Stay away from them the next time you hit the drive-thru.

Look, McDonald's is tasty - extremely tasty. We understood. But we also know that behind all this Burger-And-Fry goodness, you will find nutritional facts less than ideals. And although nothing on the McDonald menu is "healthy" in itself, some items are slightly less unhealthy than others.

We compiled this worst food list to help you remember the things you should stay away from the next time you reach the golden arches. It includes regular menu items, as well as limited items and "secret menu"Concocitions that tell not only calories, but also saturated fats and fouling sodium of the artery.

For more, discoverVitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.


Large breakfast with hot cakes

Mcdonalds big breakfast
McDonald's courtesy
Per plate: 1,340 calories, 64 g of grease (25 g of saturated grease), 2,090 mg of sodium, 155 g of carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, 48 g sugar), 35 g protein

This oversized breakfast plate includes three hot cakes, scrambled eggs, a biscuit, barn browns, a sausage cake, a hotcake syrup and butter. The meal provides 67% of the recommended daily calories (on the basis of a 2,000 calorie system), 123% of the daily amount of saturated fat, 91% of the quantity of sodium recommended daily and more than half of your day carbohydrates. There is simply no need for so much food with so many unhealthy components in a meal.

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Double-quarter pouder with cheese

McDonalds double quarter pounder
McDonald's courtesy
By burger: 740 calories, 42 g of grease (20 g saturated grease), 2 360 mg of sodium, 43 g of carbohydrates 2 g of fiber, 10 g of sugar), 48 g protein

This stacked hamburger includes two 4 ounce 4 ounce beef cakes with onions, pickles and two slices of fusion cheese on a sesame seed bun. And while it looks like curious for your taste buds, it's less for the rest of your body. The sodium of this hamburger is close to 100% of the maximum recommended daily and since many other foods contain quantities of sodium, you are sure to spend on the daily limit.


Double-quarter book with cheese meal

double quarter pounder meal
McDonald's courtesy
By burger: 1,270 calories, 57 g of grease (22 g saturated grease), 1 675 mg of sodium, 142 g of carbohydrates 6 g of fiber, 66 g of sugar), 53 g protein

If you order the double quart of book with cheese was not enough, associate it with regular fries and soda for a meal with a fouling potential even more artery. The amount of food in this meal is on the top, with three quarters of the recommended amount of fat and more than half of your recommended daily carbohydrates consumed in one session. Not to mention the massive amount of unhealthy nutrients, especially sodium, sugar and saturated grease.



mcdonalds mcrib
McDonald's courtesy
By sandwich: 520 calories, 28 g of grease (9 g saturated grease), 890 mg of sodium, 46 g 2 g fiber carbohydrates, 13 g of sugar), 9 g protein

This favorite of McDonald isBack for limited timeAnd in case you need a refresh, it consists of a boneless pork seasoned soaked in a TANGY barbecue sauce surmounted by onions and dill pickles, and served on a grilled homestyle bread. But do not reaches your car keys yet. The sandwich not so large provides 46% of the amount of saturated fat recommended daily. As if it were not enough to prevent you from ordering it, it is also drowned in a sweet barbecue sauce that contributes to more than 3 teaspoons of sucking.


Land Burger, Sea and Air

mcdonalds secret menu land sea and air burger
Ann Marie Langrehr / Eat this, not that!
By burger: 1,080 calories, 52 g of grease (13.5 g saturated grease), 1,840 mg of sodium, 109 g of 5 g fiber carbohydrates, 17 g of sugar), 45 g protein

TheMcDonald "Secret" menuThe elements are creations that you can do when you set multiple menu options together. For this hamburger on top, you order a cheeseburger, on McCHICKEN, and a Fillet-O-Fish-fish-and set it together in a humonest sandwich (with the extra small breads stacked inside). You do not really need us to tell you that it's a bad idea. The McDonald Nutrition Calculator can easily resolve the numbers to give you 67% of your daily amount of saturated fat from the artery and 79% of the quantity of sodium recommended daily.



mcdonalds secret menu big mcchicken
Ann Marie Langrehr
By sandwich: 1,750 calories, 93 g of grease (21.5 g saturated grease), 2 690 mg of sodium, 162 g of carbohydrates 6 g of fiber, 24 g sugar), 67 g protein

This "secret" menu item from McDonald is made by assembling a large Mac and three mcchickens. This monstrosity provides 87.5% of the quantity of recommended daily calories and saturated sodium and fat levels are uncontrollable with 116% and 110% of the recommended max daily, respectively. Your best bet is to spread the consumption of the four sandwiches by commanding them to four separate occasions. . . Over a month.


McFlury with M & M's

Mcdonalds mcflurry
McDonald's courtesy
Regular size: 640 calories, 21 g of grease (14 g saturated grease), 200 mg sodium, 96 g 2 g carbohydrates of fiber, 83 g sugar), 13 g protein

This dessert provides a third party of your recommended calories for the day, and it is probably changing an entire meal worth hundreds of calories. A good amount of calories in this bad boy comes from sugar - it contains the equivalent of nearly 21 teaspoons of caps!


Chocolate jerk

McDonalds chocolate shake
McDonald's courtesy
In large size: 840 calories, 22 g of grease (14 g saturated grease), 420 mg of sodium, 142 g carbohydrates 1 g of fiber, 122 g of sugar), 19 g protein

This longtime favorite is made with ice cream and soft chocolate syrup service and overhanmed with whipped trim. It is not surprising that saturated grease and sugar are simply out of control, pacing 71% of the recommended daily amount of saturated fat and more than 30 teaspoons of sugar.



Mcdonalds mccafe caramel frappe
McDonald's courtesy
In large size: 670 calories, 27 g of grease (17 g saturated grease), 200 mg sodium, 96 g carbohydrates 0 g of fiber, 89 g of sugar), 11 g protein

This McCafe drink is made with a caramel flavor and a hint of coffee mixed with ice and garnished with whipped filling and caramel drizzle. The large size provides more calories than most menu hamburgers and have as much sugar as more than 40 pixie sticks. To avoid!


Cinnamon brioche

McDonald's courtesy
In large size: 670 calories, 27 g of grease (17 g saturated grease), 200 mg sodium, 96 g carbohydrates 0 g of fiber, 89 g of sugar), 11 g protein

In October, McCafeAdded multiple pastry items On their menu including a cinnamon roll available all day. With more calories than you should have in a meal and the equivalent of more than 22 teaspoons of sugar, we call one of the worst things you could eat at McDonald's.

And for more, check these100 instantaneous food on the planet.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: McDonald's / Menus / News
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