22 foods that can affect your risk of breast cancer

Here is a surprising place to start your fight against breast cancer: your cooking pantry.

Of course, we all have our differences - as I will never understand why my best friend finds carrots dip carrots in ketchup, but one thing many of us have in common: we know someone whose life been affected by breast cancer.

Next to heart disease, cancer is the second highest killer of American women. Breast cancer in particular is the most common and researchers believe that one of the eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in his life.

While many breast cancer risk factors are beyond your control, such as genetic factors, such as the BRCA1 and 2, there is evidence that a healthy lifestyle includes exercise and anutrient dense food can affect your risk of accumulation of cancer.

Although no food is guaranteed that you attend without cancer, research has shown that a balanced diet and cancer prevention go hand in hand. In fact, experts have even felt that we were able to prevent up to 9 100 cases of cancer simply by changing what we eat, according to research on cancer, cancer research and awareness charity . That is why we found that foods are nutritional reserves in the fight against breast cancer and some you should avoid to keep your breasts without cancer. Breast cancer is not the only salvation that affects women disproportionately. Find out which other foods are perfect for girls with these50 healthiest foods for women!



Eating a serving of mushrooms a day could help protect you from breast cancer, according to a study printed in theInternational Cancer Journal. The study, which involved more than 2,000 Chinese women, found that participants who consumed 10 grams (which is equal to one little champion!) Or more of fresh mushrooms every day were about two-thirds less likely of developing breast cancer than non-eaters mushrooms. The study did not nailed a cause and effect relationship between mushrooms and breast health, but you still will do your body a favor whenever you add mushrooms rich in vitamins immunizing a meal!


Beans are high in fiber


We have told you all howhigh fiber foods Can we help you lose weight by prolonging the feeling of fullness, but did you know they can also help you reduce your risk of breast cancer? According to Harvard researchers, for every 10 grams of fiber consumed daily, the risk of breast cancer of women decreased by 7%! The authors speculate fiber help reduce high levels of estrogen in the blood, which are strongly linked to breast cancer development. And do you know what the high fiber content food? You guessed it, beans! Beans Navy embalent a solid 9.6 grams of fiber per half cup - it's more than what you find in four slices of bread oats to Pepperidge Farm! finding20 best and worst store bought breads before your next grocery trip.




No one will ever call for Nutty paste on some nuts. This is because these heart-shaped nuts contain a vitamin called gamma-tocopherol, which stops the activation of AKT, an enzyme essential for the survival of cancer cells - without harming healthy cells. The nut also contains cholesterol molecules called phytosterols can help regulate estrogen levels in men and women and even slow the growth of breast cancer cells by blocking the estrogen receptors. Animal research published in the journalNutrition and Cancer I found that when mice were given the equivalent of two human ounces of nuts every day for a month, tumor growth rate in mice eating nuts was half that of the animals that were not able digging on nuts.


cooked tomatoes


They should be a staple in your pantry for some reason more and more that they make a greatpasta sauce: Tomatoes cooked can help reduce women's risk of developing breast cancer! recent findings, reported inJournal of the National Cancer InstituteIn 2012, found that antioxidant carotenoid, lycopene, was particularly effective in helping women in the more difficult version to treat breast cancer: estrogen receptor tumors (ER). The risk of breast cancer was 19% lower in women with the highest levels of total carotenoids compared to women with the lowest levels and women with the highest levels of lycopene had a decrease in breast cancer. 22%.


Sweet potatoes


Like tomatoes, orange vegetables are a source of upper carotenoids. Sweet potatoes, in particular, are rich in a specific carotenoid known as beta-carotene. The sameJournal of the National Cancer InstituteThe study revealed that women with the highest levels of beta-carotene in their blood have a 17% risk drop to develop certain types of breast cancer. The theory is that carotenoids contain compounds that help regulate cell growth, defense and repair. Do not stop with sweet potatoes; Also discover carrots, squash and dark hardwood greens.




Of course it's number-two food when it comes tofruit sugarBut, but eating these rich fiber seeds can help your body inhibit the growth of breast cancer depending on the hormone. According to a study published inResearch on cancer preventionEellagic acid in grenades could help protect against breast cancer by removing estrogen production and preventing the growth of cancer cells. Not interested in picking up your favorite shirt every time you open the fruit? You can also help you with rambose, strawberries, cranberries, nuts and pecans - they are also rich in Ellgic acid.




Tea, especially green tea, is packed with polyphenols - a class of antioxidants with immense health benefits. One of these advantages includes breast cancer properties. A small study conducted by the National Cancer Institute of the National Health Institute (NIH) revealed that Japanese women who drank at least one cup ofgreen tea Every day had less urinary estrogen - a carcinogen known from the drinkers of the chest-than non-tea. To harvest the benefits, make sure to spray. According to research presented at a meeting of the American chemical company, you must drink up to 20 bottles of bottle buying store to get the polyphenol of a home cup at home!




Crunch on a crucifer to crush cancer. All of Broccoli in Brussels Sories can help you beat breast cancer. It is all thanks to these vegetables containing an anti-inflammatory compound called sulforaphane, which has been found to eliminate chemicals of breast cancer and inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells, according to a study of 2013 published inAsian Pacific Cancer Prevention Journal. To increase your consumption of anticancer compound, the slightly vegetable steam is the best way to harvest the mostBioactive nutrients of your food.


Wild salmon


This fatty fish is rich in healthy greases - mainly omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats have been linked to improving the prognosis of breast cancer. A large-scale analysis of international studies published in the journalBmj found that women who consumed omega-3 fatty acids, most fish were less than 14% less likely to have breast cancer, compared to those who eat the least. For global health benefits, the American Heart Association recommends adding a simple portion of fatty fish peemed to your diet twice a week. Salmon does not even need to be your go-to. Other fish raised in omega-3 include cod, mackerel and anchovies.


Organic milk enriched with vitamin D


Alternatives of milk Perhaps all the rave right now, but unless they are enriched with vitamin D, we say they forget. In addition to helping your body absorb calcium, researchers at the University of California San Diego have discovered that vitamin D could also expand breast, colon and ovarian cancers. The study published inResearch on cancer preventionfound that adequate vitamin D intake could reduce the risk of breast cancer in women up to 50%. Some of our favorite ways to use the dairy product is added a splash at your morning coffee, mixing it in oatmeal or using it to prepare a post-pumping smoothie. Check these56 Best Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss For inspiration!


Olive oil


Bonus points for the Mediterranean diet! When Spanish researchers had women supplementing their Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil, researchers found that these women had a downhill of 68% risk of developing breast cancer compared to women. Food fats came from corn oil. The study published inJAMA internal medicine, assumed that the anti-inflammatory phenolic compounds of olive oil and oleic acid may have refuge the growth of malignant cells.




They are one of our favoritesGreek yogurt Toppers: peaches rich in antioxidants. In 2014, the Texas A & M researchers found that the precise mixture of phenolic compounds present in a peach extract was able to inhibit the metastasis of cells or breast cancer in mice. Although the search has been done in an animal model, researchers say that the dosage equivalent in humans would be tantamount to consuming two to three fisheries a day.



The eggs are one of the most powerful sources of a key and a nutrient-nutrient called choline. This neurotransmitter building block is required for the structure and function of all cells, and a deficiency in this compound has been linked to neurological disorders and the decrease in cognitive function. Not only does it act ascerebral foodBut it can also help reduce your risk of breast cancer! According toThe Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, women who have consumed the largest amount of choline had the lowest risk of breast cancer compared to those who have the least to consume.



Coffee drinkers do not just become a jolt of energy with each CUPPA, they can reduce their risk of breast cancer resistant to estrogen anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti -anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-antreogène. A 2011 study inSearch on breast cancer Found that coffee drinkers had a lower incidence of breast cancer ER-negative women who rarely drank morning Joe. According to one of the authors of the study, Jingmei Li, Ph.D., "A possibility is that the antioxidants of the coffee protect the cells of damage that can lead to cancer".




Ask any doctor and they will tell you: the easiest way to reduce cancer mortality is to prevent you from getting cancer in the first place. And this can be accomplished by eatingTurmeric. This root spice contains compound curcumin, an antioxidant polyphenol with chemophopratic properties. Because chronic inflammation is a major risk factor for the development and metastatic cancer progression, anti-inflammatory curcumin properties play a major role in decreasing the formation of breast cancer, according to a study ofMolecular oncology.



The leafy greens, like spinach, pack a punch of one to two when it comes to fighting breast cancer. For starters, they are a high source of the dynamic duo carotenoid, lutein and zeaxanthin, including high levels have been connected to a reduced rate of 16 percent of breast cancers. Second, they are a primo source of folate, a vitamin B that strengthens your DNA and is crucial in lowering the risks of neural tube defects during pregnancy. Low levels of folate were recently linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in a study published in the journal.Plos a. To harvest rewards, catch spinach, kales or asparagus.




We are debating the long timemyth of foodthat soy foods cause breast cancer. It took off from the fact that soy contains phytoestrogens, natural hormone compounds appearing as weak estrogenic effects. Under laboratory parameters, these compounds are sometimes fuel cancers; However, human studies have not proved that high soy regimes increase the risk of breast cancer. In fact, it is the opposite and the experts speculate that this relates to that soy isoflavones can actually block more powerful natural estrogen in the blood.

A longitudinal study inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition This followed nearly 10,000 breast cancer survivors revealed that women who were eating the most soy had a 15% reduction in cancer and a decrease of 15% of mortality. The food guidelines of the Canadian Cancer Society note that the consumption ofsoy food is not only safe but "can even reduce the risk of breast cancer". Other studies in theJournal of Clinical Oncology andAmerican newspaper of epidemiology Also shown that increased consumption of soy is correlated with improved survival rates and reduce the risk of lung cancer as well as a reduced risk of prostate cancer for men. Collect the advantages with fermented food: Miso Paste, Tempeh, Natto, Soy Sauces and Fermented Tofu.

Foods that can increase your risk of breast cancer


Do not forget what to say, "What do you do not kill youser stronger?" This does not really apply with regard to agents caused by cancer. The following types of foods have been linked to the increase in your risk of breast cancer, so try to keep the consumption of their weak.


Canned food


The lining may, bisphenol, (BPA), has been linked to breast cancer. Because BPA is a synthetic estrogen, which means it imitates your hormones, it can disrupt your hormonal system. In fact, a 2012 report published inEnvironmental Health Outlooksuggested that BPA could have promoted cell growth in human breast cancer in a laboratory. In addition, there are many evidence in animal models to conclude that BPA increases the risk of cancer in humans. "If we take the results of animal models together, I think we have enough evidence to conclude that BPA increases the risk of breast cancer and prostate in humans," Mr. Soto, School's biologist of medicine from the University of Tufts who published an exam inNature Opinion Endocrinology 30-year research assessment on whether endocrine disruptors increase the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer, concludes in a medscapereport.




Although a low moderate amount of alcohol has somewhatHealth benefitsExcessive overminization can not only increase your risk of heart failure and stroke, but this can also increase your risk of cancer. A 2015International Cancer Journal to study Given more than 300,000 women have found that the average risk of being diagnosed with a woman of breast cancer increases by 4% with each additional drink a day. The study also found that the more a woman has been in longer the lives of his life, the more she risks breast cancer - especially if she started drinking before her first pregnancy. Studying the co-author Maria-Dolores Chirlaucus, MD, MPH, reminded women in a press release that it is a modifiable risk factor, "the intake of alcohol is a risk factor Breast cancer that can be changed by a personal decision to form healthy habits "Chirillaque said. Thus, "women need to be advised and notified of the possibility they need to control this factor." So try to stick to a glass of wine a day.


Saturated fats

Saturated fats may have beenDeleted from their relationship with heart diseaseBut that does not mean that they have been absolved with all their sins. A 2015meta-analysis 52 studies published in the newspaperMedicationReported that postmenopausal women with the highest amount of saturated fat increased their risk of breast cancer of more than 30% compared to those who eat the least. As you get older, try to reduce your intake of foods rich in saturated fats, such as highly transformed snacks based on vegetable oils, fat meats, processed cheeses and butter-based desserts.


Carbonic meat


When cooking, grilling or grilling foods - especially meat and fish at high temperatures for a long time, the cooking process can convert food proteins into carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCA). Ato study, published in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute Found that women who ate well done meat had a risk of 4.62 times higher than women who have eaten the same amount of rare or average cooked meat.

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