11 best immune foods to fight Covid-19

You will want to keep these foods in your rotation of meals.

Unfortunately, coronaviruspandemic is always booming-and consequently, theCenters for the fight against disease and prevention (CDC) Maintaining its recommendations to wash your hands frequently, wear a coating face when others, practice social distance and regularly disinfect household surfaces to protect you. But your body also has its own defense system too: theimmune system. Fortunately, doctors say that there are some foods that can improve the capacity of this complex network to combat infections such as coronavirus. The best immune foods to fight against Covid-19 range from fruits and vegetables to spices and crustaceans - but the thing they all have in common are that they provide the main nutrients that your body needs.

AntioxidantsVitamins and minerals play a major role in the way your immune system can effectively respond to virus particles resembling invaders entering your system. That's why one of the best ways to preserve the disease is to stick to aHealthy and diversified diet.

"With the pandemic and the influenza becoming more severe during the colder months, it is particularly important to ensure that your immune system is in a good position to combat the virus if you get CVIV-19 or any other disease," saysDr. Nate Favini, MD, MS and Direct Medical of Preventive Primary Care Practice. "There are many factors that play a role in stimulating your immune system, but your diet, exercise, quantity of sleep that you get and that your stress levels are the main factors that are under your control. You should eat a well-balanced well in vegetables and healthy oils, and weak in sugar andProcessed foods. "

Here are some foods and drinks that you would like to store on STAT to ensure that your immune system is in a peak condition in the middle of the pandemic. And for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Bone broth

bone broth soup

According to Dr. Josh AX, D.N.M., C.N.S, founder ofAntique nutrition and author of the next bookAncient remedies, the bone broth increases theimmune system By supporting the health of your intestine and reducing inflammation. It contains collagen and amino acids, which both play a crucial role in the health of the intestines, which is proven, is linked toimmune health. A part ofamino acids that bone broth contains understand:

  • Glutamine, which helps to search for your metabolism so that your immune system can work more efficiently
  • Glycine, which improves your sleep quality, an essential aspect of immune health
  • Arginine, which is crucial for the functioning of the hepatic and immune system

Although you can find commercially packaged bone broths in many health food stores, Dr. AX strongly recommendsdo your own at home-Use a combination of dough feed products and hormones and antibiotics, as well as vegetables, to maximize potential benefits.

here is11 healthy habits to make your immune system stronger.


Citrus fruits


This should not surprise, but the experts strongly recommend adding citrus to your diet. These fruits are packaged withvitamin C-Who according to Dr. AX, canStrengthen the immune system.

"Some studies have shown that for people with increased stress on their bodies (athletes such as marathonmen or skiers and soldiers under subalctic conditions), vitamin C can be useful for reducing the risk of getting colds, can Being to reduce infection rates by 50%, says Dr. Favini. "Other studies of the population in general have shown that vitamin C can also shorten the duration of common cold."

It should be noted that oranges and grapefruitments areBetter sources of vitamin C than lemons and limes.

here isWhat a vitamin C plug every day made to your body.



Sliced ginger and ginger root on wooden cutting board

Never noticed how much juice of green fruit and other so-called so-calledhealthy drinks haveGinger in them? Well, there is a good reason for that.

Dr. Ax says that this powerful plant can help clean the lymphatic system, thus supporting the body's ability to eliminate toxins. Ginger is also known for its anti-oxidation andAnti-inflammatory properties, thanks to compounds such as Shogaol, Paradol and Zingerone. This is remarkable since chronic inflammation has been shown potentiallyIncrease your chances of getting sick.

Drinking tea with a fresh ginger root is a great way to enjoy these benefits - or you could prepare a shot of fringhing juice, add honey and lemon juice to addantibacterial and antiviral effects.

here isThe best way to store ginger.



Woman picking out kale and leeks at a farmers market or grocery store

"GreenAre some of the most nutritious foods in the world, "explains Dr. Beat." They contain several types of flavonoid antioxidants and are rich in vitamins A and C. "

More specifically, the research found that nutrients in cruciferous vegetables such as Roqueula, Kale and Muster Greens contribute to ensuring that key immune cells in the intestine and the skin known asIELS (intra-epithelial lymphocytes) work properly.



slicing bell pepper

Did you know that peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges? A 1-cup serve contains152 milligrams- 169% of your recommended daily value for this vitamin. It's pretty impressive when you consider that 1 cup of oranges contains 96 milligrams.

Not only that, but Dr. Ax points out that yellow, orange and red peppers are packed with beta-carotene, which helps promote the health of the immune system byFight oxidative stress in the body.


Sea food

cooking shrimp

A reason why Mr. Favini recommends eatingsea ​​food is for the wide range of minerals they contain, including iron, magnesium,potassiumand phosphorus. More specifically, zinc plays a super important part in your immune function and if you know it or not, oysters contain or not.more zinc per serving that any other food. Selenium, meanwhile, shellfish molluscs are full of canreduce inflammation and improve immunity by lowering oxidative stress levels in the body

Molluscs and crustaceans also offer a variety of B vitamins, which help both to regulate inflammation and promote the development of red and white blood cells to maintain oxygen flowing throughout your body while it fight against the disease. whilestruggle. Not only that, but the immune system is based on a well-functioning metabolism to work properly and iodine fuels essentially all metabolic activities and shrimp, lobster and Santiac shells are annotant to this essential mineral.

here is43 healthy seafood recipes that are surprisingly easy to do.




Dr. AX says thatpineapple is an excellent choice to help your body strengthen its defenses against the disease because it has a high concentration of vitamin C. In fact, a cup of fresh pineapple chunds contains nearly 79 milligrams of vitamin C, according to the department of United States agriculture. which exceeds the GDR for adult women and almostmeet the GDR for adult men.

Although this fruit contains a number of vitamins and beneficial minerals, it seems that the enzymatic bromelain can be more advantageous to stimulate immunity while beingreduce inflammation.

There is research to achieve this goal as well: a 2019 study of 98 healthy children revealed that participants who ate canned pineapple over nine weeks had a significantly lower risk ofViral and bacterial infections that those who have not eaten it. In addition, children who have eaten the most pineapple (280 grams a day) had nearly four times more white blood cells, which protect the body of infection, than those who have eaten only 140 grams daily or no.



tricolor roasted carrots

Research has suggested that beta-carotene, an antioxidant converting to vitamin A, canImprove immune cellular function- And the carrots are loaded with her. Beta-carotene is actually what gives this vegetable its distinct orange hue. Dr. AX recommends drinking carrot juice to harvest these rewards for the fight against the disease - while being losing on a part of the food fiber by sipping the juice rather than nibble on the entire legume, it might be worth it. that you will get more beta carrotene this way. Although 1 cup of cooked carrots contains 12,998 micrograms ofbeta carotene (which is 120% of your GDR), 6 oz. 100% carrot juice contains lightening16,740 micrograms.

In addition, the carrot juice is also high in vitamin C and vitamin B6, which is crucial for optimal immune response. In fact, studies have shown that there is a link between vitamin B6 deficiency andimpairment weakened.

Start with our41+ Best Carrot Recipes.



milk kefir

"Fermented foods Provide the body with beneficial probiotic bacteria that improve the health of the intestines, thus reinforcing the immune system, "explains Dr. AX, adding that some of the best fermented foods include Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut and Kimchi.

Kéfir-an acidic drink made by adding kefir grains to milk - offers a wide range of powerful acids, peptides and compounds that can be usedStrengthen the defenses of your body. And while yogurt is one of the most famous probiotic foods, Kefir can actually be a superior source of these friendly.Bacteria promoting health-Contence up to61 different strains.

In addition, the Probiotics Lactobacillus Kefiri-which is unique in Kefir - has been demonstrated to inhibit the growth of someHarmful bacteria. Kefir also has a specific type of carbohydrates, Kefiran, which is known for itsAntibacterial properties.

You can either buykefir In your local market or do it yourself at home by combining kefir grains with the milk of your choice, it's a fantastic addition tosmoothies, night oats,struckand dressings and marinades.

here is6 reasons to start drinking kefir.



wild salmon

According to Dr. Favini, there is a growing body of preliminary research that suggestsVitamin D Can play a key role in modulating how the immune system responds to COVID-19. The salmon isA rich source of this vitaminThat's why he advises add fatty fish like salmon to your grocery list. Research has shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased sensitivity to infection (in particularrespiratory infections)

Remember that if the fish was grown or wild can make a significant difference: a 2007 study revealed that agricultural salmon only had about 25% of theVitamin D content likewild salmon had.

And in case you are always looking for reasons for your nutrient consumption, it has been hypothetized that vitamin D could be extremely important in preventing the "cytokine storm" and acute respiratory distress syndrome that is usually thecause of death in CIVID-19 patients.



chopping garlic

A reason whyGarlic is among the best food choices of Dr. Favini to strengthen your immune system is that it has antiseptic, antibacterial andAntifungal propertiesCan the body help resist or destroy the viruses? More precisely, this vegetable contains allicin, a powerful compound that does not only give garlic its smell and its unique pungent taste, but we also think ofImprove immune resistance.

FYI, a 2007 study that analyzed the effects of lemon, ginger, garlic and honey extracts on a specific bacterium (Streptococcus mutans) determined that garlic has shown theGreater antimicrobial activity.

Now that you know what foods eat, you should also checkThese foods that can weaken Covid-19, a new study indicates.

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