13 mood snacks to make your day best

Instead of the stress feeder, give these hands healthy.

Nobody feels much after the facial plantation in a cosTco-size wooden box, but it turns out that mood swings and anxiety, we feel much deeper than the guilt of food . For example, low blood glucose has been linked to depression, while healthy greases have been demonstrated to mitigate stress. So, while we love the ice roll as much as the next person, there is no doubt that there is now more and more reasons to replace junk food treated with fresh products and healthy snack options.

Here is a look at exactly what to load on and make sure to start skipping theseFoods that worsen your depression or your anxiety.


Dark chocolate

"High qualitydark chocolate can give your mood a boost, according to a study published in theJournal of Psychopharmacology, "says Brooke Alpert, Rd and Founder of N Nutreat. The dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins that improve the moods in the brain. It also contains chemical serotonin, which acts as antidepressant. Before doing ham on the sweet. Sweet Stuff, however, the recommended amount is an ounce a day. You also want to remember always choosing at least 70% cocoa and take options with the smaller ingredients (less cocoa beans are, the less nutrition; Is nutrition. Lost). Alpert recommends cocoa with black chocolate SWARK.


Pop corn


Pop corn It is rich in the amino acid tryptophan which, according to Alpert helps your body to produce serotonin, aka a neurotransmitter that increases your mood. "Quinn Popcorn is an option I recommend to my clients," she says. SkinNyPop Popcorn is another popular choice recommended by wellness experts such as the Kira Stokes Celebrity Trainer.




Bananas are great; Sliced ​​bananas with cottage cheese are even better. (This combo gets brownie points to also be an inexpensive and very filling snack!) "I like this combination because it will work to enhance your mood with its combination of vitamins B6, A and C, Fiber, Tryptophan, potassium, Phosphorus, iron, protein and carbohydrate healthy, "says Lisa de Fazio, MS, RD and author ofBig Smoothies & Soups Book. "When you eat a sliced ​​banana with cottage cheese, you get a thumb of fructose as well as the sustainable energy of the fiber, which helps prevent a tip of sugar in the blood and falling in humor. The carbohydrates help absorb tryptophan in the brain and vitamin B6 helps to convert tryptophan in room serotonin. "



Nuts, especially almonds, cashew nuts and nuts, are fantastic. Make sure, however, however, opt for non-salty breakage for optimal nutrition. In addition, take note of the fact that nuts are rich in calories; So you will have to watch portions of sizes. "Like popcorn, cashew nuts and almonds reinforce serotonin levels that directly influence your mood," says Alpert. Nuts, for their part, contain good nutrients mood, including omega-3, vitamin B6, tryptophan, protein and folate. "Higher blood rates of omega-3 have been linked to a lower mood and lower depression rates," says Fazio. If you notice that controlling your walnut portions is difficult, opt for a piece of whole grain bread with a narrow nut of a brand like Nutzo. Organic and non-GMO, their propagines are made with seven nutrient-rich nuts and seeds. Alternatively, blue diamond makes 100 almond caloric packs.



Chickpeas are rich in vitamin B6, proteins andmagnesium. According to Fazio Vitamin B6 prevents the low energy consumption and anxiety, and the protein supports the neurotransmitter function in the brain that helps produce serotonin and dopamine. It's fabulous news from serotonin and dopamine are two natural hormones that your body needs to feel happy! From Fazio recommends to hummus and raw vegetables, but chickpeas can be appreciated by the myriad in manner.


High fiber cereals with vitamin D-enriched milk


"Vitamin D deficiencyIn your diet can lead to depression, "says Fazio. It explains that this nutrient is essential to help produce serotonin "well-being hormone". She says you assign the body's ability to stabilize your mood and probably increase your feelings of depression when you get too low vitamin D. As cereals can be loaded with empty calories and sugar, even granolas and Oats, you will want to get your vitamin D as naturally as possible. Check Barbara's; Make a number of cereals with simple and healthy ingredients. As for the fortified milk, if you are looking for a non-dairy option, many almond markets are enriched with vitamin D.

RELATED: Your guide on the anti-inflammatory regimeThis heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.




"Fresh coconut chips or coconuts are an excellent source of medium chain triglycerides, which are used instantly by your brain," says Alpert. "This healthy fuel for your brain prevents all drops of sugar and so all the drops of mood." She recommendsDEANG CHIPS, which are without load and laptops. Do you want to give your brain a boost in another way? (Yes!) Then discover theseways to train your brain.




Folate is a vitamin B that Alpert says has a positive effect on neurotransmitters that affect your mood. "I often recommend EdaMame to my clients; they are in snack-capable and have a good amount of folate in them." If you are in progress and you do not want the EdaMame "Mess", checkBrami beans, who are the so-called "Mediterranean response to Edamame".



"Healthy fat in salmon-specifically DHA - have been linked to a lower level of depression in many studies," says Alpert. Try smoked salmon sliced ​​with cucumbers like a snack, or opt for a jerky salmon salmon! It is enough to always make sure yourSalmon is wild.




Lawyers Contains healthy fatty fat for increased dopamine levels and increasing endorphins, which both put you in a good mood. From Fazio recommends opting for the lawyer toast (on a braid of whole grains, of course!) Or baked corn chips.




Loaded withantioxidants For cerebral health, bays are particularly fantastic because they will ensure a sweet desire without spinning your blood glucose. "Bays are high in water and fiber to keep your regular digestive system, which will also improve your mood and sense of well-being," says Fazio. Eat them to themselves or mix them in unsweetened Greek yoghurt. The mixture of frozen bays with water or non-raised almond milk is another excellent option, especially in the months of hot weather.




Not only they feel a refreshing smell but theHigh levels of vitamin C Help regulate stress hormones and reduce blood pressure. "Oranges are a great snack to operate when you know it will be a stressful day," says Alpert.



"The afternoon tea is one thing for good reason. In green, black or even oolong tea, there is an amino acid called theanine which, when combined with caffeine, can help with levels of Attention, "says Alpert. From Fazio adds that Theanine crosses wonders in terms of calming the mind and make you more alert.Welove tea here To eat it, not that! because of its size size properties. Better mood and best body? It seems good!

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