What happens to your body when you drink Café Decaf

Is it really better for you than ordinary coffee? We asked the experts.

If you are concerned about the amount ofcaffeine In your daily diet, you can consider going from regular todecaffeinated coffee. Although there are advantages and disadvantages at a time, being the only decaf does not make your daily Brow better for you, according to expert nutrition and authorDr. Josh AX. In fact, Decaf always has a slight amount of caffeine because the extraction process, whether water, solvent or carbon dioxide, can not remove each last bit. Here we talked with experts to understand what happens to your body when you drink Café Decaf and for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You may be more hungrier.

Cup of decaf coffee

Nutritional expert and founder ofThe Food Freedom Society, Hannah Thalberg, says that caffeine acts as a naturalRemoval of the appetite. This means that you can include it as a snack or boost of energy that distract you from the slightest food. It is also a booster of natural metabolism, which makes it ideal if you want to launch weight loss. However, without caffeine, you do not get these advantages and you will always feel hungry after consuming it.

here isThe appetite cutters approved by the expert who operates totally.


Your risk of certain diseases and certain disorders can decrease.

decaf coffee

Registered dietitianDr. Divya L. Selvakumar, Ph.D., Rd, says one of the positive effects of Joe's descending jouissance is the fact that they can help reduce liver disorders. These include the risk ofType 2 diabetess and excess enzymes in our liver, which adds more of a protective layer for this important organ. It also notes that Café Decaf can help fight against neurodegenerative diseases such asAlzheimer's disease And dementia later in life.


You benefit from the advantages of antioxidants.


Dr. Selvakumar also shows DeCAF offersantioxidants, which destroy free radicals and harmful substances that can cause cancer,inflammationand oxidative damage in the body. In addition, small amounts of vitamin B3, magnesium and potassium are also present when you drink DECAF coffee, which add everything that add well-being, balance and health to our lifestyles.

here isWhy do you need antioxidants in your diet and how to eat more of them.


You will not have as much anxiety or belly problems.

barista making a cappuccino

Although Decaf has a little less nutrient than ordinary café, Thalberg says it might be more beneficial for those who have anxiety or digestive problems.Caffeine Can upset your stomach or make you more frequent, resulting in an uncomfortable sensation. And if you have problems of anxiety or heart, your doctor will likely recommend you to avoid caffeine because it can cause peaks and accidents.

here isSide effects of caffeine to drink, according to science.


You might feel more tired or nauseating ...

Man with latte
Tyler Nix / Beldposhing

... but only for a short time we're going to go from regularCoffee. As Thalberg explains, our body will go through a withdrawal.

"For those who are strongly dependent on caffeine, it can lead to headaches, vertigo and fatigue," she says. "Another reason for this could be the chemical methylene chloride used in the process of decaffeination. The methylene chloride that is released can temporarily slow down the nervous system, resulting in symptoms above."

However, Thalberg notes that this experience is not common and should not be very severe unless you also follow the withdrawal of caffeine. here isWhat happens to your body when you cut caffeine.


You must always drink more water.

Iced coffee

When you are a coffee drinker, you know how important it is to drink water so as not to be dehydrated. It's always true with DECAF varieties,Chief Christina Pirello remember.

"It's very astringent, causing dehydration, so if you drink coffee, you have to match a lot of water to protect your kidneys and surrenales from overwork and" fatigue "that results," she says . "When people drink a lot of coffee, decafs or not, the kidneys are beaten with dehydration and adrenals are made to the image to support the function of the kidneys."


You could sleep better.

drinking coffee

Thalberg says that Café Decaf is shown to maintain his natural circadianto sleep Rhythms, while caffeine is known to disrupt it.

"When someone does not drink caffeine, their body naturally produces a chemical called adenosine throughout the day that gradually accumulates and makes you feel tired at the end of the day," she says. "Café Decaf will keep this process intact, will allow you to reach the sleep of REM and sleep a healthy night."

For an even better sleep, here's7 healthy food changes that help you sleep.

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