Ingredients in healthy smoothie for weight loss
These super-product ingredients help you create a better smoothie that facilitates your weight loss goals.

Ah, childhood-when you could aspire to sweeten the ice milkshakes as they were water and never win a book. As you know too well, these days are over. Where are they? With the good recipe of Smoothie, you can tickle your taste buds and give you childhood nostalgia without calorie support kajillions. In fact, the ingredients of good smoothie can actually help youBurning belly fat Without sacrificing the flavor!
Rule # 1: If you make smoothies at home or that you order them in a juice bar, be aware of what's going on. (If you are going to get a 20-ounce that includes peanut butter, lactose protein and frozen yogurt, you could also get aMcDonalds Shake.) Rule # 2: As far as possible, these fry food in the rubbing of metabolism, which have been proven to help weight loss.
Jelly banana
The spine of all good smoothie, bananas create a texture similar to ice cream for a fraction of calories (average banana contains only 106) and major weight loss benefits. A study in the newspaperAnaerobe found that women who have eaten a banana twice a day before meals for two months reduce 50% of the navel. Bananas increase BLU fightsintestinal bacteria And they are packed with potassium, which can reduce the retention of water. And they are a good source of fiber, which will make you feel full.
Combo suggestion: Make a pair of frozen bananas with berries, almond milk or nut butter to maximize ice, while adding antioxidants and proteins. In fact, why not go with thatBanana chocolate peanut butter Banana breakfast breakfast?

These humble and unconfined cubes can make the Deluxe smoothie taste, adding creamy, more severe.FAT COMBUSTION advantages. The tofu is packed with isoflavones, an antioxidant type and is also particularly high in bold genetein, a compound that acts directly on the obesity genes, helping to turn them off and reduce storage of body fat. (When adding a protein source to your smoothie, try to opt for the TOFU or a plant-based protein powder instead of lactoseum powder, which can cause bloating.)
Combo suggestion: Tofu is ideal for adding a silky texture and some attractive weight to berries and other fruits; Try it as a base for blueberries and almond milk.
Frozen bays

All right: Blueberries are fat loss food n ° 1 that you should eat. They were shown to turn on the genes that beat belly fat. In an animal study atUniversity of MichiganThe researchers have discovered that the rats that ate a highlyted diet for three months had considerably reduced belly fat as the control group. Strawberries and raspberries are also weapons of weight loss: they are all rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that can stop fat to form. Can not spring spring? Never feel guilty: Frozen has as many nutrients, and they are actually more friendly.
Combo suggestion: We love this 280-calorieSmoothie Berry OAT.
One of the bestSpices for weight lossCinnamon also contains these magic polyphenols, which have been proven to thin inflated bodies and improve insulin sensitivity. A study printed in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that adding a little more of a cinnamon teaspoon to a heavy carbohydrate meal could help stabilize blood glucose, thus preventing insulin crèches to induce from Munchie.
Combo suggestion: Sorry, nominated "toast" or "crunch". ThisSmoothie of apple pie proteins Includes Greek yoghurt and ginger, which have their own burning properties.
Opt for green smoothies instead of juice when you can: Mixers preserve the satisfaction fiber that the Laws support. (And if you have done both types at home, you know that cleaning a citrus juicer is a special type of hell.) Although you can not go wrong with the omnipresent herd, spinach are particularly powerful in weight loss. In a Swedish study published inAppetiteOverweight women drank a mixture with five grams of spinach extracts each morning. After three months, they lost 11 pounds, much more than the control group. Women also reported fewer food cracks, thanks to high levels of GLP-1, a physiological regulator of appetite and food intake.
Combo suggestion: Other green, celery or cucumber with juice juice juice and apple or berries for sweetness. Use our guide forSeasonal vegetables To obtain the product packaged with the most essential vitamins and minerals.
Almond butter

Superstar weight loss, almonds contain good fats that will fill you up too much. They contain fatty combustive compounds that limit the amount of fat absorbed by the body, so that some pass through undigested. They are also high in magnesium vitamins and B, which could lend you more energy to burn at the gym. The almond butter is high in protein, which will make your smoothie more satisfying. We likeAlmond Butter of Rxbar Varieties, which come through the pot and in pressure packs with a single servition.
Combo suggestion: Bananas, almond milk and berries are ideal. Choose good healthalmond butter From our guide and use it in a meal replacement smoothie.
Coconut oil
It's a tendency to lock. Due to its neutral flavor, coconut oil is an ideal mix for just about any smoothie you can think - and if you are interested in contiguous belly fat, you will start at Brainstorming. Costume of coconut oil reduces abdominal obesity, a study printed in the newspaperLipid find. Half of the study participants eaten two tablespoons of coconut oil daily; The other half of the group received soy oil. Only the group of coconut oil saw their size shrink.

Launch an impressive curved food to your next brunch by searching Mary Bloothy Virgin, more spicy and burn the dietary sins of the night before. Capsaicin, the natural compound that gives peppers that the beautiful burn has been proven to reduce belly fat, suppression of appetite and launch the body's ability to burn food as energy. An examOpen heart has shown that capsaicin can stimulate metabolism, resulting in fat loss, as well as prevent heart disease. ThisSmoothie Bloody Mary, which integrates spinach and Sriracha, it's only 37 calories. It is so tasty that it does not bother you to save vodka for your next cheat day. (If you like, under the pins of Cayenne Pepper for Sriracha to reduce the sodium content.)
Combo suggestion: If a bloody marie is not up to your taste, sprinkle with Cayenne in a green smoothie with spinach, cucumber and celery and experience with your salad.
Calorie for calorie, apricots contains morepotassium Whether banana, the food source most commonly related to this important element. Food potassium lowers blood pressure by reducing the harmful effects of sodium, including water retention. A cup of sliced apricots contains 427 mg of potassium - 9% of the recommended daily value for adults.
Herbal protein powder

Complete your smoothie with protein powder is excellent for satiety, not to mention the lean muscle that allows you to burn more fat. You are better withPlant-based proteins; Whey, casein and other die-based powders can cause bloating. Look for a product that has no artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors. We love Vega One, Sunwarrior and Garden of Life.
Chia seeds

Not only arechia seedsPacked with fibers and proteins, helping you prevent you from feeling full and satisfied - they also absorb toxins from your digestive tract. Although you can add a tablespoon of chia seeds directly into your mixer, you will have more kindness of them - and add to the finesse of your smoothie - by combining them from water to form a gel. Combine equal parts chia seeds and water in a container. It will stay in the refrigerator for a few weeks, so you can experience how much to add to your trembling.

We could not leave this delicious superfoint of our list of best Smoothie ingredients! Search published in the newspaperNutrition I found that anthocyanas, tannins and high levels of antioxidants in grenades can help fight obesity. In addition, juicy lights will lend your mixture a refreshing and shiny flavor and a little satisfactory crunch.

Beets have a high nitrate content, and that's a lot of the reason you should throw them into your smoothies. They think improve sports performance (and work should be part of any weight loss or weight maintenance plan). In aAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary Study of the magazine, scientists have watched the performance of two groups of runners: one with people who have consumed cooked beets before a 5K race, the second that took a placebo before running the same distance. Beet eaters ran faster but do not feel like highlighting extra efforts!

As a tasty source of dietary fiber, oats makes the cup to be one of our smoothy ingredients. High fiber diets are more satisfied and have been linked to the weight of the body. But that's not the only reason that oats deserves a place in your weight loss shakes: beta-glucans, part of the soluble fiber in oats, has been demonstrated to a decrease in total cholesterol of the Blood and low density lipoprotein (LDL), which means they can reduce your risk of heart disease - as well as an increase in immunity.
Citrus fruits
In addition to packing a high amount of vitamin C, citrus such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit contain a lot of folate, which helps produce and maintain your body's cells and fiber, this which is ideal for weight loss. They will also add a note from Zestie to everything you mix.
Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage cabbage, cabbage and bok choloy contain phytonutrients to fight disease and immunity, as well as essential nutrients in vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid. Feel free to pack your blender with a lot: their high fiber and water content means that these low energy density foods will feel more, faster.
The flax seed

The linen of the packed fiber contain omega-3 fatty acids more inflammic to the fight against other sources of fat. This means that it is good to reduce the inflammation, even from workout. Adding the flax seed on the ground to your smoothie can help muscle recovery. Linen flax is very sensitive and easily oxidized, so for the most sanitary benefits, buy it entirely and squeak just before adding to your smoothie.
We can not confirm if Confucius had a pack of six (or suffering from a chronically covered belly), but the legend has the Chinese philosopher with ginger with each meal. And now, there is science to suggest that ginger can improve a number of gastrointestinal symptoms. In addition to cure Bellyache, a study printed in theJournal of gastroenterology and hepatology Suggests that Ginger can have a unique ability to accelerate gastric emptying.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant protected cardiac that people trot to justify theirtwo-pinhabit. But resveratrol is also found in red and purple grapes before going through the fermentation process. By adding grapes to your smoothie, you will benefit from compounds that can help reduce blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy, lower levels of LDL cholesterol (bad) and slow down atherosclerosis (or hardening) of the arteries. All are very beneficial for your mission to lose weight and keep it.
Green tea powder

Add it to your smoothie and green tea powder will shrink your belly. This is because green tea contains catechins that trigger the release of cell fat - especially abdominal fat, then accelerate liver capacity to transform this fat into energy. aStudy of the American Physiological Society I showed that four green tea tea cups have increased endurance exercise performance up to 24%, which can potentially longer workout potential and better results! Tea is so powerful for weight loss we created the7-day flat-stomach tea cleaning where test panels have lost up to 4 inches from their meshes!

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