7 sports drinks that actually work

Death and taxes. According to our still perspicacious ancestor, Benjamin Franklin, they are the guarantees of life only and that I respect a man who can switch a good pair of bifocalizations, I think OL 'Ben left a significant certainty of the list - a threat that Comes each and every year and instructs terror in the hearts of millions of Americans, making them scream, sweat and run (literally) for their lives.

I'm talking about the swimsuit season! Each spring, as the summer job, the parks and gymnasiums of America are flooded with sweaty masses, everything with one motivation in mind: look good by the day of the memorial to feel At ease to become half naked before complete foreigners. And all thatexercise is definitely a good thing for the health of our country: aAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine The study predicted that 42% (!) Americans will be obese by the year 2030, and research shows that physical activity is one of the best ways to keep books at the bay.

So with the fitness in the air, it's the perfect time to take the facts about the best and worst drinks for your training. There are tons of sports drinks on the market promising to help youlosing weight, run faster and skip higher, but many of these claims are just false marketing stratagems. And not only some of these bottles and cans filled with empty promises, but they also overflow with empty calories that can undermine your hard-earned workout gains. Read actively for five drinks enhancing exercises that can help you quench your thirst, increase your performance and support your trip to Swimsuit Six-Pack-Dom.

Best Drink for Hydration

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Vita Coco 100% pure coconut water, 1 bottle, 16 fl oz

Calories90fat0gsodium50 mgcarbs22 gsugar22 g

Compared with a commercial sports drink, coconut water - a natural source of electrolytes - was also effective in moisturizing participants after an intense workout, a 2012 study in theJournal of the International Sports Society Nutrition found. So why choose theCoconut water on a traditional sports drink? For one, coconut water is low on the glycemic index, so it will not dramatically affect your blood glucose, while fluid replacement drinks such as Powerade are sweet with high corn syrup Fructose, a high blood glucose index sweetener can stitch blood. Sugar levels and promote storage of body fat. Second, a 2010 study in theResearch log of cells and tissues Discover that coconut water has helped reduce blood pressure and cholesterol in rats, suggesting that the beverage can also promote cardiac health.

Best drink for improved performance

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Coffee, 8 fl oz

Calories0fat0 gsodium9 mgcarbs0 gsugar0 g

During a 1 hour trial, cyclists who took a caffeine supplement were able to ride about a mile further than those who took a placebo, a 2008 study published in theInternational Journal of Physiology and Sport Performance find. In addition, other scientific research has connected caffeine consumption with increased endurance and reaction times. The problem is that most of the improved caffeineenergy drinks are loaded with added sugars (what is the point of an exercise-boosting drink that makes you magnify?). A much more respectful way of the size of harvesting the benefits of caffeine: black coffee. It is free of sugar, packed with antioxidants and calories without calories.

If you usually head to the gym at night and do not like the idea of ​​catching a buzz after dark, consider sipping beet juice instead. It is rich in nitrate, which dilates the blood vessels and increases the blood flow and has been shown that positive cardiovascular effects during the year and result in an increase inendurance.

Best Drink for Weight Loss

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Orange natural orange, 1 package

Calories5fat0 gsodium45 mgcarbs0 gsugar0 g

Green teais another intelligent source of caffeine improving energy. Like coffee, it is packed with antioxidants and a 2011 research journal published in the British Journal of Nutrition revealed that the herbal drink could also promote weight loss. A great way to get green tea from: eboost. Unlike most green tea-based energy drinks, it is sweet with natural, zero-calorie Stevia and has an impressive antioxidant profile. Compare it to the green teas in classic bottles - some of them are so much sugar as three bars of Kat Kat! - And the winner is clear.

Best drink for hot weather training

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V8 100% vegetable juice, low sodium, 8 fl oz

Calories50fat0 gsodium140 mgcarbs10 gsugar7 g

While taking your workout outside a hot and beautiful day may seem attractive, the sweating sessions of hot weather can lead to dehydration, which can film the heart and make the task of the muscles difficult to work effectively. Combination with V8 one hour before your workout to eliminate dehydration side effects such as cramps and light light. The beverage has only the right amount of sodium and is an excellent source of potassium, two electrolytes lost by sweat during intense exercise. And as a bonus added, each cup counts like two portions ofvegetables.

Best drink for recovery

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1% chocolate milk, 8 floz

Calories154FAT2.37Saturation1.7 GSUGAR22 GPROTEIN8.2

Drinking a combination of carbohydrates and protein After a difficult workout can help restore your energy and help with lean muscle, metabolism-booming, but it turns out that you do not need fantasy recovery drink for Report these benefits. After participating in a vigorous bike session, cyclists who drank chocolate milk have been able to travel 51% longer in a later workout than those who drank standard recovery beverage, a 2009 article. in applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism. More,Chocolate milk is cheaper (and tastier) than everything you will find in a sports nutrition store.

Best drink in America

Drink this!

Water, 8 oz

Calories0fat0 gsodium0 gsodubs0 gsugar0 g

You can feel fashionable with a bottle of vitamin enhanced water in your hand, but that the liquid of living culture probably does not improve your health. Most of the h20 infused vitamins are just colorful sugar waters with vitamins launched in instant feedback when you consider Americans take about 355 calories of adding.sugar everyday. If you want vitamins, provide vitamin supplements or, better still, from all foods (wild salmon, for example, is charged with vitamin B-12 on energy. And if you want from the water, get it, well, water. The drink of nature is without calories, without fees and, unless you are an elite athlete who makes the exercise of high intensity for more than more than One hour at a time, this will take care of all your training hydration needs.

Drink this!

Enter any nutrition store and you will see more varieties of protein powder than you could never try in a life. Different types have qualities that make the best choices according to your lifestyle needs. To help you choose the right for you, we found theBest protein powders For each fitness and better body objective, weight loss to the packaging of severe muscle mass.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Drinks
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