Eating habits during Covid that shortening your life, according to experts

Do not take these risks at the time of coronavirus.

The past year has proved like a real challenge for all of us. After adapting to the events of 2020, our entire daily rituals have totally changed. The little things we took for granted, like getting out of our favorite restaurants and bars now show real dangers and without adjusting oureating habits duringCOVID, we can easily put us in danger.

As we change the way we live, we risk developing very serious models that cause real damage to our body and potentially endangered. Although many of us have found solutions for the moment, all the routes have not fallen to help our health. To determine which covident eating habits are likely to shorten our life, we asked for a variety of nutrition experts which routines to watch for the next hunger strike. Here are what they suggest and for more useful food tips during COVID, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Avoid convenience items.

frozen pasta dinner

When we run out of energy to deal with cooking,Microoflower a frozen meal or heat aPizza bought in store feels like a life of rescue. Regardless of these useful items, make sure you do not too much on these treats.

"Resist the temptation to store convenience items at the grocery store," saysShenen Jaramillo MS, Rd. "It may be tempting to want to avoid so many shopping trips to thegrocery store. Often we find cookies, cakes, frozen burritos, soda, frozen pizzas in our trolleys. These can be raised in calories and nutrients weak in nutrients. Another problem is that many of them tend to linger in our faces on the kitchen counter. Instead, try frozen or frozen fruit and vegetables, dried whole grains and whole wheat breads to make more food and nutrients. "

here is12 pantry staples to always go on grocery stores.


Order constantly to take away.

fast food in takeout containers

Although frozen foods provide us with a convenient shortcut for cooking, the worst options may appear in one click a button. There is no easier prove to control a meal on a delivery application, but this temptation can easily make real damage to our body.

"It can be tempting as we are all looking forward to getting out of the house!" Jaramillo said. "However, [order command] can lead to a high diet in the fats,sodium, andadded sugars. Over the time of time, it can lead to weight gain and feel slow. "

Learn which items to seize and avoid the next time you want to flex on taking take away, checkWhat to eat and what to jump - When it comes to going from the food to take away.


Keep bad nutritional foods in sight.

potato chips

You have more to worry than meals and frozen fingerprints.

"Being in your house, it means more often that you will also see food more often," says "Jackie Newgan, RDN, CDN, nutritionist culinary and author of the plantClean and simple diabetes recipe book. "It seems logical, but negligently" see the food "is a habit that can sneak on you. So, make a" see food "makeup of the kitchen once a month. Make sure that the food is in light is at least semi-nutrient. It means having a bowl of colored fruits rather than acookie box on your kitchen counter. Or hide succulent treats in the freezer rather than having a dish of them at sight. "

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Dinner outside.

restaurant dining

If you make the dinner decision, you can put your health at risk.

"The main risk factors for COVID-19 include being near the other, do not wear mask and break in the room," saysLeann Poston M.D., M.B.A., M.ED. "Eating in a restaurant or bar is a high risk for these reasons. You have your mask. In the areas of the country where windows can not be opened, ventilation is not likely to be adequate. Although Restaurants are spacing tables at six feet or more, the guests do not necessarily respect these policies to maintain enoughsocial distancing. "

"I know that some regions allowindoor dining room In the restaurants, and although it can be tempting to dine with friends who claim to have "been careful", you should only dine with your immediate household (or your bubble if your local laws have found it acceptable), "says "Chris Airey, M.D. "Even if you dine with your bubble, avoid all common common foods such as Nachos. Although you all live together, it is good to stay usually individual portions that are intact by the hands of others. Your roommate can Having a different idea of ​​the washing of the appropriate hands and it is better to avoid these shared foods during this pandemic. "


In the process of reducing foods that highlight your liver.


Your liver can take a ton of punishment, but during a pandemic, you should try to limit the abuses you launch.

"Avoid foods that emphasize the liver as food with high fructose corn syrup ortrans fat, "saysLeann Poston M.D., M.B.A., M.ED. "You can not stimulate your immune system, but you can extract liver stress and allow the immune system to operate optimally."

If you want to pause your liver and revitalize a little, learn what food can rejuvenate this essential organ with10 ways to restart your liver.


Eat too many carbohydrates.


Avoiding these eating habits during Covid can help increase your life, such as trying not to do it on transformed carbohydrates.

"Eat lesssnacks in charge of simple carbohydrates like sugar and white flours, "saysDr. Michael Crupain, MD, MPH. "These types of snacks can be hungry, are pro-inflammatory and contribute to weight gain.

Instead, go for whole grains and fiber-rich vegetables. Try searching for Jicama that provides a satisfactory crunate, fiber and hydrate.Grilled chickpea Also have a satisfactory ring and filled with protein and fiber. "

here isThe biggest sign of danger you eat too much carbohydrates, say dietitians.


Eat derisoryly.

snacking with friends

Snacking Can throw your diet for a loop in ordinary times. Factor in any extra snacking during the pandemic and you have a recipe for the disaster.

"If you are]stuck at home You can spend more time trying to find something to fill time by eating, "says Dr. Crupain." When you do, pay attention to what you eat really feel. The first bite of a salt or sweet snack can make you feel better, but each subsequent piece will be less present. Think about how you feel 20 or 30 minutes later. Are you happy that you have eaten this thing? Now, the next time you go into roaming for food, resetting how it's

you feel."

Abandon your meal plan.


It is not because global changes does not mean that you have to abandon your diet.

"Just because you work at home does not mean that you can now eat whenever you want, because it's more convenient," saysDr. Oz, MD. "Have aDaily meal calendar Can help relieve anxiety and help you stay on the ground. If you live with others, try eating a meal together to help you feel less isolated. »


Eating too much salt.

pinch of salt

The excess of salt never likes anyone and when it is so easy to do too much on this nutrient, we have to pay attention or deal with serious consequences.

"Food guidelines for Americans recommend limitingsodium admission At less than 2300 milligrams of sodium per day, it is about 1 teaspoon of salt, "explains Dr. Oz." But on average, Americans eat 3,400 milligrams of salt a day.SaltCan really affect your immune system. A mouse study on high salt regimes revealed that they suffered more serious bacterial infections due to the reduced capacity of immune cells. In the same study, healthy volunteers on a high salt diet for a week have shown an altered antibacterial immune function. "

"To minimize excess salt in your diet, try to prepare your own food and limit your use of packaged sauces, mixtures and" instantaneous products "," says Dr. Oz. "In this way, you know exactly what which happens in your food and you have more control. Try adding flavor without sodium. There is no salt-free seasoning mixture and spices that add a natural flavor. "


To be too hard on yourself.

anxiety depression

While the times have proved difficult for many of us, we can not drop too low.

"There is a lot of incentive to healthy diet, protect your immune system to prevent dementia, cardiovascular disease and even your mental health," says Dr. Oz. "Although there is a more continuous study to evaluate the" connection to the food mood ", some studies show that people who do not have a balanced diet are more likely to reportSymptoms of depression. But it's important to try to stay positive - for your immune system. A study revealed that participants with self-reported positive emotions were less likely to develop a cold after being exposed. So we are not perfect, there is a lot of things to do, and everyone has their own journey. While we strive to do what is best for our bodies and immune systems, remember being good for yourself. "

Once you have decided if your eating habits fall into one of these categories, learn ways to reduce damage and fight CovidHealthy eating habits to fight Covid-19, according to the CDC.

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