What an energized drink made to your body

What is the same color as highlighter, feel swamp water and is responsible for 21,000 emergency room visits a year due to caffeine toxicity?

Nope, nota soda-We are talking aboutenergy drinks Like Rockstar, Monster and Red Bull, which can contain up to five times more caffeine than a cup of coffee. Although they can give you wings and your training you feel like a breeze, the energizing drinks of blood pressure and levels of stress and increase the risk of heart problems in young healthy adults, according to a new study of the MAYO Clinic.

To achieve this conclusion, researchers had 25 healthy volunteers (from an average age of 29) consume either a 16-ounce energy drink or a stimulant placebo drink that contained the same amount of sugar and calories. After sipping the energy drink, the study participants had a 74% increase in blood levels of stress hormone stress "fight against flights", while those who filed the false energy drink. known as an increase of 30% of the hormone. The blood pressure levels also climbed after having the packed drink of caffeine, according to the report.

"Concern is that if these responses are observed among healthy young people, perhaps the effects of energizing drinks may be more pronounced in people who already have high blood pressure or arrhythmias", resulting in crises And more cardiac carichisers, said a principal investigator and a cardiologist Dr. Anna Svatikova.

Eating this! advice

Pass the energizing drink and give you a boost of energy with the help of black coffee or one of these22 best teas for loss of energy and weight loss. Alternatively, if you really can not leave your energy consumption, stick to one of these7 natural energizing drinks for a natural boost.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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