The worst flake # 1 eat, according to a dietician

Do not be misled by thinking that every oat bowl will do your body well. You must be difficult.

As you probably already know, oatmeal is one of thehealthier breakfasts You can eat. TheAdvantages of oatmeal abundant: it's a good source of fiber, decreases LDL's "bad" cholesterol levels, supports digestive health, helps reduce blood sugar and can evenPromote weight loss.

But while oats is healthy, the preparation of said oats may not be.

Between sweetening, mixtures, trim and liquids, your oat bowl can slowly turn on the unhealthy side if you are not careful with what you have put. While you have ultimate check on your oat bowl at home, we can not say so much when you restore.

That is whyThe worst oats you can eat isMcDonald Fruit and Maple Exhaust Gruau.

There areHow? 'Or' Whata lot Sugar in McDonald oatmeal?

Speaking nutrition, thisMcDonald Breakfast Order Contains 320 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated grease, 150 milligrams of sodium, 64 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fibers, 31 grams of sugar and 6 grams of protein.

Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, founder of the nutrition now advice and author ofFUXING MALE FERTILITY, puts these nutrition statistics in perspective:

"McDonald fruit and maple oatmeal (with all included fittings) will load 64 grams of carbohydrates - almost equivalent4 servings of regular ice cream!" she says.

The 64 grams of carbohydrates in this seed oats are also the equivalent of mcdonald vanilla ice cream cones! It's iceand The waffle cone!

If we restricted on the details of these carbohydrates, we begin to see the biggest question: the 31 grams of sugar.

"This oat contains a lot of added sugars. Between brown sugar added to oats and added sugar to dried cranberries, this oats is a sugar bomb in a bowl," says Manaker.

Although all 31 grams of sugar are technically "added" (certain sugar are naturally found in apples, cranberries and raisins), about 15 grams come from a brown sugar and malt extract - which represents 30% of your recommended daily lives added sugars.

The prepared oatmeal of the restaurant contains sketching additives.

Another reason why oatmeal prepared at the restaurant is the worst oatmeal that you can eat is because of the highly transformed ingredients they use.

For example, McDonald oatmeal contains ingredients such as caramel color and carrageenan.

"Caramel color is an artificial color that lights the brown foods. Popular insoda, this additive has been linked to an increased risk of developing certain cancers in some studies (not all). Since this additive does not offer any nutritional advantage and a potential health risk, I prefer to stay away from him, "says Manaker.

McDonald's uses the Carrageenan in the "light cream" that your oat float. "Carrageenan helps the food to become thicker and is found in many foods, including many dairy foods. Limited data suggest that the consumption of carrageenan is linked to increased inflammation in the organization" Actions Manaker. (In touch:14 tips to reduce inflammation to lose weight faster, according to RDS)

A seemingly harmless ingredient found in McDonald Oat Bowl: Natural Flavors. "I prefer to see the list of ingredients specify the specific natural flavor used in oats. Although natural flavors come from plants or animals, the end result that comes in our food can contain additives in certain situations. In Some cases, natural flavors are not healthier as artificial, "says Manaker.

Is McDonald oatmeal a total "not that?"

While McDonald Oats is not the healthiest you can buy, it's still not a bad option for breakfast options. (See:The 17 breakfasts of the Malsain restaurant in America.)

"However, this oatmeal is not all wrong. It contains whole grains, fibers and a few protein - all factors that contribute to a healthy breakfast," said Manaker.

In fact, the 4 grams of Fiber McDonald oats serves 16% of your daily nutrient value, making it a "good" fiber source. It is particularly important to note that this McDonald option contains fibers becauseMany advantages of oats are linked to its high concentration of β-glucan, a type of soluble fiber with unique properties.

This soluble fiber is directlylinked at the lowering of oats cholesterol, the management of blood sugar, andremoval of the appetite Capabilities.

Butfiber top Is not enough good to excuse to eat McDonald oatmeal, remember, it contains 31 grams of sugar.

Manaker recommends jumping the brown sugar added if you can and eat an oat bowl with a protein source (like an egg). For more advice on how to prepare a healthy oat bowl, check these 7 ways to make oats for a flat stomach .

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: breakfast / Oatmeal
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