Why cheddar cheese and apple pie go together

The odd pairing really works.

Do you think apple pie and cheddar are a classic combination or a strange pairing? Your answer probably shows where you grew up. Tradition "American" to serve apple pie with cheddarcheese spread throughout New England and the upper Midwest. Do not hit him before trying it, however, there is a reason why so many people swear so this combination.

It is possible that cheddar cheese and tradition of apple pie back to England in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, according to a 1998Los Angeles Times article by historian Charles Perry of food. Perry explains that the tradition of serving the pie with a dairy-based sauce could have evolved in cheese and pie combo. The following day, however, the odd pairing is also popular in parts of the United States and across the pond.

Here is a look at the odd pairing and why it is only popular in some parts of the country. Even if you're not from New England or the Midwest, you can always give that combined food to try.

The great debate of the American pie

The question of whether the cheddar cheese and apple pie "works" is strangely polarizing. The cheese on the tradition of the pie is in great part rooted in New England, Pennsylvania and the upper Midwest,Atlas Obscura find. This makes sense, as these tend to be the places where the cheese products are easily accessible.

In the rest of the United States, meanwhile, Pie fashion apple dominatesdessert scene. But then a spoon of ice cream adds to the sweetness of the dessert, salty cheese provides a contrasting flavor.

And if you are not sold to a slice of cheddar on top of your pie, there is also a solution between the in-between: Cheddar Bake an apple spot for a soft crust and salty combination.

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The "right" way to combine and cheese pie

cheddar cheese with apple pie amazing food pairings

So you agreed to try to put cheese on your apple pie. But where to start?

YesThis discussion chowhound Is this an indication, there is no wrong way to combine the apple pie and cheddar cheese, although there are several ways to do this. Some enthusiasts apple and cheese suggest keeping cheddar on the side and take things bite by bite. Others add a piece of cheese cold slice of warm pie. Still others go directly cook the cheese in the crust.

There is a discreet famous around the coupling

If you call someone on their love of cheese with apple pie, they can quote this saying to you in response: "An apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze," the saying goes. But where does the saying?

EtymologistBarry Popik has traced this saying Back in the late 1880s when people from both sides of the Atlantic were using to describe the American custom of eating an apple pie with a little cheddar. The saying still lives on today, although his lawyers do not know its origin. And cheese lovers often cite the defense of their pie loaded with dairy product.

Apple pie and cheese is not just an American combination

The savorées pies are from the U.K.. and combining apple pie with cheddar cheese is always a common tradition among British people. The pie and cheese are a traditional dessert coupling to Yorkshire, for example. But here the famous Wensleydale cheese of the region is used instead of Cheddar.

This pie recipe for appleThe Big British Cook Judge Paul Hollywood Calls terrible cheese above apple filling prepared just before cooking. Hollywood even refers to "kiss without pressure" saying in his intro to the recipe.

If you're still not sold on thesweet-salty combo it is cheddar cheese and apple pie,cheddar ice could be the perfect compromise. But if you do not want to turn you ice cream with vanilla, we can not say we blame you.

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