Your chances of getting Covid frozen foods, according to experts

Research has shown that the virus can survive under conditions as low as -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ask an epidemiologist how the new coronavirus arrived in Wuhan, China is like asking a historian of the food that came first, thechicken Or the egg? The question is very controversial and everyone will provide the same answer.

However, in 2020, the idea that the virus came out offrozen food Came into play, but now experts call into question the validity of this theory. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now)

Why have scientists been suspicious of frozen foods in the first place?

In October of last year, a coronavirus case group appeared in Qingdao, China, which leads local authorities to hastily test 11 million people residing in the seaport. In-depth tracing efforts have revealed that two wharf workers were infected by Covid-19 at the end of September and while healways has not yet been confirmed with the way these workers became infected in the first place, theChinese Center for Disease Control Immediately pointed for fish.

China CDC revealed that it was able to detect genetic traces of the SARS-COV-2 virus (which causes Covid-19)on the packages of frozen cod imported on the quays. He did not revealor The imported fish was shipped, but it has always brought the agency to announce that this "proved" could contract coronavirus of contaminated packaging. This discovery prompted WHO researchers to say in a press conference on February 9 a greater investigation is necessary with regard to the origins of the virus.

At the conference, Peter Ben Embarek, a food security expert and head of the WHO team investigation into the origins of Covid-19, said it would be interesting to explore whether contaminated and contaminated wild animals could have introduced the virus (or viruses) into the food markets. Yet he said that a lot of work should be done to better understand these ways.

As Nikolai Petrovsky, a vaccine developer and professor of endocrinology at the University of FlindersCnet, "The genetics of the virus proves that there was only one source in November of any human Covid."

If SARS-COV-2 had been initially brought to Wuhan as frozen food, he should have circulated in another part of the world, however, there was no epidemic earlier since those of Wuhan in December 2019.

So, what are my chances of contracting Covid-19 frozen foods?

Simply put, chances are very unlikely.

In fact, a report published in the Weekly Journal of the Chinese CDC in early January concluded that after reviewing 1.4 million products imported products since June 20, 2020,Only four cases From the contamination of the cold chain had been identified in the country.

And although there were some cases where theFrozen food packaging It has been shown that the virus carries the virus, which you contract Covid-19 to touch or consume it (after being well cooked) is always ready to debate.

For more, be sure to check5 grocery items that help you fight Covid.

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