11 side effects of eating bananas every day

Are bananas as healthy as a claim? We did the search.

We have always knownbanana be with extremeHealthy snack option, packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients. But, you have already asked what are the side effects eating bananas every day? We did the search, only to know that eating bananas can really do a little for your body when you eat them regularly.

Although this is the case, it is important to remember not to go thereat the sea, as even with bananas, there is a limit before starting to prejudicate to your health. So, sticky globally to1 to 3 per day, is ideal. These are the side effects you could start experimenting after eating a healthy amount of bananas every day. And for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You could lose weight.

sliced bananas with nut butter on white plate

A side effect of eating bananas on a regular basis could be the number of your ladder to start going down. It's because of the protein andfiber-rich The nature of bananas, letting you feel full for a longer and finally less likely tosnack.

You are not sure of the preparation of the snack? here is17 incredible ways to eat a banana.


You fall asleep faster.

banana slices

Tryptophane, an amino acid that makes you feel sleepy, can be found in bananas, that's why eating a banana at the end of the day can get youFeel ready for the bed. In addition to tryptophan, bananas also contain magnesium and potassium, both actingmuscle relaxing, who helps you fall asleep.

Need to sleep better? here is13 food hacks that will help you sleep better tonight.


You will improve your intestinal health.

oatmeal with banana and blueberries in a white bowl on wood

aunhealthy gut can lead tovarious problems Throughout the body, then work on yourmicrobiome should be an absolute priority. Banana consumption could be a great way to improve your health. A 2017 study study inNutritional bulletin revealed that bananas contain resistant starch, which works atIncrease the production of short chain fatty acids-What are essential for the health of engineers.

With bananas, you can incorporate these14 probiotic foods for a healthy gut.


You can reduce your risk of kidney cancer.

cutting banana

Kidney cancer is serious, so you want to do everything you can daily to reduce your risk of being diagnosed. Due to the high levels ofAntioxidant phenolic compounds Found in bananas, our favorite yellow fruit can help you reduce your risks simply by eating them. On aSwedish studyWomen who have eaten four to six bananas per week were able to halve their risk of kidney cancer. It is definitely a reason to add bananas to yourgrocery list.


You will increase your energy level.


Speak in the perfect wayJumpstart your day-Stocking especially awesome as a pre-training or post-training snack. Eating a banana Every day will not prevent you from feeling tired throughout the day, but will also improve your sports performance. APlos one 2012 study Found a direct correlation between eating a banana and increasedenergy levels At male athletes competing in long-distance cycling races, so it is possible to keep a banana in your bag could be the ideal snack to give you the boost you need.

If you want to increase your energy, you can also snack on one of these30 best foods that give you an energy all day.


You can improve your memory.

banana cut up
Eiliv-Sonas Aceron / Beldshsh

Bet you have never realized that eating a banana could improve yourMemory. Well,According to the BCC, It can. It's the wealth ofB vitamins This gives Bananas the power to support memory function and protect the brain.Studies have found that students who eat bananas work better on exams and learn more effectively. It's time to pick up bananas.


You can improve your skin.

banana slices

We are constantly looking for new ways to improve ourcutaneous health, and apparently it could start and end with bananas. Vitamins and banana minerals, especially themanganese, work to strengthen collagen levels and thus repair your skin. All of acne with dry skin wrinkles can start clarifying as soon as you have finished your banana. It's so easy.

In addition, here is25 healthy foods that give you a shiny skin.


You will reduce your risk of anemia.

Woman peeling banana

According toCleveland ClinicAnemia affects about 30% of the population, 2 billion people worldwide. Symptoms can go from vertigo, headache, fast heartbeat, among others. Iron content in bananas works toBooster Iron Levels And, thus counteract the anemia. AnotherIron-rich foods that working to fight against iron deficiencies are black beans andSalmon.


You will increase your potassium consumption, which supports cardiac health.


The main function of potassium in the body isregulate muscle movementand the most important muscle of all your body is yourheart. Since most peopleDo not consume enough potassium in their daily dietEating banana a day can be essential to regulate blood pressure and other aspects of heart health. In addition, a Healthline study revealed that a potassium-rich diet, which involves many bananas - canReduce your risk of heart disease by 27%. This is certainly a sign of adding bananas to your diet, if they are not already there.


You will feel less depressed.

Cinnamon oatmeal banana nuts syrup

Have you ever thought that your morning banana could be the reason for yourgood mood? Well, it turns out that it can be. Once ingested, the Bananas tryptophan converts directly into serotonin into the body. So, it's the serotonin that could make youfeel less depressed, and so, stimulate your mood and make you feel happier.


You will improve your vision.

Bananas on a tray

It's thevitamin a In bananas you need to thank for your improved vision. TheNational Institute of Health Highlight three things that come with the ingestion of vitamin A:protect your eyes, maintain a normal vision and even improve vision at night. Not only has a hand banana to collapse incredibly easy, but also health benefits, like this, are immense.

Speaking of bananas, did you hear thatDiétitians claims that the peel of banana help you lose weight and sleep better?

Categories: Healthy Eating
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