Do you have to stop drinking alcohol to lose weight?
Could this pink glass be the reason why you do not hit your health goals? An expert explains.

For most of us, consumption goes hand in hand with socialization. Whether in an hour of happy after-life, a wedding or a birthday party,alcohol is usually involved. But what happens if this marg (or three) is the reason why you can not give up these last books? As it turns out, alcohol and weight loss go hand in hand.
We asked a nutritionist on the connection between alcohol and weight control, as well as how you can hit the bar and reach your health goals.
Does the body treat calories of alcohol the same as food calories?
Actually no. Because the body recognizes alcohol as a toxin, it pauses itsMetabolism of other foods and focuses instead on the elimination of alcohol from our system statistic. The result? The liver must work very hard and the calories of the nachos that you have eaten with your beer are more likely to be stored as fat instead of burning for fuel. Womp Wobp.
How many calories are alcohol?
Alcohol is the second most caloric Macronutrian, saysSydney Greene, RD, a Nutritionist based in New York. One gram of alcohol contains 7 calories (for reference, a gram of grease contains 9 calories, while the proteins and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram). "Alcohol also contains zero nutrition for our body, so that 100 calories of alcohol are not identical to 100 broccoli calories," explains Greene. "We can burn broccoli for fuel and use it for hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body; alcohol not so much."
So essentially, a5 ounce wine glass contains about 120 calories, while the average12 ounces beer serves about 150 calories. Mixed drinks can contain anywhere at 100 calories (think: a vodka soda) to more than 500 calories (hi,frozen margins), plus a full day of sugar.
Does the drink always result in weight gain?
Drink drinking - AKA drinking five or more drinks in one session and intense consumption (more than four drinks a day for men and more than three glasses a day for women) have both been linked to a larger risk of obesity. Even moderation consumption can be associated with a higher percentage of body fat,For an evaluation of 2015 published in the journalCurrent obesity reports.
Higher liquid intakes are also associated with increased risk of chronic diseases, including foie gras disease, heart disease, ulcers and type 2 diabetes, explains Greene.CURRENT INSTRUCTIONS Recommend more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day so that men can keep control risk factors. And no, it's not the same thing to stay dry during the work week and have five drinks Saturday night (sorry).
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Otherwise, could alcohol influence my weight?
Alcohol dehydrates you - and this can have a serious impact on your diet.
"The combination of diuretic properties of alcohol and the lack of water consumed during beverage episodes is the ideal storm fordehydration, "Greene said." When a person is dehydrated, they will probably feel more tired, which can lead to increased consumption of high sugar foods and high carbohydrates for a pick-me-up. "In addition, it's easy to confuse dehydration and hunger, so many people reach food instead of fluids after an evening.
Unlike popular belief, these French fries in the night youStart suddenly envy will not help yourhangover(or your waist).
"There is zero scientific evidence to support fatty food orMcDonalds Cheeseburgers [for hangover], "Greene tells us." If something,opt for eggs The next morning, because they contain amino acid cysteine, which breaks down acetaldehyde, a by-product of alcohol. "
Drink can alsoMess with our sleep schedules And mood, both of whom have profound effects on food choices.
"The body's efforts to metabolize alcohol throughout the night affect our ability to enter a REM state, leading to a global sleep of sleep," says Greene. "Studies show that even a reduction of one hour of sleep can increase our calorie consumption in a day of about 500 calories."
Since alcohol is a depressant, it can also change your mood not only while you are at the bar, but also for 6 to 48 hours after drinks, says Greene. "It's common to feel anxious, sad, overwhelmed or alone after drinking episodes, and for some, that ignites a desire to eat as a way to deal with."
I'm not ready to completely prohibit alcohol, but I want to spend some pounds. How much and what should I drink?
Well, everything depends on how much you are currently drinking. "I recommend 6 to 10 drinks a week, with 4 drinks a week being the ultimate goal," says Greene. "Treat fruity or creamy cocktails Like desserts and keep beer at a minimum, about two a week. "
Opt for clear liquors and order them on the rocks with lime. If you add a mixer, choose soda water on the tonic water. "Most people do not know that tonic water can contain the same amount of sugar as a soda can," says Greene.
As intelligent: Paste at a ratio of 1: 1 alcohol to water, which means you will not order another glass of wine before completing a glass of water. You will thank us in the morning.

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