Laid side effects of drink alcohol daily

Consumming regularly alcohol and excess can cause serious health problems according to the experts of the Mayo Clinic.

It is not uncommon to meet one night with a glass of wine or crack open a beer to share with friends a weekend. And most of the time, you do not have to think twice on this consumption. While drinking alcohol in moderation is generally not a cause for concern (andcan have advantages) When your alcohol habit starts to become a daily habit, Mayo Clinic Doctors warned that you may want to look more closely how much you drink and how this alcohol can affect your health.

"Occasional beer or wine with dinner, or a drink in the evening, is not a health problem for most people. When drinking consumption becomes a daily activity, this can represent a progression of your consumption and to place you at increased health risks "said Terry Schneeekloth, MD, a doctor in psychiatry and dependence at the Mayo Clinic in a Q & A.

Even if it is only a glass of wine (5 ounces) or beer (12 ounces) or a cocktail (1.5 ounces) or the Malt Seltzer (8 ounces) every night, in some cases, It's considered "a big drink".

According toMAYO Clinic, "Consumption of heavy or high-risk drinks is defined as more than three drinks every day or more than seven drinks per week for women and for men over 65 (it's just a drink a day ). " For men under the age of 65, heavy drinks are defined as "more than four drinks every day or more than 14 glasses a week."

"Alcohol can damage the organs of your body and lead to various health concerns. For women, these damages occur with lower doses of alcohol because their body has a lower water content than men. . That's why the moderate drinking guidelines for women and men are so different, "said Dr. Schneekloth.

Before paying another drink, you probably need to be aware of these current health effects, Dr. Schneekloth refers. That's why we examined all the information that the Mayo Clinic provides the side effects of alcohol drinking every day. If any of these symptoms seemed familiar, know that it may be time to reduce alcohol. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not missWhat happens to your body when you give up alcohol.


You can hurt your brain

brain fog

Drinking too much alcohol puts you at risk of several neurological problems, for several reasons. For starters, "alcohol is a neurotoxin that can disrupt the brain communications," explains theMAYO Clinic. "It also affects the functions of the cerebral cells directly and indirectly through a malfunction of the organ different from the use of vitamin alcohol and deficiency. Alcohol abuse may result in a crisis, a vascular accident Cerebral and dementia, to name a few conditions. In addition, alcohol is toxic for a developing brain during pregnancy and can cause birth defects, including developmental disorders with a lifelong. life. "For more ways to protect your brain, in addition to reducing your alcohol consumption, you may also want to consider giving up.5 worst food for your brain, according to doctors.

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You can have liver problems

man holds the liver. Pain in the abdomen. Cirrhosis of the liver. Sore point highlighted in red

The alcohol is metabolized by the liver, where a enzyme known as alcohol dehydrogenase (ad) decomposes it. Due to the processing load on this organ, consuming excess alcohol can result in many liver problems. In addition to increasing your risk of liver cancer, your liver risks other health problems to drink alcohol in excess every day. Drinking too much "Increases your risk of cirrhosis - a serious liver disorder"said Donald Hensrud, MD, a doctor of preventive medicine at the Mayo Clinic.


You can increase your risk of cancer

Doctor explaining lungs x-ray on computer screen to patient

"Drink too can increase your risk for a crowd of cancers, including the liver, stomach, breast, colon and oral cancer," says Dr. Hensrud.


You may experience pancreas and stomach problems

Woman with hands on stomach suffering from pain.

Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances and, therefore, "[drinking too] raises the probability that you can develop an inflammation in your pancreas [called pancreatitis] and in the mucosa of your stomach", according to Dr. Hensrud .


You can increase your risk of death

doctor patient

"Everything told that excess alcohol consumption is the third cause of avoidable death in the United States," says Dr. Hensrud.


You can have higher blood pressure

Doctor Checking Blood Pressure Of Male Patient

"Drink too much alcohol can increase the blood pressure of unhealthy levels"Said Sheldon G. Sheps, MDProfessor of Emeritus of Medicine and Ancient President of the Nephrology and Hypertension Division in the MAYO Clinic Medicine Department. "Have more than three drinks in one session temporarily increases your blood pressure, but the consumption of consumption of the frenzy can lead to long-term increases." Alcohol can also increase your blood pressure through other longer-term measurements: "Keep in mind that alcohol contains calories and can contribute to unwanted weight gain - a risk factor for hypertension arterial. "


You can develop an alcohol dependency

man pouring a glass of wine

When you drink alcohol every day, you put yourself at risk of developing an addiction. As far as alcohol is concerned, this dependence is known as alcohol disorder, which includes a level sometimes called alcoholism, "explains theMAYO Clinic.

"Alcoholism is growing over time because people come into a habit. As alcohol tolerance increases, consumption often increases. You must be careful not to fall into bad habits with alcohol, Because the consequences can be serious, "says Dr. Hensrud. "I suggest that I see in my practice that they go at least two days a week without alcohol, or take a break from alcohol for periods of time, checking the reality to make sure that They do not become dependent on it. "

Related:5 subtle signs that you drink too much wine


You could put your heart

mature man having heart attack at home

TheNOTES OF THE MAYO Clinic This excessive drink can lead to cardiac muscular damage (alcoholic cardiomyopathy) leading to heart failure. Dr. Hensrud adds that "too much alcohol can elevate blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Both can highlight you higher heart disease." Take a charge on your heart and give up these50 foods that can cause heart disease.

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