"Healthy" habits secretly cause weight gain
It is time to congratulate these obsolete tips and remedy these unwanted books.

The methods of science and research still evolve, which means that weight loss recommendations are constantly revised. So, what we may have thought was in good health decades ago (like making sure everything you eat is low in bold), has now been demystified as promoting weight gain. So, if you think you eat healthy, it wins weight, it could be because what is "healthy" to you everything except.
To make sure that you are not the victim of the victim of the health myths of the diet or to follow any discussions, we have collected "healthy" healthy "habits that will not notice your weight loss advances, But they can also save you a few pounds. See what health tips are you fooled - and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.
You have changed sugar to artificial sweeteners

As proof continues to stack against sugar, consumers are looking for ways to have their cake and eat it too literally. To meet the demand, food manufacturers are making enhanced foods without sugar-free foods such as puddings, cookies anda soda-But do not give it twisted; These options will not help you reduce. In fact, they can have the opposite effect on your intestine. NumerousArtificial sweeteners insulin (The primary fat storage hormone of our body) to release in your intestine because they are sweet as sugar. In addition, when manufacturers take sugar from products, they often add bad greases for you, such as palm oil and taste for taste, they also use sugar alcohols, which can have an effect Laxative so consumed in excess. The Bottom Line: If you want something sweet, go from "sugar-free" options and eat what you really want moderation. (If you are diabetic, consult your doctor for healthy and safe ways to reduce "sugar-free" foods transformed into your diet.) For even more ways to cadranate on sweet stuff and congestion fragments, check these20 tips for cutting medical expert sugar!
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You do exercise daily

It's great that you are so engaged in your workout routine, but if you spend all your free time to sprinter and lift that you do not give your body enough time to recover and rebuild, which can increase your risk of injury and really interfere with your progress, explainsJay Cardiello, a fitness and nutrition expert who carved the bodies of some of the main superstars of the music scene, including 50 cents and J.LO. To make sure that you give your body the stopping time required to look at, Cardiello suggests taking one or two days of leave per week.
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You refuel with a post-sweat smoothie

Whether in the long run, a Sesh bar killer or a hot yoga workout, it's a mistake to feel like it's not complete without traveling in the drinks bar. "If you are used to" refueling "with aagitation of proteins or smoothie after each workout, you may want to reconsider, "says Dietian registeredKayleen St. John, MS, RD, Professor of Assistant Nutrition in Food Studies at the University of New York. "For most of the workouts of more than one hour in length, the consumption of a protein-rich meal is perfectly sufficient. Consume a protein workshop between the two is probably useless and simply increases caloric consumption." (See:7 ways that smoothies will make you gain weight.) If you do not plan to take a meal in addition to your post-training smoothie, then by all means, drink the smoothie. In fact, do one of these22 Best Protein Recipes for Weight Loss.
You do calories for later '

If you regularly eliminate calories on days, you plan to catch drinks or a special dinner after work, you could do more harm than good. Reason: It's hard to maintain good eating habits and portion control when you're hungry. TOavoid overeating, snack on a cup of baby carrots or an ounce of almonds before meeting your friends meet. If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to two drinks to save on calories and prevent drunkenness and lose your self-control.
You are numbling "healthy" snacks

With more than relying on snacks rather than on solid meals to fuel our day, it seems that everyone is looking for the next Nibible who can keep them in the end. Unfortunately, marketers are on us. And they slap breaking health-centered sentences such as "whole wheat" "" gluten-free "and" low fat "on foods full of (and several times, much more) sweet treats such as ice cream and cookies. So ifSnacks seemingly healthy Like flavored yogurt, whole grain cereals, pretzels and dried fruits are part of your snack repertoire, you could work against your workout goals.
You eat weak fat

You know that eating trans fat can increase your risk of heart disease, weight gain and stroke, so you are intelligent to stay away. But all fats do not need to make your list "Do not eat". In fact, consumehealthy fats Such as olive oil and coconut can actually help you reduce and stay healthy. "Fats help us not only absorb many vitamins from our diet, but they also help us stay longer, which can help weight loss efforts," explains the recorded diet nutritionist.Lori Zanini, Rd, CDE. Not to mention, reduced grease products tend to replace harmless greases with low-performance carbohydrates that digest rapidly - causing a sugar rush and, immediately after, hunger bouncy. Simply put, they can give you weight. So stick to food processed into complete fats (if you are going to eat it at all) and also work some fresh fat products in your diet. Registered dietitianLauren Slayton, Ms, rd Incorporate objects such as olive oil, lawyer, fish, butter, ghee and coconut oil in its daily regimes. To find out what other foods deserve to eat regularly, check these40 food nutrition experts told us that you should eat every day.
You skip sleep for a morning workout

Train for the first time in the morning, it's a great way to boost energy and start your day on a healthier note. The problem? If you set your alarm for 5 hours, but you did not sleep before midnight, you might miss crucial sleep. Dieters who sleep five hours or less put on 2½ times more belly fat, according toWake Forest Search. If you want to hit the gym before dawn, make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time to get the six to eight recommended hours of his night.
You sleep too much

Unfortunately, it is possible to have too much good thing. Boiling on sleep is associated with weight gain,Researchers in Wake Forest I found that those who sleep more than eight hours per night packed on more belly fat, the dangerous genre associated with heart disease, diabetes and a stroke. Pull an average of six to seven hours of sleep per night - the optimal amount for weight control. And burning calories during the night with these30 things to do 30 minutes before losing to lose weight.
You skip meals

According to a survey of theCalorie Control Board, 17% of Americans ignore meals to lose weight. If it sounds like a strategy you live, it could very well be responsible for your expanding size. This is because skipping meals slows your metabolism and stimulates your hunger. This puts your body in fat storage mode and increases your chances of eating too much to the next meal. To keep your metabolism too swelling throughout the day, focus on small snacks with protein and fiber and small meals every three to four hours. You will not only burn more calories by eating a series of small meals, but also avoid the afternoon accident and the end of the decline of the workday.
You do not eat yellow

Egg White omelettes can be your brunch and your gone-to-hotel breakfast, but it's time for you to give silky yellow and golden love. They are a large source of choline and incinerated fat vitamin, vitamin most Americans do not eat enough. Why does it matter? Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to abdominal obesity. In addition, the yellows contain healthy fats that stimulate satiety, which made it less likely to eat too late in the day, says St. John.
You stack your plate with healthy foods
Just because your meal is healthy does not mean that you do not have to practice portion control. Remember that even virtuous foods have calories, so if you express things like lawyer, oatmeal and chicken that you can pack on books. Half of your plate must be filled with vegetables and the remaining half must contain a portion of the size of a skinny protein cell, a portion of punch grains and a little greater than the size of your pointer finger.
You only do one type of exercise
While working is essential for maintaining your metabolism if you have not increased your training routine recently, your six pack can barely melt two packets, saysDr. Sean M. Wells, personal trainer and author ofDouble-cross: an examination of the most extreme exercise program. "If you've done the same workout for a few months, your body is no longer disputed, which means that it does not burn as many calories as it could otherwise," he explains. So, if you usually stick spin classes, consider checking a training camp or a Zumba class to kick your metabolism. Can not stand to leave your Schwinn? Search yourself a more intense class or challenge yourself by transforming the resistance (yes, even when the instructor does not tell you of).
You go free gluten

For some people, eat gluten free is a necessity. But for those who think that "gluten free" means weight-friendly weight loss, beware of Halo health. Most gluten-free breads are made from refined grains, with white rice flour being the most popular. These breads have two double carbohydrates of whole wheat breads. In addition, studies show that people who eat whole grains have less belly fat than those who eat refined grains. If you have to go gluten-free, due to a celiac disease or similar diagnosis, look for gluten-free breads made with a mixture of naturally gluten-free seeds and grains, such as millet and amaranth. Otherwise, keep the bread in your diet, because it is an excellent source of whole grains and fiber, make sure it is one of theBest buns purchased for all health goals.
You always eat before training

"The trainers rooted our brain we need to eat something before and after a workout," says Dietian RegisteredLisa Hayim, MS, RD and founder ofThe necessities well. "Although we neglect our real feelings of hunger and satiety and create something unthrified in our mouth. Although the consumption of food before and after training is essential for sports recovery, of Many people have enough fuel of a recent meal they have consumed and do not need these extra calories. A good rule is that your last meal was three hours or more before your workout, take a Collation rich in carbohydrates (30 grams of carbohydrates or less), "she explains.
You have abandoned dairy

Unless you are with intolerant lactose, the direction of milk,Greek yogurtAnd other popular food based on dairy to save calories can do you more harm than good. The main reason: Calcium plays a key role in the regulation of how the body metabolizes food. Specifically, it determines whether we burn calories or we sharpen them under the excess fat. According to a University of Tennessee, on a rich calcium diet can help you burn more flabs, according to a University of Tennessee at the Knoxville report, which exactly corresponds to what you want if weight loss is your goal. If you have to go without dairy, it's not a problem. Just make sure to add theseThe 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy to your diet.
You eat a lot of protein

Although the protein can appear among the most spoken nutrients of dieters, eating too many things can cause weight gain. When you take more protein than your body needs (about 0.45 grams per pound for men and 0.35 grams per pound for women), the extra protein will probably be stored in fat form, while excess amino acids will be excreted. Not convinced? Consider this: In a recent study of more than 7,000 study participants, researchers have found that those who have eaten.protein The regimes had a 90% risk of more than 10% of their body weight during the study as those who have eaten fewer things. Yikes!
You buy something labeled "all natural" or "organic"

In a recent study, those estimated "biological" tagged collations are lower in calories, more nutritious and even more tasty than when revising the same snacks without the "biological" label. The only problem? It's hardly the case. In addition, all natural is not a regulated term. Marketing specialists can therefore slap this on products that are still highly transformed, caloric and sugar loaded. If you come down these races without looking at the label, you risk ingesting more calories than you do, which can derail yourfast weight loss efforts.
You go on dessert

Of course, skip the dessert saves you on calories and sugar. But the constant deprivation of yourself could lead to a frenzy out of control later. And if you returned to your favorite transplant for a "healthier" version, you can feel less satisfied and reach something else to curb this sweet tooth. You will do better to opt for some bites of your favorite dessert than to deprive you quite.
You order the most healthy menu item

Strange but true: when you think of your meal as a light choice, it can bring your brain to pump more Ghrelin (the hormone that stimulates the appetite and slows down the metabolism), according to aStudy of Yale University. To keep your levels of balanced Ghrelin, stick with foods that only sound indulgent. For example, if you are atChick-a, go for the breaded chicken sandwich and fried on the COBB salad. The sandwich looks like the more indulgent alternative, but in reality, eating it above the green keeps 300 calories and 36 fat greases on your plate.
Your only exercise is yoga

If you do a lot of exercises or training that forcing you to sit down and go to bed, you must know that you do not burn a lot of calories, do not you? So, if you are refueling after you've come to long term or hit the weight room, you are likely to stack you on the books. "When sitting or lying, it is almost impossible to make enough heartbeat to make a significant change in body composition," says the personal trainer andPeople The sexiest coach of the living magazine,Angelo Grinceri. Although yoga and pilates can help you tone and burn calories, it's best to mix your workouts with other cardiac pumping activities such as running, swimming, or a style circuit HIIT.
You abandoned coffee

There is no denying that the Syrrupy,Beverages mixed with coffee sugar are calorie bombs. But stick to a cup of black coffee every morning could actuallyREV your metabolism; The average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who drank decaf, according to a study of theJournal of Physiology and Basic Pharmacology and Clinic.Coffee is also an excellent front workout drink also, allows you to pump for your SSH sweatshirt without any added loads and artificial sweeteners that bathtubs sold in your local supplement store. In fact, a study inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise Discovered that cyclists who took a caffeine supplement were obtained up to 3.1% more power than those who took placebo. If you always get your Joe cup to Starbucks, make sure your caffeine makes your body a favor by ordering one of these13 Best Starbucks Drinks at Low Calories.