Laid side effects not to work, according to science

These potential disorders will motivate you to get out of the sofa.

Skip todaycoaching will not kill you. But regularly jumps from exercise that the rest of your life will probably make your life shorter than possible. If this little alarm bell does not push you to start takingwalks, Let's remember that eye-openingJama Studying by Cleveland Clinic Foundation researchers from the Foundation that made return securities in 2018: He said the bad aerobic form is a much larger risk factor for premature death than smoking or high blood pressure. That's why it is essential to focus on these laid side effects not to work and move your body.

According toDisease control and prevention centersAbout 25% of adults in the United States do not engage in physical activity. While the United States quarter is completely sedentary, more than 60% are primarily sedentary, which means that they do not meet the recommended 150-minute minutes of a moderately intense activity or 75 minutes of strong aerobic exercise per week . So, if you are one of the people who do not get a regular physical activity, you might encounter these laid side effects not to work. And also make sure to consult our list of15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


A foie gras.

sitting on couch

Do not exercise can harm your health in many ways that you can not see by looking in a mirror, walk on a weight scale or taking a cardiac stress test. Consider your liver, an organ that often takes a back seat in the heart when you think of coming back in shape. Recentresearch suggests that fat in the liver can increase the risk ofheart disease andDiabetes Independent of the outgoing signs of an overweight body. Researchers can measure fat in the liver by metabolic products called metabolites asdimethylduanidino (DMGV) that occur in cells. DMGV is a newly identified marker of non-alcoholic foie gras disease.

The good news is thatLevels of this metabolite and others associated with cardiometabolic health decrease in response to a brief exercise force. General Hospital Massachusetts scientists reporting toTraffic In 2020, explain that in 12 minutes of cardiopulmonary exercise (such as walking, running or cycling) have affected some long-term health metabolites. DMGV, which is associated with the risk of diabetes and liver disease, has dropped by 18%, while glutamate, a metabolite linked to heart disease, diabetes and a reduction of longevity, decreased by 29%.

Need more motivation? here is5 Advantages of the underestimated exercise.


Muscle narrowing and loss of strength.

Young woman sleeping passed out on couch after watching tv with a food coma

One of the most ugly side effects not to work, even for a few weeks, is that we quickly lose the benefits of all the exercise we have done previously. The loss of aerobic fitness is aggravated by the fact that, as we get older, we tend to reduce.

"As people get older, there is a gradual decline in the amount of muscle mass and strength," Roger A. Fielding said. Doctorate, senior scientist of nutrition, physiology of exercise and sarcopenia at the Human Research Center of Toufts University of Tufts on aging. "We know with certainty that these losses in the muscles and the strength are strong engines of the loss of ability to perform the tasks of everyday life, like climbing stairs and out of a chair. These changes can reach a point where people lose the ability to live independently. "

Fielding research, however, have shown that even physically fragile seniors who engage in a moderate resistance exercise program can gain strength and improve mobility.

"I think it's important to consider integrating force training into our physical activity routine to slow the progression of this decline in muscle and strength," says the field indicating.

here is25 easy exercises that make you feel better.


"Good" lower cholesterol.

high cholesterol

Refrain from physical activity is a great way to send your HDL South cholesterol. High density lipoprotein (HDL) is the so-called"Good" cholesterolThis removes bad LDL cholesterol or low density lipoprotein from your blood circulation so that LDL will not form a dangerous plate. If you do not have enough HDL, you will probably have too much LDL. Numerousstudies have shown a correlation between high HDL numbers and lower rate of cardiac disease. And one of the best ways to raise an HDL is to do steady vigorous exercises.

here are the15 worst food for high cholesterol.




If you do not get up and go every day, you may find it difficult and painful to go every day. Inactivity can lead to constipation even if you do not have other health problems. In a study of the Italian Space Agency published inPlos a, 10 healthy men have been awarded to 35 days of stand-out controlled bed-based beds to study the effect of long-term physical inactivity on constipation. The result: 60% of the participants increased the flatulence, while the frequency of the movements of the intestine decreased during the comparisons per week.

If you want to avoid backing up, try taking a long walk before reaching prune juice. "Regular exercises can help keep the stools around the colon," says GastronologistLinda Ann Lee, MD, Chief of Staff of Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare.

The integration of the fiber into your diet can also help you go to the bathroom! here is9 warning signs that you do not eat enough fiber.




Psychologists and psychiatrists call it "Inactivity trap ". If you are depressed, you often have little energy and interest to participate in regular physical activity and, on the other hand, if you stop exercising regularly, you may experience symptoms of depression. Whether you feel depressed or not, it seems that the best prevention is sweaty.

Exercise outings feel chemical called endorphins in the body, which candecrease stress. This can help you get toto sleep Faster and sleep more rest. And this increases self-esteem and self-confidence and can keep your brain positively engaged so that you have not lodged negatively. aanalysis Dozens of observation and intervention studies suggest that physical activity could prevent depression. While some of these studies have shown that low and high-intensity physical activity was both effective in reducing the likelihood of depression, a number of studies have revealed that the vigorous exercise had the greatest preventive effect. .



shop from the couch

Stressing your heart regularly through the exercise builds a stronger heart that can do its pumping work with less effort. When this happens, the pressure against the walls of your arteries decreases; It's good for cardiovascular health. But when you do not exercise, your heart must work harder and your arteries can suffer. AStudy of more than 3,800 men withoutHypertension When monitored for 10 years have found that those who came out of the form by inactivity over the decade had an increased risk of 72% to develop a hypertension that participants who have increased their aerobic ventilation. .

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Sugar level in higher blood.


Exercise plays an important role in your metabolism. It affects how your body treatscarbohydrates So powerfully as even missing a few workouts can affect blood glucose control and increase the risk of insulin resistance, according to recent research in the journal.Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise.


Fragile bones.

broken arm

Like your muscle, yourBONECan become lower with age and jump exercise can exacerbate this problem. The condition, called osteoporosis, occurs when the calcium of the bone is absorbed in the blood, which made it fragile, one of the worst laid side effects not to work. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends weight exercises involving a jump jump (such as tennis and basketball) and running. Training with weight resistance is also recommended to increase the bone density of the national force and the packaging association.

Speaking of bone health, here's 15 things that put you at risk of osteoporosis.

Categories: Weight Loss
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