21 foods out of your kitchen now

Do you think your cabinets are stored with most good foods for you? It's time to watch a second look.

Imagine that you had the chance to take a look at the kitchens of the best nutritionists and dietitians of the world - people who know exactly what to eat for a body of shape, belly thinner, andA longer life. You would probably not be surprised by what you see: a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, olive oil, nothing surprising there. But what could you surprise you, that's what you will not see - the common,so-called "food" healthy " This will probably populate your own pantry, but that those of knowledge have long banned from their own home.

We gathered a panel of experts and had a furtive glance in the eating habits of those who live and breathe daily nutrition and learned that food should never be in your kitchen if you want to lose weight..Discard these foods that do not make favors for your body in the trash and start trying these7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Rice cakes

worst healthy snacks rice cakes

Rice cakes are a clip of the old school. But simple carbohydrates rank notorily high on the glycemic index (IM) - a measure of the speed of blood in response to food on a scale of one to 100 (rice cakes included in 82). Haute GI foods offer a thrust of energy but can let you hunger in a few hours. Researchers of the Balance Foundation's new obesity prevention center found snacks with high excessive hunger and increased activity in the brain desire and reward zone - the perfect storm foreat too much and weight gain.


Massive coffee cups


"I'm trying to avoid excessive caffeine," says Dr. Mamta Mr Mamik, an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction at the ICAHN Medicine School at Mount Sinai. "An adult can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, which equates to four ounce coffee cups, but to drink more than what can cause calcium excretion, which can lead to osteoporosis . Avoid excess caffeine also helps to move uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms such as lethargy, insomnia, headaches and irritability. "


Cream-based soups

cream of mushroom soup

"Although I love them, I try to stay away from cream-based soups. They disturb not only my stomach, but they are also charged with empty calories and often have charges like hydrolyzed proteins, dyes food and corn syrup that I know about later! "said,Dr. Taz Bhatia, integrated health expert and author of21-day belly.



Coffee muffin

"I try to avoid foods containing trans greases, corn syrup and added sugars," said Eugenia Gianos, MD, cardiologist, co-clinical director, center for the prevention of cardiovascular disease at the NYU Medical Center Langone. "Often listed hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, synthetically transcentable trans-fat increases your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and reduce your good cholesterol levels (HDL), using your risk of heart attack and stroke. " Ontimes, grocery chains or bakers will use partially hydrogenated oils to extend the shelf life of their "fresh" bakery products. In addition to the potential of Phos, these pastries are often sometimes calories and will not do much to protect you all morning.


Soy milk

soy milk

"I avoid Soymilk", Note Guillem Gonzalez-Lomas, MD, Sports Medicine Specialist and Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery of the Nyu Langone Medical Center. "Yes, horror stories connecting the overconsumption of soy products to estrogen-resembling effects - such as expanded breast development in otherwise healthy men - are exceptional. However, the fact is that soy imitates estrogen and active Estrogen receptors in the body. Do you want to take this risk? There are many other milk substitutes - like almond milk, which do not wear the same potential side effects. "


Nutrition bars

nutrition bars

"As a plastic surgeon, I still think of my figure," says New York doctor, Lara Devgan, MD. "To this end, I never eat energy bars or granola bars. Although they can be tasty, for the amount of carbohydrates and fat calories and fat, you could also eat a chocolate bar . Many of these bars are filled with simple sugars, and they do not fill enough enough to substitute a meal or a snack. "


Egg beating

Egg whites beaters

"This is also distant from a natural egg that you can get," says Dana James Cann, a nutritionist of the NYC restoration coach. "HEAT Pasteurized and made from plant breeding eggs, this product is processed so much that manufacturers must actually add synthetic vitamins to strengthen its nutritional density." Go instead of real thing, "says James. Choline, found in eggs, meat meats, seafood and collar greens, attack the gene mechanism that triggers your body to store fat around your body liver.


Fruit Smoothies High Cal

drinking smoothie

Afruit smoothie It looks like a virtuous choice for an afternoon pick-up, but be warned: many options purchased in stores are mixed with high calorie dairy bases and cheap sweeteners that make them more dessert than respectful Dietetics. Take the Smoothie of Naked Mango Fruits, which has 57 grams of bottle sugar.


Fruit juice

Unhealthy orange juice bottle held in front of fridge

"Talk to transforming good bad food," said Leah Kaufman, Ms. RD, CDN a dietitian inscribed on the city of New York. "When you turn the products into juice, you remove its fiber: one of the main advantages of the consumption of whole fruits and vegetables. What you have done, it's a so-concentrated beverage gently, it can have as much sugar as a soda. "More and more research has begun to show that some fruits are truly better to the fight against belly fat than others. And the masters fruit all have one thing in common: they are red or at least reddish. Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries are packed with polyphenols, powerful natural chemicals that can actually stop the fat to form.


Soda system

two glasses of soda

"I do not drink soda. A long time ago, Cola had cocaine in, and this is probably even more unhealthy since," said Gonzalez-Lomas. "Most sodas contains phosphorus, which binds to calcium and increases the loss of calcium, which is terrible for bone health. In addition, only one can be filled with 40 grams of sugar - the equivalent of 20 cubes of sugar - which makes it difficult for the body to maintain healthy levels of glucose and insulin. And the dietary soda is potentially worse. Diet drinks contain low doses of carcinogens and artificial sweeteners that have potentially dangerous effects On the brain and metabolism. Although everything is reasonable, I want to a high risk of soda., No reward. "

Do not miss to discoverWhat happens to your body when you give soda!




"One of the main impostors of food health!" Says Lisa Moskovitz, Rd, founder of the NY NUTRITION group. "A small cup of granola has nearly 600 calories, 30 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar. This is the equivalent of starting your morning with two slices of cheese." Moskovitz adds: "If I want a Crunch cereal, I'm going to spend a lighter alternative like cheerios or k. They embrace the same satisfactory crisis with a fraction of calories, fat and sugar," she says.



ham sandwich

"I eat a very clean and plant-based diet, so the avoidance list is long for me. However, even for those who eat meat, transformed varieties are a bad choice", warns David L. Katz, MD, MPH, Director of Research Center for the Prevention of the University of Yale and President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. "Although the link between meat and chronic diseases is quite tenuous, the link between processed meats of salt, sugar and chemical and chronic risk is strong and consistent. If you eat meat, it should be pure - As you want your own muscles to be. If you eat highly treated and adulterous meats, they can pay it to meat on your own bones. "

For a list of purest proteins, see the essential list ofThe 29 best sources of protein for weight loss.


Bakery products packed with low fat

Peanut butter cookies

"I avoid any product marketed as" weak fat ". Typically, these elements are treated expanded and packaged with chemicals that are added to attempt to obtain consistency or reproduce the flavor of the full fat models on which They are based, "says Rebeckah Gross, MD, a gastroenterologist at Joan H. Tisch Center for Women's Health at the Nyu Langone Medical Center." I prefer to indulge in a smaller part of a naturally high food in grease or sugar only to ingest an artificial substitute. In most cases, the real business tastes better, is more satisfactory and does not cause gastrointestinal upheaval that can be associated with highly transformed foods, "says Gross.



ketchup and french fry

"This is called ketchup because, over time, it will catch up," Jokes Moskovitz. "Just two soup spoons measured reach up to 8 grams of sugar and 40 calories. And most of these calories come from high fructose corn syrup, which has been demonstrated to increase the appetite and, over time, lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes. "If you really can not live without the content," use a completely natural version without added sugar, chemical or HFCS, "says Moskovitz.



eating cereal

"Most cold cereals - even those that seem healthy - are loaded with carbs, sweet and very transformed. They are certainly not breakfast of champions - at least no thin champions, "says Lauren Slayton, Ms. RD, founder of Foodtrainers. Instead, "Starting your day with lean proteins, like eggs, is the best way to make sure you stay under taillery and complete early afternoon," says Slayton.


Flavored coffee

Coffee creamer milk

"I avoid flavored coffee cuppers because they are filled with false ingredients that can do more than the flavor that is worth it: trans fat, artificial sweeteners, carrage color and artificial coloring," explains Gina Conalvo, MA, RD, LDN, Pennsylvania to eat well with Gina. "Over time, your non-dairy cream morning shot can raise dangerous levels of LDL cholesterol and increase the risk of blood clots and heart attack." Lighten your coffee with half a half that lists only milk and cream like ingredients, "she says.




"Nutella is one of those foods that people believe to be healthy because it contains a nut," says Kaufman. "But check the ingredients: deviations like Nutella are mainly sugar and palm oil, with almost no actual nuts involved. With more than 20 grams of added sugar and only two grams of protein, the propagation comes just from Get to your waist. "

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Canned vegetables

canned vegetables

Americans generally do only one third of their recommended daily consumption, so you might be surprised to hear us hit any form of vegetables. Unfortunately, we have to go. Why? Some vegetables of this variety are stored in cans that are laces with BPA, an industrial chemical used in various food and beverage containers. "There is a lot of controversy around BPA," says Conalvo. "It is believed that pose health risks in fetuses, infants and brain development of young children." She notes that there are many brands that now use bunks without BPA and hard plastics. We suggest going with fresh or frozen vegetables, which tend to be healthier and free of salt and preservatives.


Non-organic chicken


"We have been packaged to search for inexpensive food instead of high quality food", Dan Roberts, Celebrity Coach and Creator ofX Methodology tell us. "Now, eating organic products seems to be a luxury when it is really not. For moral reasons and health (it is free of growth hormones), I still buy and eat free-range bio chicken. "


Bare buns of nutrients

white bread

Jim White Rd, ACSM HFS, owner ofJim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios says that "the white bread has been whitened and stripped of its back and its germ, the elements of the grain containing beneficial nutrients. For this reason, the white bread is not very full, has no nutritional value and Is not converted to sugar once you eat it. As table sugar, it then points to insulin levels, which promotes fat storage. "Jay Cardiello, NSCA, personal-coach in the stars, adds: "In addition, do not let you take sentences like," made with whole grains ". This catchy sentence can make you think that your bread is a healthy choice, but it only means that the bread is made of a mixture whole wheat flour and another less nutritious flour that will not benefit your health. "



Gummy bears bowl

"Throwing a handful of candies may not seem like a big deal, but it's the equivalent of pure sugar. I will never do that and no one else", explains Lori-Ann Marchese, celebrity and owner of Lori-annBody Build LLC.

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