The 6 foods that ruin your skin, according to research

Here's how your diet could get you out.

As anyone who hasacne well in adulthood knows, there is a lot ofbad advice the low.

Some people can insist that everything that worked for them is guaranteed to work for you, while others can try to convince you to use products you know because a fact is not suitable for your skin. Rather than going for all unverified beauty creamsYour Targeted Instagram ads try to sell you, you may want to go directly to science, likeThis recent study.

Published in theInternational Dermatology JournalThe study examined ten years of diet and acne research to determine six dietary factors that promote acne. So, what are the six dietary factors that could cause you to go out? They include foods that have ahIGH Glycemic Index (think, brown rice syrup), High glycemic load (White rice and pancakes), dairy products (ice cream), Fast food (Big macs), lack of raw vegetables (consider replacing yourmarinara sauce with some sliced ​​cherry tomatoes), andChocolate.

The skin of everyone is different, but if you move away from these problematic dietary factors and take a point of eating raw vegetables, it will probably make a difference. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

"For my patients with acne, I have always pointed out that food and diet are just one aspect of treatment, especially since genetics and hormone changes play such an important role for some people with acne, "Rajani Katta, MD, author of"Glow: the dermatologist's guide on a younger skin diet, "says to eat this, not that! In an interview." That said, we know that some foods and power models can trigger acne. "

She notes thatWhey protein supplements andadded sugars Among the most common culprits for people of all ages. In addition, if you are concerned about aging prematurely, it suggests avoiding foods that will increase yourblood glucose, like these can lead to "sugar, "which is when your skin loses elasticity." So that means limitingadded sugars and carbohydrates processed as much as possible, "says Katta.

So what foods should you eat to promote the propertycutaneous health? In addition to raw vegetables, cooked vegetables can also help, as can fruits andFoods raised in fatty acids (Think of salmon). These protection factors against acne can help keep your skin clear and without pimples.

And, for more things on how you can change your diet to improve your skin, see these25 healthy foods that give you a shiny skin.

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