That's what happens to your body when you leave Soda for 100 days

You could be surprised by the lasting effects, as can be atterested by another that your experience.

While putting aside your love forsoda without sugars might seem difficult, the benefits of doing, which could convince you to give it a go. That's exactly whatYoutuber Joel Wood did when heleave the soda diet For 100 days to see what effect he would have on his body. The results, frankly, are fascinating.

Wood shared in a YouTube video on January 4th he had developed aUnhealthy obsession with diet sodas, not necessarily because of their "healthy" factor, but because he really appreciated the taste. "I have always grown out of diet drinks and I prefer the taste," he said in the video. "I do not drink diet because I think it's healthy, I drink because I appreciate that."

And while you think you think that the consumption of food soda is better than a regular soda because it does not have all this sugar, it always has a ton of artificial sweetener. The wood also said that it sometimes drank up to two liters a day, and it is certainly not a healthy movement. (Especially when we consider this ranking of the108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.)

Wood exposed on a mission to abandon the diet soda to see what the result could be. Initially, he said he could feel the lethargy not to haveHis habitual Caffeine boostBut it faded like past days. It went for a total of 109 days without dietetic soda, assuming that this break resets its Golds and not only do itConceive the drink less But also maybe also a little less and not be so inclined to sweet food and drinks.

After the rupture of dietetic soda, the wood has allowed to have a Max pepsi, something he had really used,really enjoy. Alas, the Diet Soda no longer worn the satisfaction he did once, and he admitted that it was not "actually as good as I thought". But what it means is that his experience has worked - his Goldsbuds have become less accustomed to the artificial sweetener, and he said he ate fewer other sweet foods.

It has just shown that making a small diet change, as if you leave Diet Soda for 100 days, can have a much more important effect on your body and your health as a whole! Check out the YouTube video of Wood Utube above for all your trip without soda.

For more health news, make sure youSubscribe to our newsletterAND Check the40 side effects of drinking too much soda.

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