13 foods you should start washing as soon as possible

Do not put yourself in danger!

We get it: Buy and stifle food during thecoronavirus The pandemic can be quite confusing. Do you wear a mask and grocery gloves and wash your hands when you come home, but what about cleaning the food itself? The washing of your products is always a good idea, not just during the pandemic, that's why we want to help you make sure you wash the fruits and vegetables on the right. here are thefood you should be washingeven if it's not something you did in the past.

With regard to washing products, you do not need to buy a washing of fancy vegetables, either. By holding your fruits and vegetables under running water, you can always help you rinse all bacteria on the surface. For more to get your fruits and your pleasant and clean vegetables, here isHow to wash fruits and vegetables safely during pandemic coronavirus.



avocado shopping

Just because you do not eat that the skin does not mean that you should not wash the fruit and lawyers. If there are bacteria outdoors, it can be transferred to the edible part of the fruit when you have turned it open.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!



orange slices

As with lawyers, oranges still have to be washed, even if you do not eat the skin.

"All that is on the skin of the products can be pushed into the pulp of the product when we start to cut with a knife or peel with our fingers (in the case of an orange for example)," Amanda A. Kostro Miller, Rd, LDN,previously said to eat this, not that.

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kale in a bowl

If you buy a pre-washed lettuce bag, you can ignore this step. But for any type of fresh lettuce that you shred yourself, you will want to wash it, ideally in a salad sector. The leafy greens are a cause of the foodborne disease. For more ways to stay safe, be aware of these17 foods most likely to give you food poisoning.



yukon gold potatoes in pile

Even if you peel a potato and do not eat the skin, you should always rinse first from the outside. The bacteria can go to the peeler and be transferred to the inner part of Veggie.



red apple

Yes, apples are a snack ready for use, skin and all. But it is worth giving your apple a quick rinse before you bite, remove the bacteria from the surface.

Once you have cleaned these apples, try them in one of these17 healthy apple recipes.


Canned beans

variety of beans

Canned beans are an excellent pantry staple because they are perfect in countless recipes. But before throwing these beans in your Chile, rinse them in a colander! The beans are packed in a liquid capable of spoiling your recipes and the liquid tends to be heavy sodium.



rinsing rice in pot

If you do not rinse rice, you should start!Run your rice underwater With a colander will make it less starch, and it will be fluffy when you cook it.

RELATED: Click here for any our last coronavirus cover.



cooked quinoa

Like rice,Quinoa must be rinsed with a colander before it is cooked. If you want a lot of fluffy quinoa, do not skip this step!


Fresh herbs

Potted herbs on windowsill

Yes, the herbs are delicate, but you should always rinse with water. They could have dirt on them, that you do not want in your food. Type your herbs dry with a paper towel after rinsing.

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The melons are another fruit with unnecessary skin that you should not jump the washing. The last thing you want is that the bacteria from outside this watermelon are transferred to your fruit slices or fruit-infused water.


Sea food


If you cook clams or mussels at home, can not rinse the shells. You do not want sand or dirt in your food!



Mixed berries

It might be tempting to eat small bays directly out of the package, but you should rinse them first. There could be bacteria outside the fruit, and it is better to be sure that by sorry.


Lemons and limes

lemons and limes

If you will plunge a slice of fruit in your drink, the skin and everything, you should definitely wash it first! Leave potential bacteria soak in your lemon water is a disaster recipe.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: fruit / tips / vegetables
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