15 foods to avoid during the pandemic

Stay healthy, avoiding these unhealthy foods.

As theCovid-19 vaccine becomes more widely available Through the United States, there is reason to believe that we will soon be able to kiss your family and friends, sitting in a bar and maybe even plan a long-standing holiday.

But with cases of Covid and still rising deaths, it is more important than eversocial distancingWear a mask and wash your hands. Another important prevention measure? Your diet.

"Although many factors help maintain a strong immune system and stay healthy, what we eat plays a huge role," saidSylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RDN, LDN, CPT, a registered dietetician and a member of the scientific advisory board of scientific foods at the Foundation of Gerein Foods. "In fact, some foods can actually make you feel worse when you are sick, including if you contract Covid."

Before you make your next trip to the supermarket, read it to seeWhat foods must be traversed from your Covid shopping list andWhat you could consider buying instead. And for more, check these15 classical American desserts that deserve a return.


Red meat

Processed red meat

Red meat can be part of a balanced diet; You just have to carefully choose the red meat you buy. "This diet impacted mainly the negative immune system when it comes fromGrass-powered beef nourished, which is higher in immune nutrients, such as vitamin E and contains less saturated fat, "says Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author ofThe candida regime.

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Grocery store pastries

It is important to give up once in a while, but it is also important to avoid the bakery of the grocery store. Indeed, the ingredients commonly encountered in treated facilities are very inflammatory, creating an increased and unnecessary immune response by the body, explains Richards. "If this state is allowed to progress, a chronic state of inflammation can have a negative impact on the immune system with the health of incidents," she says.


A soda


Apart from the fact thata soda-The Dietetic Soda - does not do good for your size, it tooWeaks Havoc on your immune system. The same goes for many sweet fruit juices.




Never catch a cold after a night to drink? This is probably not a coincidence.Alcohol can remove the immune systemAnd that does not provide many nutrients either.

That said, some varieties can be better for your health than others. "It is better to opt for alcoholic beverages that are low calories and sugar on traditional mixed drinks or high sugar wines," said Richards. If you are going to drink, opt for a clear liquor mixed with soda or soda water without calories (think vodka sodas or gimlets). This will reduce calories, impurities and sugar consumption.



chocolate oreo cookies

We love the Oreos double-stuf as much as the next person, and we do not say you shouldnever Buy them. But be aware of the quantity you consume because are packaged,Processed foods are very inflammatory.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.



bowl of candy

Need us say more? There are many healthy alternatives to sweets. Klinger lovesBananas soaked in dark chocolate, then frozen; abaked apple or pear with a cinnamon and a brown sugar; and his personal favorite,"Bark more difficult" What she says is like eating sweets. To do so, simply combine a six-ounce yogurt lemon yogurt container, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (or fruit) and a spoon with granola or crunchy cereals. Spread on parchment or wax paper and freeze for at least three hours or night.


Ice cream

ice cream

All foods that can make you subject to illness,Ice cream is one of the worst. This is because it contains two known ingredients to harm the immune system: dairy and refined sugar. "Refined sugar also promotes the growth of Bad Gut bacteria, which can also change the body's immune system," says Richards.



cheese shop

If ice cream does not support the immune system because it consists largely of dairy,The same goes for pasteurized cheese.


Energy drinks

Energy drinks

Energy drinks are overestible, says Klinger. "They can lead to energy tips and crashes, both when you are sick and when you're not." If you feel soft or looking for an extra boost before your workout, try instead of electrolyte water.


Frozen meal

frozen pasta dinner

We are not just talking about pizzas and frozen pancakes. Same"Healthier" alternatives like skinny cooking meals are not always healthy options. In addition, they do not provide adequate fibers.


Canned pasta

spaghettios with spoon

Leave the Mac and cheese and spaghettia on the shelf. Not only these foods are high of sodium, butThey also suppress the immune system.


Cereal bars

cereal bars

The cereal bars have a sneaky way to "look" in good health, they are loaded with sugar. Try limited ingredient snack bars by type andRxbar instead of.


Refined and transformed oils

olive oil

Refined and transformed oils are usually bad news for your health, says Richards. Refined vegetable oils such as sunflower oil contain large amounts of pro-inflammatoryOmega-6 fatty acids. You should also avoid clearing "false" butter deviations andmargarine, she adds, as they cause inflammation and prevent the body from usingOMEGA-3 fatty acids.


Potato chips

potato chips

And about all the rest of the Alley of Snack.Chips are fries in the aforementioned refined and transformed oils Then loaded with salt.



ritz crackers in bowl on cloth napkin

Do not be fooled by packing on the crackers, which often announces words such as "healthy" or "natural". The crackers fall into the transformed food category - they are better left on the shelf.

5 best food food for immunity


wild salmon

Salmon is known to reduce inflammation, which is supposed to be the main guilty of many diseases. It also provides omega-3 acids, as well as a healthy dose of vitamins A, B and D; potassium; and an antioxidant called Astaxanthine. Another reason to eat more salmon, especially during a pandemic?It is linked to a lower risk of depression.

Cashew nut

almonds cashews pistachios walnuts mixed nuts

Nuts are rich in many nutrients, including fibers, proteins and essential fats. Richards notably recommends cashew cashews, as they are also a source of magnesium andzinc. "Zinc does not pay much attention to its immune support, but it plays a vital role in the growth and healing of healthy cells," she says. Cashew milk is a good option too. "With regard to zinc, a serving of cashew milk and a portion of raw cashew nuts are relatively close to the content."

Red peppers

slicing bell pepper

Most of us associate oranges and other citrus fruits withvitamin C. But peppers pack more punches with respect to this essential nutrient. "Interesting, per ounce, red peppers have larger amounts of vitamin C than any other fruit or vegetable," Richards said.

Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread

"Although most Americans have a varied diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables and that lean proteins are essential for obtaining many vitamins and immune minerals, many people might not realize the huge role as the whole grains and enriched. play in our immunity, "says Klinger." Whole grains, for their part, have been shown toImprove healthy microbiota and an immune response by providing entire cereal fiber that helps maintain a healthy intestine. Try De Pepperidge Germany Dark Wheat or 100% whole wheat, she suggests.


bowl of mini wheats cereal with pitcher of milk

"Enriched / fortified grain food also play a huge part in a healthy diet," said Klinger. "Looking at specifically immunity, zinc and folate, which are added to enriched / fortified foods such as bread and cereals, help the immune system protect the body from bacteria and viruses and are extremely important during pregnancy. And early childhood for human development. "

Klinger recommends General Mills Cheerios Crunch, General Mills Fiber One, and kellogg frosted mini-blue.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Groceries
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