How to avoid ruining your cast iron stove

Treat it with a small TLC, and there is a chance that it survives you.

Acast iron is essentially considered a solid kitchen investment. It's solid, you can cook so muchdifferent types of foods inAnd the pan can not really last forever. That is, if you treat it properly, of course.

"Most nonstick stove coatings scratch with wear and tearing, but well maintained cast iron retains its seasoned surface and glue for a lifetime and beyond. Some cooks spend stoves through generations like cherished treasures "said Morgan Bolling, senior editor ofCuisse country magazine(Part of America's test cuisine) in Boston, Massachusetts.

We are here to help you so that you can keep your beloved cast iron stove in gold medal state.

Here are the most common mistakes you should avoid staying in ruined your cast iron stove.


Error: letting it soak

Soaking dishes

Like any metal, iron can rust and hot iron really rust faster than cold iron, according to theUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Department of Physics. This means that your just cooked stove is particularly at risk of rust when you soak it.


Error: put it in the dishwasher

Dishwasher handle

Yes, it is repeated: Never put your cast iron stove in the dishwasher. "Do not put it in the dishwasher or leave your saucepan soak overnight to remove all the debris," says Ross Henke, executive head of the contemporary Mexican restaurant,Tirote, in Chicago, Illinois. This unit could be the shortcut way to clean the dishes and other pans, but cast iron stoves are not the location of shortcuts if you want them to last for years to come. The work you have put in the seasoning and take care of it will be lost after a cycle through the dishwasher, even on your busiest nights, take the time ofClean your iron melting correctly.


Error: Clean it with soap

Adding soap

After having cooked and serve as cast iron (because who does not adore this rustic corn corn atmosphere to take away directly out of the pan?), It's time to work right away.

"Clean it immediately. It is better to do everything that is still hot," says Miles Mitchell, Academic Director and Executive Chief Business atAuguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts In Chicago, Illinois.

The only soap time is allowed, however, is immediately after buying a new pan. Give him a rinsing with hot water and soapy, then bang the bubbles.

After the first washing, "just use hot water, a little salt and a robust and non-abrasive brush," says Bolling.

You can also allow the pan to cool and clean it without water.

"If you have stuck stuck in your pan, hears as many things as you can by wiping, then put the stove with a medium flame," says Henke.

So yes, cleaning a cast iron pan takes knowledge and skills!


Error: Does not use salt to rub it

Cast iron skillet with herbs and spices

You can not use a robust steel wool buffer on your iron melting, so what is the alternative? A good dose of salt. "Add about a cup of non-iodinated kosher salt on the pan, take an old kitchen towel and start cleaning the pan with the salt. Use the towel to move it as if you clean the pan," says Henke. "Once That debris have dislodged, empty the salt in a heat bowl and let cool before throwing it into the trash. "


Error: Leaving stubborn food cooked on


We know that iron iron stoves take more maintenance, but you should never use steel wool or severe scrubber buffer so that these flapped pieces of food stand out. Instead of letting them be, if you really have trouble doing food deep down and salt does not do the job, it's worth getting a specialracer Made of chain chain that can handle these heavy work without ruining your stove. When you have finished cleaning in lukewarm water, rinse and completely dry the pan before storing.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.


Error: Forgetting to add oil between uses

Oiling pan

The oil is good for more than the tin man of the oz, his bottle says.

"Once you have finished cooking, wash and dry the pan completely. Return it to the stove and heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil on a low heat. Use paper towels, rub the oil in the oil. Stove, creating a bright black patina. Repeat this step as needed, wiping excess oil, "she says.

Finally, "put it in a hot oven for a little to make sure it is dry," says Ben Raupp, executive head atTHE HOWARD, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. A temperature setting of about 250 degrees should do so. Need help help Determine exactly howSeason your stove? We are covered there too.


Error: Store IT Dippy

Wiping wet pan

Give the pan a last good swuggle with a dry towel before storing.

"The water leads to rust and rust is the worst enemy of cast iron melting. Store the pan in a wetland or store it without the carefully dry stove is a big mistake," says Ronnie Schwandt, executive head ofMarestality And the cuisine of Leroy + living room in Coronado, California. "Keep it dry and use it often. A daily stove is a daily pan, so do not register for special occasions."


Error: skip preheating

Preheat skillet on stove

Just like when you cook cookies, preheating is clutch. This time you do not just preheat the oven, but also the pan.

"Preheat the cast iron in the oven to get it uniformly preheated. The stove can lead to hot spots," says Bolling. To do this, place your stove in an oven set to "Off". Turn the oven on 450 Degree and leave the stove heat when the oven does the same thing. Carefully remove the hot stove and proceed to your recipe.

"My favorite thing to do in case of iron is the corn pan. Preheat the pan, drops of melted bacon you have booked from breakfast in the pan, then pour the corn paste. It makes an excellent crust and Perfectly browned, "says Mitchell.

In addition to forming a beautiful crust on corn, the preheating of the saucepan allows to burn sarrail stellar and less paste. (Read: cleaning easier!)


Error: Use for seafood

Seafood in skillet

Unless you have several cast iron creations, avoid cooking taking the day in your stove.

"Avoid fish unless you use the dish exclusively for seafood. The cast iron tends to absorb the flavors of such foods and will transmit this flavor of fish to your next dish," says Mitchell.

Scented apple of crisp salmon? No thanks.


Error: Go too acid too long

Tomato sauce in skillet

It's time to erase this myth of cast iron. You can cook acidic ingredients in the iron-if you follow a single rule.

"Never let the acidic ingredients, such as tomato sauce, spend time in the pan for more than 30 minutes. They can start stripping iron and transmit a strange flavor in food," says Bolling.


Error: You do not continue seasoning your iron melting

This is not a unique process. Once you know how to grab your iron stove, you will know in the future how to keep it strong (and your incredible foods tasting). If you use the pan every day or almost daily, you may notice that seasoning will start detaching (natural processes that occurs when you often use fonts) and that food could start sticking on the pan . These aresigns he needs an seasoning again.


Error: Save Remains in

Quinoa and sausage

Yes, we know it's good for not having to clean another storage container. But no, your cast iron stove is not made to store remnants in the refrigerator. All the moisture and acidity of your recipe will accelerate the failure of the pan and lead to rust.


Error: hunt when you see rust

Rusty skillet

Even if your cast iron stove has been neglected more than the most dusty image structure on your wall, it can always be saved.

"Restoring rusty melting by putting the pan on the low heat. Add enough vegetable oil to cover its bottom of about a quarter of an inch, sprinkle in a generous handful of coarse kosher salt and scrub with a bundle of paper towels "Explains scrolling." Salt acts as an abrasive, helping you eliminate rust. Rinse the stove under warm water and repeat if necessary until you have restored the pan with its old glory. "

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Cooking Tips
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