5 intermittent fasting errors that you do

Instead of launching the towel, discover how you can improve your IF strategy for optimal results.

MoreOne third of American consumers Are currently a diet and the majority of them follow an intermittent fast or if. If you have not yet been familiar with the trend, if it is a food pattern which consists of abstaining food for a specific period of time (usually overnight) and to limit the Meals at a restoration window. Many people are interested in diet because they can seeIntermittent fasting leads as little as 10 days.

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

In addition to being linked toStimulate your metabolism"Research seems to find advantages [if] by weight, blood glucose, inflammation and potentially to brain health," Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN and founder ofIsabel Smith Nutrition and Lifestyle, tell us.

Why did not you see intermittent fasting results while following the diet?

However, while research shows that many people are trying so, people often find that they do not see optimal intermittent fasting results as quickly as they are expected.

If you do not indicate a waist size and a borderless belly, do not stop again, you can be guilty of committing these five errors.

Find out how you can improve your experience and reap the results you dream before starting the towel with our guide below.

Stop the 5 bad habits so that you can finally see the results of intermittent fasting that everyone gets up.


You have chosen the wrong restoration window.

Man eating breakfast at coffee table
Toa Heftiba / Bouncy

There are many shots, and there is no single solution.

  • 5: 2 Approach: This plan consists of eating your normal diet five days of the week and restrict your caloric consumption to 500 to 600 calories for the other two.
  • 8:16 Approach:During the 8:16 approach, your restoration window is 8 hours during the day and the 16-hour fasting period occurs at night.
  • Warrior regime: This approach is to eat small amounts of products during the day and to engage in a large meal at night.
  • Stop shutdown consumption plan: This is the method that involves one or two speeds of 24 hours a week.

Because there are so many options, you may not see intermittent fasting results if you follow the problem if you plan your lifestyle.

For example, if your weekdays involve hitting the gym for a SWEW SSH sweatshirt, overtime work, thenRush to dinner on the tableThe food plan 5: 2 can be too restrictive and let you sharpen a recipe for failure.

"Some can see that a 12-hour fasting window is all they can do without major discomfort, while others do perfectly with a quick 16 hours. For beginners, start with 12 hours and accumulate from there ", Jim White, RDN, ACSM, Ex-P, owner ofJim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, Explain.


You do not eat enough calories.

Woman eating popcorn

Associate Dietitian Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CDNREAL NUTRITION NYC reminds us that not to eat enough during your meal and try to cut calories can make half fire. "People often try to count the calories they eat during the window, however, that's not the point. The goal is to eat until you are full, that your body will tell you. By limiting you. Calories, you are going undercover, causing unwanted changes in the body, which can be prejudicial in the long run, "she says.

To achieve weight loss and intermittent fasting results, White recommends specific caloric restrictions. (It also notes that caloric needs need change based on levels of physical activity and age.):

  • For women: 1.200-1 800 CALORIES
  • For men: 1 800-2 200 calories

"To avoid soaking too low energy, which could compromise energy and productivity levels during your day, try eating three smallmeal and one to twosnacks During your restoration window, "White recommends". In addition, eating once a day can lead to extreme levels of hunger, which would make it very difficult to make healthy choices right now and often likely to eat too much. "


You eat bad foods during your window.

Guy eating at fast-food restaurant

Just because if it focuses on your meal timing rather than macro-tracking, it does not give you green light to engage in a junk food.

"Eating bad foods during the restoration window and do not have enough nutrients, it's often a problem while the intermittent fast," says Shapiro. "It is essential to feed the body with whole food-dense nutrients so that the body can break them during the fasting state, which takes you. People use if an excuse for eating bad things, such asProcessed foods And sugar, which is not good for the body during the game. "

To view intermittent fasting results, White recommends making healthy foods following a priority in your diet:


You forget to drink water throughout your intermittent fast scheme.

Man drinking water

Fast or not, stay hydrated help you fight hunger and desires. Shapiro reminds us how essential it is to drink during the game. "As the body breaks down the components while you are fast, the water is needed to detoxify and rinse the toxins. It can also help you feel full," she says.

Try keeping a large bottle of water reusable by your desk so you can sip throughout the day.


You are overloading during the regime.

Working out with resistance bands
Geert Pieters / Beldshshshsh

If you plan to hit the gym during your period if, make sure not too much on HIIT circuits or other than you may not see the intermittent fasting results you were waiting for.

Of course, your training schedule will depend on which if you follow your diet:

  • 8:16: If you follow 8:16 And you ignore your usual breakfast, you hire a morning workout on an empty stomach you let you feel extremely low on energy and could affect your performance and Your speed of muscular recovery.
  • 5: 2Similarly, working during the restricted days of calories out of 5: 2 will not help you get the most out of your workout and let yourself feel voracious. "The body must be relaxed in the SI process. The process works if you do it correctly, but you eat too little and train too hard, can cause adrenal fatigue.

Work is great, but too much stress on the body will be a problem, "Shapiro tells us. Planning to take a stab in this trend? You will want to see what happens when someoneTry an intermittent fast for 10 days.

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