The 25 best foods for a hangover hangover!

Stock These foods to facilitate Sunday morning without headache, nausea and cotton mouth.

Although humanity has sought a healing of hangover for millennia - literally; Misable minings - After being recorded by the ancient Assyrians and the Middle Ages - so far had been elusive. Although no, there is no healing of the magic hangover that eliminates the effects of sur sur sur sur sur, science has shown that nutrients of certain foods can make you feel better as soon as possible.

Below we chose our favorites to prevent hangover and a healing of hangover. Try to hold your head long enough to read until the end. Oh, and the next time you hit the bar, make sure to hold ourTips for choosing healthy alcoholic beverages.

For the prevention of the hangover


1% milk

best hangover cure foods - milk

Although pre-game on your evening with a glass of milk may seem a little strange, when you feel in the tail with wide-eyed and bushy eyes tomorrow morning, you will be happy that you have done. Why milk? "Because of its protein and fat content, drink foods and other rich in these nutrients-manage the stomach and slow down the absorption of alcohol, which prevents a mouth the next morning", explains Leah Kaufman , MS, RD, CDN, a registered dietitine based in New York.



best hangover cure foods - pickles

Because cucumbers are marinated in a liquid filled with salt, nibbling can help keep a wicked hangover at the bay. Think of them as an edible gatorade, they are filled with the same electrolyte of the hangover (sodium) which makes the drink so effective.



best hangover cure foods - nuts

The Amerindians claimed that eating almonds could protect the body against intoxication and prevent that the hangover experts - and modern experts agree. Thanks to their greases and their healthy protein, nuts like almonds and nuts (which are two of theBest nuts for weight loss) Can slow the absorption of alcohol and keep these bad symptoms from the next morning to the bay, "Kaufman said. Take a handle before hitting the bars; Those they are described at the bar have usually added oils. In a pinch? Go ahead and eat at the bar. The salt will double your efforts to prevent hangover.



best hangover cure foods - spinach

The leafy greens are loaded with folic acid, sulfur and vitamin C-all nutrients that preserve the symptoms of hangover. If it is not too late, prejudice with a spinach salad: spinach are rich infiber, which will help you longer; You will be less able to drink heavily.


A burger

best hangover cure foods - burger

Before placing an order for your first beer, ask your server of a great juicy hamburger. The combination of grease and protein of the meat will ensure that alcohol does not hit you too hard and that you move away from tomorrow. To retain calories, ask for a side salad instead of fries and eat the hamburger without the superior bread. Since you have not planned to throw a few glasses, it is paying to save some calories where you can. Better yet, do ourZero cooking belly Classic Beef Burger At home - it has only 340 calories and includes a special grease combustion sauce!


Pear juice

best hangover cure foods - pear juice

Asian researchers say that the secret to wake up without a milestone is to consume Asian pear juice before the party starts. In their study, the participants who spilled a little less than 1 cup of pear (or Korean) juice before their beers experiencing symptoms of the small hangover the next day compared to a control group, a study recent led by theCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CISO) found. The juice showed the most promise to relax the overall gravity of the hangover and improve the daily concentration, a great advantage for students eliminating the writing documents to make a party.

For a healing hangover



best hangover cure foods - blueberries

You may be tempted to reach medicines, but medicine with vitamins of whole-blueberries in particular is a much better and natural option to deal with a compromiseimmune system. In fact, you can think of every sweet little blue like a pill that will make you feel a lot better.Oregon State UniversityLook at more than 400 compounds for their ability to stimulate the immune system and that the study revealed that blueberries constitute a standard due to a compound called pterostilbene. Goodbye Pepto Bismol, Hello Pterostilbene!


Red ginseng tea

best hangover cure foods - red ginseng tea

AKorean Study 2014 found that consume a little less than half a cup of a ginseng red drink (like tea) can fight against alcohol-induced fatigue, stomach pain and thirst for more efficientness than quantities equal to H20. Red Ginseng tea belongs to the Panax botanical family, which translates from Greek to signify "cure everything". Promising sounds already, right? The study, which was pubbed in the newspaperFood & Function, found that participants who sipped on a red ginseng drink considered a significant reduction in alcohol levels and hangover (whiskey-ouch!), compared to the placebo group.


Shake soy protein

best hangover cure foods - soy protein shake

Cystose can look like something weird on viral YouTube videos, but it's actually help from the magic hangover. The amino acid helps to decompose the toxins left by alcohol and soy is the highest powered. Opt for soyagitation of proteins, a smoothie or edamame tofu.



best hangover cure foods - oatmeal

Fighting morning anxiety with a hot calf bowl. AMassachusetts Institute of Technology The study revealed that eating starchy carbohydrates like oats can improve the mood more efficiently than the consumption of simple sugars like a bagel or fruity pebbles. Previous studies have also found that carbohydrates help increase serotonin - sensation-good hormone, which can help you feel a little better on last night's blunders.



best hangover cure foods - guacamole

Think of Guacamole as a designated driver for your digestive system. A study inThe newspaper of agricultural food chemistry Analyzed the effects of the diet of 22 different fruits to a group of rats with liver damage caused by galactosamine, a toxin of the liver. The fruit that turned out to be the most beneficial? You guessed: the lawyer. Cilantro, the tasty grass that gives Guac his distinctive flavor, contains a unique blend of oils that send a "simmer!" message to a stomach upset.


Lemon water

best hangover cure foods - lemon water

Citrus fruits are rich in antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful compound found in the skin that stimulates hepatic enzymes to help rinse body toxins and kick. Associate lemon with other swelling fruits of the toxin-banishment, with theseDetox waters who banner bloat!


Tomato juice

best hangover cure foods - tomato juice

Best red than dead. It has been shown that tomatoes stimulate hepatic function, which will help your body treat floating toxins around your system. They are also rich in sodium electrolytes andpotassium, which will discharge dehydration side effects such as headaches and light light.


Coconut water

best hangover cure foods - coconut water

Believe the hype. Coconut water is super-high in electrolytes: a container of 11.2 ounces has 660 mg potassium, against 422 mg in a banana! Compared to a commercial sports drink, coconut water was just as effective in moisturizing participants after an intense workout, a 2012 study in theJournal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition find.



best hangover cure foods - watermelon

Any fruit rich in water will help you moisturize and, well, it's here in the name. Watermon is also responsible for potassium,magnesium, andL-citrulline, an amino acid that has been demonstrated to stimulate blood circulation - which will help your body treat toxins - detoxify the liver and put a rebound in tired muscles (which is why the bodybuilders use it as a complement). Bonus: Studies have shown that it improves the quality of the erection (useful if you or your partner has found that morning sex tends to reduce these headaches induced hangover).



best hangover cure foods - turmeric

You can put an ice pack on your thrilling head, but to get the same anti-inflammatory effect throughout the rest of your body, order the curry. Curcumin, a curcuma derived compound of bright orange spices, works as a powerful anti-inflammatory liver, search shows. A study in the newspaperIntestineThe curcumin complement could significantly reduce the blocking of bile ducts and cicarling (fibrosis) by interfering with chemical reactions involved in the inflammatory process.


A sports drink

best hangover cure foods - sports drink

Although we do not normally recommend these, in this case, it will make you core than bad. With fluid equilibrating electrolytes and a sodium touch, a gatorade or a propeller will help you feel like your old me and take the dehydration responsible for the rotation and a split header.


Green tea

best hangover cure foods - green tea

Green tea is extremely rich in catechins, a type of antioxidant that increases the production of detox enzymes in the body. And they burn fat while they are about: the catechins accelerate the ability of the liver to transform fat into energy.



best hangover cure foods - guava

As your vital organs come into the overdrive to flush last night alcohol and balance its liquid levels, it needs all the immune support it can get and that vitamin C N ' is that the nutrient of work. Guava is the fruit with the highest concentration of C-1 cup of sweet fruit packs near a week. Other higher fruits in C than in Orange (which are probably too acid for your post-Bender intestine): strawberries, papaya and pineapple.



best hangover cure foods - honey

The honey is composed mainly of fructose and research have shown that the digestion of fructose participates in that of alcohol, forcing your body to get rid of the alcohol remaining faster. In addition, it helps your body deal with hypoglycemia caused by alcohol. Stir honey in red ginseng tea, has a spoonful with a banana or stir in full fatyogurt (a treatment in itself; see below).


Greek yogurt

best hangover cure foods - greek yogurt

Although alcohol causes dehydration, it is also difficult for the body to maintain the balance of blood glucose, which is why you feel seemingly contradictory symptoms. Banish the bad feelings, reach someGreek yogurt surmounted by half of a banana. Creamy tips and fruits are easy to stomach and rich potassium sources, which can help banner Bloat. Yogurt proteins and carbohydrates also help stabilize blood glucose and combat the associated blend of nausea and hunger.



best hangover cure foods - ginger

The spice has a long history as a natural remedy for morning sickness, stomach and movement disease, so it could be your Savior. The best way to consume it is a cup: Take pieces of chopped ginger root in a cup, pour into boiling water and cover the cup with a plate to leave the flavor stiff for five minutes.



best hangover cure foods - asparagus

When you are Huded on a plate of food greasy, begging the gods of the hangover for forgiveness, ask the server on one side of the asparagus steamed. According to a study in theJournal of Food ScienceThe amino acids and minerals found in asparagus can mitigate the symptoms of hangover and protect hepatic cells against toxins. Veggie Spears are also a natural diuretic, which will help rinse excess toxins from your system.



best hangover cure foods - eggs

The eggs are a rich source of cysteine, an amino acid that helps to decompose the remains of toxin alcohol. Two eggs will give you a full day allowance! Make an omelet with asparagus, wash it with tomato juice and you will be standing up and among live dead in no time. Other rich sources of cysteine: soy, beef, chicken and turkey.



best hangover cure foods - bananas

Bananas overflow from potassium, a mineral lost by a frequent urine when you drink. They are also one of the best natural sources of vitamin B6, a study printed in the newspaperNutrition Annals Shown can reduce the symptoms of hangover up to 50%! With chances like that, we will take two.

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