9 reasons why you have to eat nuts today

Sleep better, relax, lose weight and more, you'll be crazy to ignore the latest nuts on nuts and walnut oil.!

You would be crazy to ignore the latest nuts on nuts and walnut oil.

In recent years, several discoveries have shown that a handful of small seeds - yes, they are actually seeds - can make you sleep better, feel more relaxed and lose yourlove handles.

Maybe we should not be surprised. A trimester of nuts provides 100% of the recommended daily value of herbal omega-3 fats, as well as large amounts of copper, manganese, molybdenum and essential nutrients of biotin all. And we have once named one of the top six nuts for fat loss, because, about 13 grams by portions of an ounce, nuts are one of the best food sources of polyunsaturated fat - the "Good" greases that activate the genes that reduce fat storage and improve the metabolism of insulin.

Inspired by the new Intel, eat this, not that! Wanted this essential list of 9 ways of regular nut consumption has been scientifically demonstrated to train you more and more happy.


Walnuts help you sleep

Woman sleeping

If you sleep too little, you could die young. If you sleep tooa lot, you could die young. So found a study published in the newspaperTo sleep (Just make you lose sleep). Nuts of the rescue. They contain melatonin, a compound that operates by transmitting messages about the light cycle and dark to the body. We do ourselves, but eat nuts (for an extra thumb) increases blood melatonin levels, thus inducing a peaceful sleep that could postpone your soil.


Walnuts keep your relaxation

Woman thinking

Indicate theMaster of no Marathon-walnut nuts have lowered your blood pressure, the perfect accompaniment for Nights in Netflix and the cold. The researchers conduct a study on the relationship between these wonders and stress discovered that nuts and walnut oil in the participant regime have lowered both the blood pressure and blood pressure at the laboratory stress. Why? Well, the nuts are a rich source of fiber, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linolenic alpha acid (ALA), omega-3 fatty acid. These are nutrients that give walnuts that it's stress control properties.

Eat this, not that! Advice: Mix the nut oil with sherry vinegar, olive oil, cumin and a pinch of salt and pepper to make a salad vinaigrette. Or mix some in a deliciousSoupe. (The oil does not work well under heat, so it should not be used for hot surface cooking or high temperature cooking.)


The nuts help you ... Oh yeah, remember things

Woman thinking

Interesting development here, concerning nuts and mice: Dr. Abha Chauhan and his team from the New York State Institute found that private mice of walnut they studied have suffered a spectacular loss of learning, memory and physical and emotional control. It is theorized that its is due to vitamin E and nut flavanoids helping to destroy harmful free radical chemicals that cause dementia.


Cancer harvesting nuts

Breast cancer marathon

Here we examine more research with animals, but the results have converted us: in a study, mice that gave the human equivalent of 2.4 ounces of whole walnuts for 18 weeks had prostate tumors significantly and slower in relation to the control group. This consumed the same amount of fat but other sources. The result was that the entire diet reduced the growth of prostate cancer in mice from 30 to 40%. Another mouse study discovered that the mice that ate the human equivalent of only two walnuts per day cut the risk of breast cancer in two and slow down tumor growth of 50% too! Living your happiest and healthiest life, discover - then stop doing - these40 habits that make you sick and fat!


Nuts help control diabetes

Woman testing insulin levels

It has been shown that nut food grease has been shown to reduce the risk of developing serious complications associated with type 2 diabetes, such as renal disease, according to a new study. He examined 31 men and 81 women in this high-risk category and found that overweight adults with type-2 diabetes who have eaten a daily walnut cup daily had a significant reduction in fast-growing insulin levels. report to those who did not do it. In addition, the service was carried out during the first three months of the study! To throw in the fact that the walnuts lead tofast weight loss, and they diabetize the worst enemy.


The nuts keep you lean

Woman with flat abs

Thread the power of almond blasting - our walnut for weight loss - adding nuts in the mixture. An examination of 31 trials, study participants whose regimes included additional nuts or substituted nuts for other foods lost approximately 1.4 extra kilos and half an inch of their size. Part of this loss can be correlated with the ability of walnuts to make those who eat them to feel increasedness, a study demonstrating that the capacity of nuts to make this complete feeling in just three days. Lose weight even faster, do not miss this essential list of50 ways of losing 10 pounds-fast


Walnuts keep your Ticking


Perhaps it is the mother way of nature to give us a clue: heart-shaped nuts are overflowing with omega-3 antioxidants and fatty acids that can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease - a term of Umbrella that refers to a number of deadly complications (including heart attack and stroke) that represents approximately 600,000 deaths in the United States a year. (Cardiac disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.). The more complete examination of clinical trials on walnut consumption with respect to cardiovascular disease showed just consumptionan ounce Nuts five times or more per week - About a handle every day - can reduce heart disease by nearly 40%! Another study showed two ounces a day was sufficient to significantly improve blood flow to and from the heart in just 8 weeks, without causing weight gain. And a recent study that analyzed the health benefits of different parts of the nuts - the skin, the "meat" and most of the healthy health benefits from the oil.

Eat this, not that! Advice: You can free the volatile oils of Walnuts by roasting them in a dry stove on the average heat until it is fragrant. Or eat them as one of the perfectHigh protein snacks.


Nuts against the disease

Raspberries blueberries walnuts and green apple

Antioxidants - You heard the term and know they are good for you - in fact they are supposed to help control the speed you get by fighting free radicals, the leading cause of deterioration related to age. Fortunately, nuts contain several rare antioxidants available in a few commonly consumed foods. We are talking about Quinone Juglone, Tannin Tellimagrandin, and Flavonol Morin (in case you're still onDanger) Research has shown that polyphenols can help prevent chemically induced liver damage and those of all walnuts, walnut polyphenols are the best in the class. For another amazing source of antioxidants, try7 days old flat belly tea! The test panels lost up to 10 pounds in a week!


Walnuts help you live after death

Cute baby

According to a study by UCLA, nuts improve reproductionhealth in men. The researchers found that when they gave healthy men who ate a Western diet of 2.5 ounces of daily walnuts (just over half a cup) had improved sperm quality, including vitality , motility and morphology. Although this improvement will not affect the life of male nutty eaters, it will greatly improve the chances of ensuring that their genetic material will undergo.

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